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Download HtcClay’s SuperHD2 Android ROM for HTC HD2

There are several types of Android builds for HTC HD2 ~ HTC Desire Sense, HTC Evo Sense, HTC Desire HD, HTC Desire Z, Google Nexus One and CyanogenMod 6. HtcClay’s SuperHD2 v1.4 is another CyanogenMod 6 build. You can use ADW Launcher or LauncherPro on it. And it is using ElBartoME #3 kernel. The good ~ you can do lot of tweak on this build.

Download Mdeejay eVo Sense Matted Android ROM for HTC HD2

Lot of Android builds for HTC HD2 nowadays. I cannot manage to test all of them in time then another new build pop up. After tested several Android builds, I found out that most of them are about the same ~ using same kernel and interface but some with tweak here and there. Mdeejay eVo Sense v1.1 Matted Android ROM is another build that I tried. It is looking great but still has g-sensor freeze issue on kernel #95. All the developers are working hard toward a perfect Android kernel for HTC HD2. Hopefully, they can manage to come out a perfect kernel soon.

Mdeejay eVo Sense Matted on HTC HD2

Download shubCRAFT CyanogenMod 6 Android ROM for HTC HD2

I am not a big fan of CyanogenMod 6. But some of you might. So here you are ~ shubCRAFT 2.0 CyanogenMod 6 Android ROM for HTC HD2 which use ElBartoME #3 kernel. And it is using Android Froyo 2.2.1 (FRG83). Everything looks okay to me but I got light sensor issue which make the screen does not have any back light. Maybe just on my HTC HD2. Try it out yourself…

shubCRAFT CyanogenMod 6 on HTC HD2

Download darkstone HD2Froyo Android ROM for HTC HD2

darkstone HD2Froyo Android ROM is HTC Desire build without HTC Sense. It is based on DeFrost by richardtrip (AOSP+Cyanogenmod build base). And using latest EVO kernel (commit on 25/10/2010) and Android 2.2.1 build. Most of the things are working fine except touch screen and g-sensor freeze issue from time to time…

darkstone HD2Froyo on HTC HD2

Download NexusHD2-FRG83 (Froyo 2.2.1) Android ROM for HTC HD2

Yes, Android Froyo 2.2.1 is here on HTC HD2. It is using michyprima’s R11+AXI kernel. Thanks to all the developers that make it comes true. How is the performance on our lovely HTC HD2? Let’s find out…


Elysium Elymix 300 Review – A Must-Have Portable Fruit Juice Blender!

Introduction Enjoy your favourite fruit drinks anytime, anywhere thanks to Elysium Elymix 300. Yes, it is a 300ML portable USB mini blender. Loaded with food...


This Valentine’s Day, Speak the Language of Love with Kingston!

Valentine’s Day is all about celebrating meaningful connections and shared experiences. This year, go beyond the usual gifts and surprise your partner with something...