Samsung Galaxy S II is one of the best Android phones in the market now. But where should you buy it in Malaysia? Samsung Galaxy S2 is selling at recommended retail price (RRP) ~ RM2099. Currently, Maxis is the only telco that offer Samsung Galaxy S2 at RM1199 on 24 months contract. Yes, SGS2 is not exclusive for Maxis like SGS1. So you can get it at any mobile phone shop in Malaysia. There are AP and original Samsung Malaysia Electronics (SME) supported Samsung Galaxy S II in the market. Of course AP set is cheaper like RM19xx but only supported by that particular mobile phone shop only (You can find some in Lowyat Forum). Or original set with higher price a bit at RM20xx. However, all of Samsung Galaxy S II that sold by them is having 12 months warranty only. Unless you bought it from SEP like I did…

Yes, my Samsung Galaxy S II has 2 years warranty. Why? Because Samsung Elite Partner in Malaysia offers an additional 12-month warranty when you purchase mobile phone from them. Here is the list of SEP Dealer in Malaysia. Wow, this is good. So no downside, right? However, yes. The SEP in 1st Avenue Mall, Penang charges 2.5% extra fee on credit card transaction. Do take note on it.
Anyway, be sure to buy Samsung Galaxy S2 from SEP if you prefer longer warranty period and don’t want to be bonded by telco contract.
That’s good to have additional 1 year warranty than normal warranty. Great info.
hi, how to know that sgs2 is ap or original?
Contact Samsung to verify.
Ohh.. i also got there check for the pricing, but they sell abit higher the price.
Means that, this 2 years warranty is true !!??
coz i ask many store, they just said 1 year warranty only.@.@
Ok, will consider go there to buy:D Thx.
Yes, purchase from SEP will get 2 years warranty. Normal mobile shops only 1 year. And take note on this too –
Thanks Jayce for your helpful info.
BTW, i have problem pairing it with Produa Myvi bluetooth.
Now finding solution for it.
Do let me know if you have it too….
Thanks in advance.
Hi Hi…. Can i check with you…
How long you received your samsung warranty?
It depends when your seller register it at Samsung. Mine was 1 week later after I bought it.
Thanks ya Jayce ~