Samsung KNOX is a comprehensive hardware and software security solution for new Samsung devices like Galaxy Note 3. And latest firmware on Galaxy S4 has it too. It is more toward to enterprise because business has more important and sensitive data. Lot of useful security features but not for average daily users. And one of the negative feature that most of the Android users who require root access dislike – warranty void after rooted. This applies to custom kernel, ROM, firmware, recovery and modem installation. In short, anything unofficial will trigger the KNOX warranty void to 0x1.

Luckily, this KNOX is still new to Samsung Malaysia. And someone managed to claim warranty for free even with rooted Galaxy Note 3. For your information, Samsung Malaysia has been ‘kind’ enough to give free warranty on rooted devices in the past (unlike HTC). Will it change its policy with this new KNOX? My Galaxy Note 3 still free from unofficial customization. Yes, it is not rooted yet. But should be soon since no hardware issue has been found so far. How about you? Rooted your Galaxy Note 3 already?
Hey jayce..
Good topic &
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 users get ready
Now receives official Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update
Knox got on 4.3 firmware.. Beware
Hi Jayce,
You can have a try with I root with ROOT大师 for my SM-N9005. KNOX warranty still 0×0.
Thanks hTC. Will try it when want to root.
Do you have problem with note 3 volume auto increase even volume key not touch? Factory reset or firmware reload by SC doesn’t help. However, after few test looks like everytime I setup Exchange Account, the problem starts. When delete Exchange Account problem cease. Suspect due to stock email apps on XXUBMJ1. Do not have this problem before updated to newer firmware version.
Sorry kh, I do not use Exchange Account. Don’t have this issue and can’t duplicate.
Hi Jayce
Yes enjoy my rooted N3.
Ad Away- Pen Window- Xposed- firewall- Stylus Beta –
all these apps make N3 even better.
Removed tons of bloatware with Sys App Remover
Disappointed about Knox needs IN-Conn.
USB3.0 is downward compatible to 2.0 great.
cheers copram