I hardly find a good Chinese handwriting input for Android last year. But there are several Chinese handwriting recognition IME for Android right now. And most of them are free to download. Android market is getting bigger and bigger. But some of the IMEs do not handwriting support even it mentions that it has. Anyway, here is the top 5 free Chinese handwriting recognition input for your Android phone…
Baidu IME 百度输入法 (拼音笔画五笔手写)
- 丰富输入方式 – 支持拼音输入法(包括全拼、双拼)、笔画输入法、五笔输入法、智能英文输入法、手写输入法等
- 虚拟键盘支持26键盘和9宫键盘模式
- 丰富的词库功能 – 百度强大的中文搜索技术下,提炼出来最适合手机的近9万精准词组。
- 个性化功能
Personally, I like its full screen Chinese handwriting mode. Perfect for small screen phone. And the text suggestion is working great too.