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Download TWRP 2.0 for Kindle Fire

ClockworkMod Recovery is a must install tool for Android devices. I have it on Android HTC HD2 and Samsung Galaxy S II. However, ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM) does not support touchscreen interface for the moment. So can’t be used on Amazon Kindle Fire with just 1 physical button ~ power button. The lack of volume rocker makes CWM impossible to use on Kindle Fire. Thanks to TeamWin. They developed Team Win Recovery Project 2.0 (or TWRP 2.0 for short) for several Android devices like HTC EVO 3D, HTC Sensation, Google Nexus S, NOOK Color, Amazon Kindle Fire. TWRP 2.0 is a custom recovery with touchscreen interface support. So it is a perfect custom recovery for Kindle Fire.

TWRP 2.0 for Kindle Fire

How to backup Kindle Fire with TWRP 2.0? (Video)

Yes, we can make full system backup of Amazon Kindle Fire now. Thanks to TWRP 2.0 Recovery. One of the TWRP 2.0 Recovery features ~ full system backup and restore with Nandroid. First of all, you need to install TWRP 2.0 Recovery on Kindle Fire in order to use this feature. TWRP 2.0 Recovery lets you select partitions (system, data and boot by default) to backup. Personally, I prefer to backup all so I include recovery, cache and .android_secure too. And enable compression for the backup as well. Just follow below step by step video guide to make full system backup of your Kindle Fire.


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