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TWRP Touch Recovery for Nexus 4

There are 2 famous custom recoveries out there ~ ClockworkMod and Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP). You won’t be wrong by using either one of them on your Google Nexus 4. It is totally up to personal taste and usage. TWRP has a fully touch driven user interface (which better than CWM in my opinion). And the GUI is also fully XML driven and completely theme-able.

TWRP Touch Recovery for LG Nexus 4

How to load Nexus 7 recovery mode?

How to load Google Nexus 7 recovery mode? I tried to boot into Nexus 7 stock recovery but failed. Only managed to load Nexus 7 Fastboot mode. Then it stuck at Google Logo when try to load recovery. Not a big deal because stock recovery can’t do much stuff when compare to ClockworkMod (CWM) Touch Recovery and TWRP Recovery from TeamWin Recovery Project. I managed to root Nexus and install CWM Touch Recovery with Google Nexus 7 ToolKit’s 1-click method. So how to load Nexus 7 recovery mode now?

Quick Boot (Reboot)

How to restore stock software on Kindle Fire? (Video)

How to restore stock Amazon Kindle Fire software from custom Android ROM like CM7? That’s the question that you will ask when you want to return Kindle Fire to Amazon for service or warranty claim. Thanks to TWRP 2.0 Recovery, we can restore stock software to Kindle Fire easily. So no worry and go ahead to try out custom recovery, custom kernel, custom ROM… You can restore stock software on Kindle Fire back by just follow below step by step guide.


  • TWRP 2.0 Recovery
  • Kindle Fire Software Update

How to solve stuck at yellow triangle issue on Kindle Fire?

Yeah… I just ‘brick’ my Amazon Kindle Fire again after faced boot loop issue on Kindle Fire TWRP 2.0. Kindle Fire stuck at yellow triangle screen this time after install TRWP with Kindle Fire Utility. And adb cannot detect any device. But my Kindle Fire is still able to be detected at Windows as Android ADB Interface. So I know that it is not actually brick. Look around the Kindle Fire Utility run batch file. Found out that my Kindle Fire is on Fastboot mode ~ yellow triangle screen.

Solve stuck at yellow triangle issue on Kindle Fire

How to install update zip on Kindle Fire with TWRP 2.0? (Video)

For me, TWRP 2.0 Recovery is a must installed tool on Amazon Kindle Fire. You can install custom mod like theme, boot animation, applications and even ROM with TWRP 2.0. It is very simple to install them because all you need to do is copy the update zip file to Kindle Fire sdcard (internal storage). Then install it at TWRP 2.0. No PC or Mac is required. However, not every custom build zip is friendly to your Kindle Fire. Be sure to make a full Kindle Fire system backup with TWRP 2.0 before apply any update zip. Just restore to previous backup package if anything go wrong. A beginner and new to TWRP 2.0 Recovery? Do check out below step by step video tutorial guide to learn more…


Elysium Elymix 300 Review – A Must-Have Portable Fruit Juice Blender!

Introduction Enjoy your favourite fruit drinks anytime, anywhere thanks to Elysium Elymix 300. Yes, it is a 300ML portable USB mini blender. Loaded with food...


This Valentine’s Day, Speak the Language of Love with Kingston!

Valentine’s Day is all about celebrating meaningful connections and shared experiences. This year, go beyond the usual gifts and surprise your partner with something...