TWRP (Team Win Recovery Project) Recovery is gaining lot of fans lately. Loaded with more features and nice ones too. It is much more user friendly because of the big touch screen buttons. And can perform all the essential and advanced recovery tasks like install custom ROM, backup & restore system… With lot of features like MTP support, Mouse support via USB OTG… Do check out TWRP official website for all of the features. So what are we waiting for? Let’s install TWRP 2.8 on Xiaomi Redmi 1S.

How to install TWRP on Redmi 1S? First of all, download TWRP for Redmi 1S ~ here. Then follow this guide ~ How to install update zip on Redmi 1S? to install it. That’s all.
As usual, only perform those tasks that you know on TWRP. Else you might corrupt your Redmi 1S. Cheer…