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Download & Install Kindle Fire Bootloader FireFireFire

Kindle Fire Utility is a must have tool for Amazon Kindle Fire. You can do lot of stuffs with it like root Kindle Fire, install TWRP & CWM Recovery, FireFireFire Bootloader… I installed FFF Bootloader with TWRP Recovery long time again. Both of them are old. So I decided to upgrade Kindle Fire Bootloader FireFireFire to latest version 1.4a. You won’t see yellow triangle screen anymore because it was replaced by nice Kindle Fire words. And has ability to choose boot mode ~ Normal Boot, Recovery and Reset Boot Mode. You won’t face stuck at fastboot issue (yellow triangle screen) anymore. Besides, it also support single boot directly to Recovery. And fixed Charging Mode which will pause the boot process and let the device charge if the current capacity is fewer than 3%.

Kindle Fire Bootloader FireFireFire

Download Hashcode Android 4.0 ICS Kernel for Kindle Fire

I mentioned that Amazon Kindle Fire is not perfect on Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich due to poor kernel support. However, thing had changed and changing fast. Lot of developers like Hashcode are working hard to make a better Android 4.0 ICS Kernel on Kindle Fire. Yes, we have better display driver and audio driver. Ducati / hardware codecs are working now. I can play 1080p MP4 video smoothly now thanks to hardware accelerated GPU support. This 3.0 Kernel is getting better each day. But it does have bugs like can’t shutdown properly issue. So only try this beta kernel if you know what you are doing…

Download & Install intersectRaven Kernel for Kindle Fire

Kernel is the heart of operating system. So getting a good kernel is important. It will improve performance, better features like overclocking, battery life and so on… XDA Developer, intersectRaven compiled kernel with Mjolnir for the Amazon Kindle Fire with few optimizations. It supports ARM code optimizations and able to overclock up to 1.2 GHz. Furthermore, it is available on CM7, CM9 and stock ROM. Personally, I tested intersectRaven Kernel on CM7 ROM.

intersectRaven Kernel for Kindle Fire

Download & Install Super Kang CM7 ROM for Kindle Fire

Amazon Kindle Fire does not have much custom ROM as I expected (when compare to HTC HD2 and Samsung Galaxy S II). Maybe Android tablet is still not so popular compare to Android phone. And people prefer iPad as tablet. Anyway, here is another custom CyanogenMod 7 ROM cooked by XDA Developer, Skimp Killah. It is based on latest CM7 commits by WhistleStop and IngCr3at1on. And added several goodies like Kernel by IntersectRaven, ICS Keyboard & Theme, Google Apps and Galaxy Nexus boot animation…

Super Kang CM7 Android 2.3.7 Gingerbread ROM on Kindle Fire

Download & Install CM7 barebone ROM for Kindle Fire

Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich ROM is not perfect on Amazon Kindle Fire yet. So I prefer to have Android 2.3.7 Gingerbread CM7 ROM on my Kindle Fire than Android 4.0.3 ICS CM9 ROM. Luckily, there is not much custom ROM for Kindle Fire (compare to Samsung Galaxy S II). So I can test all CM7 ROM for Kindle Fire. Here is the latest CM7 ROM from XDA Developer, Takenover83 that I tested. It is a barebone version which lot of things have been removed and tweaked.

CM7 barebone ROM for Kindle Fire


Elysium Elymix 300 Review – A Must-Have Portable Fruit Juice Blender!

Introduction Enjoy your favourite fruit drinks anytime, anywhere thanks to Elysium Elymix 300. Yes, it is a 300ML portable USB mini blender. Loaded with food...


This Valentine’s Day, Speak the Language of Love with Kingston!

Valentine’s Day is all about celebrating meaningful connections and shared experiences. This year, go beyond the usual gifts and surprise your partner with something...