Love to use clean and fast ROM like CM or AOSP? You can try out ParanoidAndroid ROM 3 on your Samsung Galaxy S3. And enjoy pure Google experience like Nexus 4 but with lot of cool features like PIE and Hybrid Mode. What is PIE? Oh, it is the replacement for the stock on-screen navigation buttons. It is an extra for Galaxy S3 which has hardware buttons. No worry, you can turn off it if not needed. Phone UI, Phablet UI and Tablet UI, which one do you prefer? Yes, this is part of Hybrid Mode feature. Pick the layout that matches your usage. By the way, do try out the latest HALO – Multi-tasking notification ticker too.
ParanoidAndroid ROM 3.60 is still based on Android 4.2.2. Can’t wait for latest Android 4.3 release. By the way, you need to install Google Apps manually after installed the ROM. Else you can’t find Play Store at all. More info at XDA Forum here.
Installation guide – How to install firmware on Samsung Galaxy S3 with CWM?
Download ParanoidAndroid ROM 3.60 for Galaxy S3 here.
Download Google Apps here.
can you do a tutorial for this rom for the htc hd 2?
This is for Galaxy S3 only.
A question:
If I flash this rom onto my phone now, and then when they release a new version of paranoid android with android 4.3 will I be able to update the rom without loosing any data? Like an Over the air update..? Or will I have to flash the newer version of paranoid android and hence lose all data?
Yes, with OTA and CWM. Just don’t wipe data and cache.
I have tried the JB 4.3 Nightly version of Paranoid Android. The only problem is that the “Android OS” eats 30% of battery. Is it common to all Nightly builds?
Not really. Maybe it is happening on certain version.
Why I can’t install the Google play store apk? Or I need to download the google apps package u given?
Use Google Apps package.
Voice recorder got bug or need to download?
Sorry Afiq, not sure about this.
i really need your advice to solve my problem : EVERY 4.3 based rom is booting normally on my galaxy s3 with no issues (specialy paranoid android 3.99) but at first reboot,i am stuck at “samsung galaxy s3” logo and the phone wont boot! the only way i can boot into my phone again is to wipe data and cach w reinstall any rom.
p.s : before flashing,i make sure to backup everything and then wipe data and cach in TWRP! thanks in advance
Look like ROM issue to me. Try to consult ROM chef.
no man i don’t think so,as it is happening with paranoid android rom,slim bean,CM and supernexus( 4.3 based ones)
I did not try Android 4.3 ROM on S3 yet. No idea…
SOLVED using latest Philz recovery!i read somewhere on XDA that PHilz recovery is the only way to install 4.3 on galaxy s3 (as wiping options are more powerfull)
Glad to know that.