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Tag: PhilZ Touch 3

Download PhilZ Touch 3 ClockworkMod Recovery for Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Enjoy latest ClockworkMod Recovery in PhilZ Touch 3 Full Touch Enhanced CWM for Samsung Galaxy Note II. PhilZ Touch 3 CWM has lot of features like exFAT support on external SD card, backup / restore EFS, time stamped kernel backup & flash kernel, flash modem image, adb root in recovery, Open Recovery Script (ORS) support, Aroma File Manager support… Want to try latest and greatest ClockworkMod Recovery for Samsung Galaxy Note 2? Try this…

PhilZ Touch 3 CWM for Galaxy Note 2

Download PhilZ Touch 3 ClockworkMod Recovery for Samsung Galaxy S3

ClockworkMod Recovery Mode (CWM) is the must have tool for me. I did not update CWM on my Samsung Galaxy S III for quite some time. Been using CWM CF v1.3 (based on CWM which comes along with CF-Root. Why bother to upgrade then? PhilZ Touch 3 ClockworkMod Recovery for Samsung Galaxy S3 is based on ClockworkMod And has lot of features like exFAT support on external SD card, backup / restore EFS, time stamped kernel backup & flash kernel, flash modem image, adb root in recovery, Open Recovery Script (ORS) support, Aroma File Manager support…

PhilZ Touch 3 ClockworkMod Recovery for Samsung Galaxy S3


Elysium Elymix 300 Review – A Must-Have Portable Fruit Juice Blender!

Introduction Enjoy your favourite fruit drinks anytime, anywhere thanks to Elysium Elymix 300. Yes, it is a 300ML portable USB mini blender. Loaded with food...


This Valentine’s Day, Speak the Language of Love with Kingston!

Valentine’s Day is all about celebrating meaningful connections and shared experiences. This year, go beyond the usual gifts and surprise your partner with something...