US Google Play Store is the best place to buy Google Nexus 4. And it is the cheapest too. But LG does not provide international warranty like Asus does for nexus 7. Therefore, you need to bare the risk of having it without local warranty in Malaysia. So where to buy Nexus 4 with LG Malaysia warranty? Nexus 4 is exclusively sold by DiGi Malaysia. You can get it with DiGi plan or without contract (terms & conditions apply).
Want to get the retail unit without any terms? Hotspot Malaysia (located at Low Yat Plaza) is the Nexus shop that selling it (They get from DiGi also). And another is senQ / Senheng (which offer extra 1 year warranty for PlusOne member) but I am not sure it is LG Malaysia warranty or not.
Surely everyone will get it from senQ / Senheng since it has extra 1 year warranty. However, based on LG mobile distributor, Nexus 4 is exclusively sold by DiGi for 2 months. Else you should see lot of mobile phone shops is selling Nexus 4 now. So senQ Nexus 4 has local LG warranty? You tell me… Or maybe senQ gets from DiGi too?
Anyway, mine is from Hotspot Malaysia. And I got Poetic Borderline bumper case for free due to delayed shipment. Thanks Hotspot Malaysia.