Samsung Galaxy S is one of the best Android phones out there. And Maxis Malaysia is having promotion ~ Samsung Galaxy S 8G version for RM 1699 when you sign up its voice plan + data plan for 12 months contract. In addition, you can get RM10 rebate for the data plan up to 12 months. Sound like a good deal, right?
How much is Samsung Galaxy S sold out there in Malaysia? Based on Lowyat forum, you can get it ~ 8G version @ RM2000 and 16GB version @ RM2250 for original set (not AP).
Okay. Let’s do a comparison. Let’s assume that we have Maxis RM50 postpaid voice plan already. All we need to do is adding the data plan in order to get Samsung Galaxy S from Maxis Malaysia. There are 3 data plans ~ 500MB @ RM58, 1.5GB @ RM78 and 3GB @ RM88.
500MB Data Plan
RM58 per month – RM10 rebate == RM48 per month. RM48 x 12 months = RM576. Therefore, RM1699 + RM576 == RM2275.
1.5GB Data Plan
RM78 per month – RM10 rebate == RM68 per month. RM68 x 12 months = RM816. Therefore, RM1699 + RM816 == RM2515.
3GB Data Plan
RM88 per month – RM10 rebate == RM78 per month. RM78 x 12 months = RM936. Therefore, RM1699 + RM936 == RM2635.

Above volume are generated by using HTC HD2 during travel only (using Streamyx at home). What I did? Surfing several website (mostly my blogs), checking email, stocks. Seeing Facebook photo from time to time. Watch 1 or 2 YouTube videos per week. That’s all. And I still manage to get below 500MB usage. However, for those who are using it as 3G modem connect to notebook / desktop at home. Your usage will be more than these. Be careful on selecting data plan as Maxis charge 0.05 cent/KB when you used over limit. Check out the guide ~ Which 3G mobile broadband should I choose in Malaysia? for more information.
Maxis charges when over usage limit (0.05 cent/KB)
1 Facebook page (20KB) = RM0.01
1 YouTube video (300KB) = RM0.15
50 Facebook pages (1MB) = RM0.50
20 YouTube videos (3MB) = RM1.50
* Example data grab from DiGi
The data usage example given by DiGi is too low. Where can we find 1 Facebook page with 20KB only? Not to mention 300KB for 1 YouTube video. I watch YouTube video in 720p format most of the time. 1 minutes and 26 seconds 720p YouTube video == 22MB. It will cause me RM11.00 for just watching 1 video. Wow, that’s expensive.
So should I get Samsung Galaxy S from Maxis Malaysia?