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Tag: Google Nexus 7 ToolKit

How to solve Android ADB offline issue?

Why I have Android ADB offline status when connect Android device with USB debugging mode? It can detect my Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean device but have offline status. Fear no more, there is a solution to fix this issue. Just update Android SDK Development Environment (Android SDK Tools and Android SDK Platform-tools) with Android SDK Manager to the latest version. That’s should fix it. And don’t forget to allow USB debugging access from your computer then.

Android SDK Manager

How to root Nexus 7? 1 click method (Video)

How to root Google Nexus 7? As usual, that’s the question I asked when I got my Nexus 7. Nexus 7 is the first Google Nexus device that I own. Rooting Nexus 7 should not be hard since it is a development device from Google. Developers can’t do most of the stuffs without root access. For me, root access is a must have for Android devices. Lot of interesting stuffs like backup applications and data with Titanium Backup, remove advertisements, improves user experience with custom modification can done. Thanks to Google Nexus 7 ToolKit. Root Nexus 7 is fairly simple. Just refer to below step by step video guide to find out…


  • Google Nexus 7 ToolKit
  • Nexus 7 adb & fastboot drivers

How to install Nexus 7 adb & fastboot drivers on Windows XP / Vista / 7?

How to install Google Nexus 7 adb & fastboot drivers on Windows XP / Vista / 7? It is very simple because there is Google Nexus 7 ToolKit to help. Just follow the on-screen instructions from Google Nexus 7 ToolKit to install adb & fastboot drivers on PC. It will help to install these drivers automatically.


  • Google Nexus 7 ToolKit

Do make sure that you have Google Nexus 7 ToolKit installed. Then you are ready to install Nexus 7 USB driver.

Install Nexus 7 adb & fastboot drivers on Windows XP / Vista / 7

How to root Android 4.2 Jelly Bean Nexus 7?

Why all applications that require root access are not working anymore on my Google Nexus 7? After troubleshooting, seem like Superuser application by ChainsDD does not support Android 4.2 Jelly Bean yet. So I have to re-root Nexus 7 with Android 4.2.1 Jelly Bean (Build number JOP40D). How to root Android 4.2 Jelly Bean Nexus 7? The procedure is the same as previous Android version. Just Superuser application was replaced by SuperSU from Chainfire.

How to restore stock firmware on Nexus 7? (Video)

How to restore stock firmware on Google Nexus 7? That’s the question you will ask when want to return Nexus 7 to Asus for warranty claim. Your Nexus 7 warranty might be voided if you leave Nexus 7 bootloader unlocked or have unofficial stuffs like rooted Nexus 7, custom firmware, ROM and kernel. Therefore, we need to remove all unofficial stuffs and lock Nexus 7 bootloader back. No worry, just follow below step by step video guide to restore stock firmware on Nexus 7. Everything will be back just like the very first time you power on Nexus 7.


  • Google Nexus 7 ToolKit
  • Nexus 7 adb & fastboot drivers
  • Nexus 7 factory image


Elysium Elymix 300 Review – A Must-Have Portable Fruit Juice Blender!

Introduction Enjoy your favourite fruit drinks anytime, anywhere thanks to Elysium Elymix 300. Yes, it is a 300ML portable USB mini blender. Loaded with food...


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