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PhilZ CWM Touch for Redmi 1S

I am using PhilZ CWM Touch for quite some time on my Samsung Galaxy devices. I love it. And why not try it on Xiaomi Redmi 1S, right? Yes, you can do so also. By the way, PhilZ Touch is an advanced version of CWM and has lot of nice features. You can use it to install custom ROM, make a full system backup (and restore it) and lot more. However, good stuff does not last long. Yup, Phil is not going to update and support this CWM anymore. But you still can try it anyway…

PhilZ CWM Touch

How to restore Galaxy S4 with CWM?

Help! My Samsung Galaxy S4 is stuck at startup. Look like it is bootlooping. No worry, if you have made a ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM) Nandroid backup on Galaxy S4 previously. No? Then, this guide won’t help you much. If yes, all you need to do ~ restore back the Nandroid backup. That’s it.

Restore Samsung Galaxy S4 with CWM

How to backup Galaxy S4 with CWM?

One of the must use feature in Samsung Galaxy S4 is ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM) Nandroid backup. You are not utilizing CWM if you don’t ever use its backup function. Yes, you need to create a backup first before apply any mod or install custom kernel, ROM. This is a must to do task. It will create a full system backup (all applications, settings and data). And let you to restore to the backup stage if anything bad happen. Who know the stuff that you plan to install is safe. In order to use Nandroid backup, you need to install CWM on Galaxy S4 first. Installation done? Let’s get started…

Backup Samsung Galaxy S4 with CWM

How to install custom kernel on Galaxy S4?

Want to get better performance, battery life and extra features on your Samsung Galaxy S4? Install custom kernel then (or install custom ROM). Yes, most of the custom kernels are tweaked for performance and added some extra goodies too. Hmm… There are a few Galaxy S4 custom kernels only for the moment no matter I9500 or I9505. Maybe most of the developers are still stick with Galaxy S3? Or Galaxy S4 is not their of tea at all. Hello, HTC One… Anyway, here is the guide to install custom kernel on Galaxy S4.

Adam custom kernel on Galaxy S4

How to install update zip on Galaxy S4 with CWM? (Video)

Most of the custom modifications for Android devices are installed through recovery like ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM) or Team Win Recovery Project Recovery (TWRP). Same apply to Samsung Galaxy S4. Therefore, here is the guide to install update zip with CWM. Yes, most of the mod files are in zip format (instead of tar which uses Odin software). For example, custom kernel, theme, boot animation, variety of mods and ROM are few of them. Oh, before I forget. DO remember to make a Galaxy S4 CWM Nandroid backup before install any custom stuffs. Or you might semi brick your Galaxy S4 and need to start over again with clean firmware. Therefore, a Nandroid backup will save your day (if anything bad happen)…


Elysium Elymix 300 Review – A Must-Have Portable Fruit Juice Blender!

Introduction Enjoy your favourite fruit drinks anytime, anywhere thanks to Elysium Elymix 300. Yes, it is a 300ML portable USB mini blender. Loaded with food...


This Valentine’s Day, Speak the Language of Love with Kingston!

Valentine’s Day is all about celebrating meaningful connections and shared experiences. This year, go beyond the usual gifts and surprise your partner with something...