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How to fix Nexus 7 screen flickering issue?

Oh no, my Google Nexus 7 has screen flickering issue. Guess that I am one of the lucky guys out there who face this Nexus 7 screen flickering issue. Actually, it is Nexus 7 display screen backlight that has issue. And this Nexus 7 screen flickering issue only happens when you have poor Wi-Fi signal (with active upload or download activities) and display brightness lower than 30%. I can easily see this issue because my old Wi-Fi router is still at IEEE 802.11g only (802.11n have better coverage range).

How to improve Samsung Galaxy Note 2 screen display colour?

How to improve Samsung Galaxy Note II screen display colour? This will be your question if you are not satisfied with Samsung Galaxy Note 2 screen. Well, as usual… Samsung HD Super AMOLED screen colour is oversaturated. There are too much green and red colours. No worry, Samsung has a solution for you and me. You can adjust the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 HD Super AMOLED screen colour with bullt-in tool ~ Screen mode. Choose from Dynamic, Standard, Natural and Movie. I prefer Natural personally. Just go to Settings – Display – Screen mode and choose the one that you like.

Improve Samsung Galaxy Note 2 screen display colour

How to improve Samsung Galaxy S3 screen display colour?

I like supercurio Voodoo ScreenTune on my Samsung Galaxy S II. Too bad it was discontinued and will be replaced by Display Expert (which not yet release). So in order to improve Samsung Galaxy S III screen display colour now. You can try Screen Adjuster to reduce Samsung Galaxy S3 HD Super AMOLED pink tint display issue by increase the blue colour value. It may not be as good as Voodoo ScreenTune, but it is better than nothing, right?

Screen Adjuster on Samsung Galaxy S3

How to increase Samsung Galaxy S3 display auto brightness?

I don’t prefer Samsung Galaxy S III HD Super AMOLED screen due to PenTile display. And Samsung decided to save battery life by lower Samsung Galaxy S3 display automatic brightness values. Yes, Samsung Galaxy S3 display auto brightness is much lower compare to HTC One X. And have poor outdoor viewing due to low maximum brightness too. How to increase Samsung Galaxy S3 display auto brightness? Simple, just install auto brightness mod which available for stock XXALE8 and XXALF2 firmware (at the time of writing this).

Samsung Galaxy S3 display auto brightness
Samsung Galaxy S3 Display Auto Brightness

How to enable 10 multi-touch points on HTC One X?

HTC One X has 10 multi-touch points on its lovely 720p HD Super LCD2 IPS display screen. Yes, the flagship HTC One X does have 10 multi-touch points. But HTC disables it by default in order to allow 3-finger output gestures which enable HTC Media Link HD output to TV. Most of HTC One X users don’t have HTC Media Link HD. So no point to disable 10 multi-touch points. Playing Fruit Ninja type of games is not fun at all when limited to 2 multi-touch points only.

10 multi-touch points on HTC One X


Elysium Elymix 300 Review – A Must-Have Portable Fruit Juice Blender!

Introduction Enjoy your favourite fruit drinks anytime, anywhere thanks to Elysium Elymix 300. Yes, it is a 300ML portable USB mini blender. Loaded with food...


This Valentine’s Day, Speak the Language of Love with Kingston!

Valentine’s Day is all about celebrating meaningful connections and shared experiences. This year, go beyond the usual gifts and surprise your partner with something...