Look! It is a Bluetooth speaker. No, it’s a lamp. It’s digital palette. No no, it’s thermometer. No way, it’s an alarm clock… Well, everyone is right. Divoom AuraBox actually consists all of the above features in addition of speakerphone. Yes, it is a smart music gadget beyond your imagination. You can create any drawing, message and even animation then display through LED lights. Wow… Does AuraBox really sound that good? Read on to find out…
Tag: AutoLoudspeaker
Divoom AuraBox Bluetooth LED Speaker Review
Download Zevele’s AutoLoudspeaker v1.4 for HTC HD2
Okay, I am back to HTC HD2’s world. Some complaint about absence of HTC HD2’s posts. No worry, HTC HD2 is still alive and kicking with Android 2.2 Froyo build and future Windows Phone 7 build. Can’t wait to have triple boots.

Zevele’s AutoLoudspeaker had been updated to v1.4 from v1.2 and got some useful add-ons like below and fixed some bugs…
Download Zevele’s AutoLoudspeaker for HTC HD2
Tired to turn on loudspeaker manually by yourself? Here is an Windows Mobile application created by Zevele called AutoLoudspeaker. It will automatically turn on the loudspeaker when the phone is away from the ear, and turns it off when it is near the ear. Loudspeaker will automatically switch on if the proximity sensor is unblocked and off if it is blocked. Isn’t it nice?