Upgrade Samsung Galaxy S II firmware with Samsung Kies is a very simple task. Basically, you just need to open up Samsung Kies. Then plug in USB cable to your Samsung Galaxy S2. Continue the firmware upgrade by following the onscreen instructions. Anyway, I have a picture step by step guide for those new beginners to firmware upgrade. No worry, it is really as simple as ABC…
You will get a pop up if a new firmware version is available when you connect Samsung Galaxy S2 to Samsung Kies. Just click Update to start the firmware upgrade process.
Or click Firmware upgrade if you miss out the pop up.
Read all the instructions carefully. Then check I have read all of the above information. Finally, click Start upgrade.
Select those components that you wish to backup. Then click Continue.
Backup completed. Click Complete to continue…
It will take some times (depend on your Internet connection speed) to download new firmware from Samsung server. The firmware file is usually 200 MB to 300 MB.
Your Samsung Galaxy S2 should boot into download mode during this stage. As usual, don’t disconnect the USB cable.
Firmware upgrade complete
Your Samsung Galaxy S2 should be rebooted by itself after success firmware upgrade. That’s all. Enjoy the latest official firmware for Samsung Galaxy S2.
hello there, i try to follow all the instruction, but my samsung galaxy s2 wont reboot into download mode after downloading the firmware. it just disconnected then reconnected into usual usb connected mode. any suggestion? please help me….
Are you using stock firmware? And did you root it previously?
i never root my phone, and im using stock firmware it is state there at SETTING/ABOUT PHONE/
KERNEL VERSION – 2.635.7-I9100XWKF1-CL2655340 root@DELL106#2
any idea what i should do?
Try these to load download mode manually. See can work or not.
Power off your phone.
Press and hold down Volume Down + Home + Power buttons at the same time.
Press Volume Up button when warning prompt.
Odin download mode will be loaded.
hi Jayce
I bought my sgs2 here in the Philippines and tried updating with keis and followed the instruction but im also having this problem can you help me?
What is your problem?
My s2 wont go into the down load mode and after a while in in my pc an error flashes operation time failed or something. can you help me thank for your reply
Hi abe, you need to consult Samsung Support on your issue. Can’t help much. Sorry…
i have contacted samsung support here in the Philippines they said that
there is no available update currently here. with that being said even using kies i cannot update?
You can’t upgrade firmware if no new update available. But your issue is that you can’t upgrade even there is new update, right?
Samsung support pointed me in the direction of Parallel Imports which is a store in New Zealand that imports phones and are a lot cheaper that the normal retailers. I rang them and they said that they can up-date my phone (purchased overseas) with the new Sandwich firmware for $50 that is compatible with my phone.
I don’t know where you are but there must be something similar available. Samsung said that if I download the firmware for NZ on my phone it will completely wreck it.
Hi Jayce,
I was hoping I could continue on this thread since I have the same exact condition with my SG2 as with ahmad and abe.
The answer to your question “You can’t upgrade firmware if no new update available. But your issue is that you can’t upgrade even there is new update, right?”would then be ‘yes’.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Hi Ben, upgrade to latest Samsung Kies. Then try to upgrade firmware again. If still cannot, please consult Samsung Support.
Hi Jayce,
Tried to update via Kies. Firmware file downloaded successfuly but after thet got a message: Cannot access the model information server. Try later”
Is this normal or have I not done something which is needed to be done?
Thanks for any advise.
Is your phone get upgraded? If no, try again later. Maybe Samsung server is busy…
Hi Joyce
I am facing the same problem, everything i want to upgrade i get the same msg “cannot access the model information server. Try Later”
I;’ve been doing this for 3 day now.
please advice
Please consult Samsung Support then.
having the same problem really annoying
Great bravo…I have been having some hard time with samsung p7500…I was trying to sycing music and video on it but my system is not recognizing the usd…My computer is not see it as at all…Pls help me out what can i do.,..Kindly hit me up on sandra_millars@yahoo.com I will be looking for to get a responsed in time.Thank you once again.
Sorry, I don’t have Samsung p7500. Please contact Samsung Support for help. TQ.
Hi Jayce,
Thanks for the speedy reply. Will try out later. I too believe server is busy, considering every S2 owner wanting to upgrade their S2.
Hi, I have rooted my S2 with KG5.Can i Upgrade it through KIES?
Hmm… Does Samsung Kies prompt you to install new firmware?
I Plug in the USB using KIES. The Message said This version of the device cannot be updated.
Current Firmware version : PDA:KG5/Phone:KG5/CSC:KG5(KOR).
What does that means? Please advise.
Thanks in advance.
It means that you cannot update through Samsung Kies. You need to revert back to your stock firmware if you want to upgrade.
Is the KG5 better than this latest version update? Should i just keep the KG5?
With a minimum usage, just a few calls and most of the time stay idle. I unplugged my S2 last nite at 9pm and it’s use only 11% batt when i check it at 9pm this evening.
Depend on you… You can get some information about the new firmware here – https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/09/03/new-firmware-upgrade-for-samsung-galaxy-s2-xwkf1/
Personally, I stick with my custom firmware.
how do i get back to original firmware so i can use kies? i downloaded the newest firmware using odin and rooted and unrooted my phone and i no longer know what the state is. it just has lots of bugs and doesn’t work properly.
Hi rory, please follow this guide.
Hi Jayce,
Tried again today to apply the update. I got up to completely downloading the firmware, phone switched to Download Mode and the process just stayed there for more than 30 minutes, wth progress bar still stuck at 0%. Again I sense the firmware is not flashed into my S2. I pull off the USB cable, got a warning from KIES. Remove battery from S2 and reboot. Back to sqaure 1. Firmware still in XWKF1.
What do you think is blocking the upgrading. I have my PC AVG guard deactivated. Perhaps I should uninstall AVG completely?
Not so sure. Mine is okay with Free AVG antivirus running. You can try again. If still have issue, you might want to ask Samsung Support.
i am having the same problem … s2 gets stuck in downloading mode …. HELP PLEASE !
I am having a boot loop issue with SGSII ICS upgrade. First problem was getting Kies to recognize my phone…but after a couple of days, suddenly is connecting and am able to export my data to Kies.
Now my problem is when connected to Kies, I am receiving the ICS firmware upgrade notification…. after I agree to upgrade and the firmware upgrade components download and hit 100%…. it loops back to “connecting” and prompts again for firmware upgrade….. endlessly.
My phone is not rooted…. I have reinstalled Kies, Samsung mobile drivers….rebooted phone and computer…. and still this problem continues. Reading others having same issue and Samsung tech support without solution.
Hi Tam, please consult Samsung Support directly in this case.
Do it take so long to prepare firmwaare upgrade components..
it won’t go to download mode..
this is stock gs2, just buy it a few week ago..
What is your Internet connection speed?
its finish downloading firmware upgrade components..
then it disconnected then reconnected usb connected mode…
after that its prepare firmware upgrade components..
its been 2 hour plus.. so i unplug the cable..
Hmm… Try it again. If still cannot, you might want to consult Samsung Support in this case.
Hi Jayce,
Same issue with me too, its finish downloading firmware upgrade components..
then it “disconnects then reconnect usb mode” automatically…when actually…the screen hangs showing…”Preparing firmware components…” and it never goes ahead.
I tried many time in last 1 week…my internet connection is perfect (through USB dongle broadband) and SG2 is genuine not rooted etc. I searched in google but can’t find solution or actual cause…some say…its a Kies issue.
Please help me with some resolution. I am badly in need for the upgrade as its does increase battery life (i read in net).
Please consult Samsung Support as I also have no further idea. Sorry…
Hi Jayce,
I just updated the latest firmware version using Kies.
Previously unsuccessful update maybe because:
– I’m using broadband connection for internet.
Try that before using wifi, fail. Then i connected to wifi (remove broadband modem), try it again and successful upgrade firmware without any problem. We need to disconnect all mobile devices including broadband internet connection.
Thanks Jayce, your site full of info.
use wifi. modems and broadband doesnt work. only wifi works
I hv prolem on updating the firmware.
When it is about to start to update afterthe third screen, the”Battery Low, pls recharge” always prompt out. and it stop the updating.
In deed that my phone already been 100% charge with full bar battery sign.
Pls advise how can i update the firmware?
Hmm… Not sure what happen here. Please consult Samsung Support.
Actually, it’s based on the instructions that it needs to be fully recharged
my phone is at 100% charge and i still get the error.. tried putting the battery in and out and rebooting the phone
still get the error”battery low please recharge”
please help
Hi back, try factory reset see.
I tried reset and still got the error…
Wierd enough i had to remove the wireless mouse receiver… so all usb has to be unplugged i guess.That fixed the issue
by upgrading, do i loss my all contacts and other apps / games ?
By right, no…
My kies says tht i have the latest firmware.
Latest Firmware version : PDA:KF3 / PHONE:KE4 / CSC:KF3 (INU)
Is the latest one? If not how do i update the firmware?
If Kies does not show up new upgrade available, then it is the the latest one for your region. Or install other region firmware manually – https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/08/08/how-to-install-firmware-on-samsung-galaxy-s2-with-odin-video/
Hi, On another quick note, I have the option to upgrade the firmaware, but Samsung Kies is taking waaay too long and seems to freeze when using the PC app (Kies).
Currently i cannot back up, import/export as kies doesnt seen to be responding?
Tried to export my pics to pc and kies never completes the task.
Anyone have any suggestions?? Please help.
I heard that Samsung Kies backup / restore function is not working properly somtimes. Maybe you can consult Samsung Support on this issue.
Hi Jayce, Thanks for the speedy reply. Its not just my back up that isnt working, its exporting too. In fact nothing works! I have a SGS2 phone and running XP SP3. I was advised on another forum to untick the “Debugging” function in settings, but this has still not helped. It takes up 100% of my pc’s capability! I am in the process of contacting Samsung support now.
Thanks again
Hi Jayce,
I am using Samsung Galaxy S GT I9000. Whenever i try to connect Kies, it does not connect. But when i reboot the Phone, it connects. And then when i try to upgrade, i am able to cross till the page wherin it downlaods Firmware upgrade setting and then it does not reboot and hence the whole process hangs. i have tried the same many a times using different systems but the same result. How do i upgrade and what would be the issue? Pleas Help
Sorry, I don’t have Galaxy S. Not so sure that it is the same as S2 or not. You better consult Samsung Support on your issue.
hi jayce,
i am using samsung galaxy SII… can u tell me what is the latest firmware provided by samsung kies in India.. thnx, it will be a great help…
Sorry, no idea on India firmware. I am from Malaysia.
Hi Jayce, I have the same issue. its still stuck in “Preparing download Components” do you have any resolution for this issue?
Sorry, nope. You need to consult Samsung Support…
Hi Jayce,
I’m upgrading my S2 firmware via Kies, but it seems to have frozen at 35%. It’s been at this point for over half an hour with no sign of progress. What can I do? Is it safe to pull the battery at this point?
If really hang at download mode and no progress, power off is the only solution. But I can’t make sure what will happen then. But what choice do you have?
hi Jayce,
out of curiosity, any idea why my colour resolution on my camera is blue/green when visiting chat sites?
ive noticed other s2 users have same strange colour resolution
Sorry, nope. My camera only got pink spot issue.
Hi Jayce,
I tried to update the firmware through Kies like above but once firmware upgrade components are downloaded an error would appear saying ‘Failed to run firmware update. Unknown error occured.’
I noticed that while downloading the components, the Kies main window (still showing in the background) prompts to connect a device, as if the phone is not connected anymore.
What can I do please ?
Thanks & Regards.
Reboot your phone. Connect back USB cable. Then restart the upgrade process again.
I’ve done that, still no luck. Tried restarting pc too but still the same.
You need to consult Samsung Support in this case.
reinstall the usb drivers. it will work. the usb drivers can be found in the kies installation files
i to have the same problem ..as David has..
i tried all those things which are said here for this problem but yet no luck.. please suggest
i had same issue on win7 64-bit. try disabling firewall or allow kies through firewall in control panel > windows firewall > allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall> allow another program > Samsung Kies.
hope this helps
Solution by blackmore worked for me. Thank you. I was struggling for hours now. Both At&T and Samsung tech support could not resolve the problem.
i have upgraded my galaxy s 2 using kies
my BASEBAND VERSION -I9100DXKH2 after update
The question is, can i update my galaxy s 2 with other KERNEL/BASEBAND to make my android become android 2.3.5 version..
No, the firmware must be Android 2.3.5 itself. Kernel / baseband won’t help.
you know where to download the PDA:KI2/PHONE:KI1/CSC:KH1(XTC) manually? I always get operation time out T_T
Hi Jayce,
I am noobie here…do i have to remove the SIM card and microSD card before the upgading the phone?
Your site full of info…thanks a million
No need.
Hi this may be out of topic but i hope you can help me..
When i use a silicone case on my galaxy s2 and i call someone, the person i called hears an echo. but when i remove the case during the call the echo disappears. do you experience this on your galaxy s2? Any suggestion on what to do? Im not sure if its a hardware problem because if im not using a case everything is ok. It would be difficult to explain and ask for a replacement unit. Thanks in advance.
I don’t have silicone case to test. But based on your info, look like the issue is coming from your case. Your SGS2 is fine. Change another case.
This question is a couple of months old, but for future visitors…
Check that the case isn’t blocking any ports, and that it seals against the phone properly. Echo cancellation can degrade for a variety of reasons, but one example could be where the case forms a cavity between your speaker and microphone, redirecting speaker audio and increasing the level picked up by the microphone. Normally this would be lower and will be gated out as it is easier to distinguish lower levels of audio from the speaker when compared to your voice.
Hope your new case worked, as Jayce suggested… To another brand of-course
pls. help my s2 only shows start up then it hangs, what should i do
i flah it, what should i do? i can access the download mode but i cannot go to recovery mode
Using original firmware?
Hi Jayce:
I am in India. I have a rooted galaxy s2. I tried custom ROMs like Cyanogen and MIUI. But many of my phone’s beautiful features could not be used in those ROMs. I have CWM in which i had made backup of stock ROM. So i restored it and happy with samsung UI. But I want to at least update my phone whenevr samsung releases new firmwares and updates. I cant update from mobile, because I have ClockWorkMod recovery and update demands for default samsung recovery. My phone’s current status:
Android Version 2.3.3
Baseband version I9100XXKG6
Kernel Version dirtycodeworkx@cyanogenmod #4
I want to know how i can update my phone and also suggestion regarding new update whether its feasible or not. because, ryt now i am happy with EVERYTHING except battery life. I even have enabled video chatting on Gtalk on 2.3 only. So only if there is drastic change in battery life or any new feature added to new firmware, I am updating. Or else no.. so please help me in this matter.
Thanks in Advance
You should be able to upgrade to latest firmware if you are on stock firmware (not sure rooted can or not. But some said can).
Europe region firmware is always getting the latest update. The rest have to wait…
Hi Jayce, i got a problem here, when my phone is in download mode and i plug my usb cable my laptop shown that devise is not recognised. May i know how to solve this?
Do you have Samsung Kies installed on your laptop?
yea i did.. with Samsung Kies 2.0
It should have the correct USB drivers for it. Try to reinstall – C:\Program Files (x86)\Samsung\Kies\USB Driver\SAMSUNG_USB_Driver_for_Mobile_Phones.exe
Note: Install Kies before you connect your phone – otherwise if Windows is using any default drivers (e.g. ‘Storage Device’, etc) then your phone drivers may not install properly.
Plug in the phone, but if still not working then go…
Start >> Control Panel >> System >> Device manager, and you should see a yellow question-mark showing ‘Unrecognised Device’. If not, then you should see ‘Unknown Device under the ‘Universal Serial Bus Controllers’ group.
When found, right click over the offending device, select ‘Update Driver’, and choose to browse to the location where you installed Kies. In one of the directories the driver should be found, usually evidenced by the ‘OK’ button in the browse window showing up (formerly greyed out). Click and the driver should install
i see.. i will try to reinstall it later.. beside, how if i wan to reflash my firmware back to original? Currently :
Baseband -I9100XXKDJ
Kernel –
Normal mode detect to Kies (yes)
Normal mode detect to Odin (yes)
Download mode detect to Odin (no)
And Kies detected my firmware is not original firmware, so i cant update it..
10. Connect USB cable to your phone. FAILED due to my usb is not connected..
Normal mode detect to Kies (success)
Normal mode detect to Odin (success)
Download mode detect to Odin (fail)
Is Samsung Kies opened at the same time as Odin?
Nope… coz i heard some said must kill all kies before open Odin..
Something wrong with the drivers on your Windows. Try on other PC see.
i’ve tried on my 2 of my laptop but both of them also shown device not recognised
Hmm… Did reinstall the USB drivers help?
nope.. it doesn’t help.. still got the same problem..
Just to make sure. What are the buttons combination did you load download mode?
erm.. i press volume down + menu + power.. after the logo come out.. i press volume up..
I was wondering if upgrading via Kies deletes any data e.g. apps, contact, photos etc.
Normally no. But no harm to backup them.
@Wences: The buttons combination is correct. Then I really have no idea already. Sorry…
i see.. anyway.. thanks for ur helps
Hi, i would like to ask that my galaxy s2 is unable to do the upgrade from Kies. Why like this?? i never root phone. and It written that my version unable to do the updated?
Can you provide your PDA, PHONE and CSC details?
Baseband version : I9100XXKE4
Kernel version jdk6@jtj-desktop #6
my phone not original???
ZSKF1 is Hong Kong firmware. And XME is Malaysia CSC. Therefore, it is not upgradable at Samsung Kies.
Yours is AP, right?
The shop told me my is original from samsung malaysia. and got warranty one year.
You think that mine is AP??? how to check on this?
You should receive this SMS from Samsung if it is supported by SME. https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/07/22/where-should-i-buy-samsung-galaxy-s-ii-in-malaysia/
You can also call Samsung Malaysia to confirm.
i think i didnt received this message..cant remember…i can confirm it by sms??
Yes, but I forgot which number to send.
Just call la…
Then i my phone can be ugrade anymore?? i need to root my phone or how?
Can. Just install Malaysia firmware will do.
how to install malaysia firmware?? thank you for teaching me..appreciate it..
Install DXKH2 – https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/08/08/how-to-install-firmware-on-samsung-galaxy-s2-with-odin-video/
Hi Jayce,
Isn’t it the upgrading will take long time? I wait for 30 minutes the progress just run for 14%…
Upgrade progress should not take more than 30 minutes. But the downloading part will take some times if your Internet connection is slow.
Ok, thanks~ still waiting it to complete.
i finish download den the kies say it cannot detect my phone, den asm me to take out the battery and put it bak. My phone is nt update when u switch on. Do you know wat happen.
hey jayceooi, what is the best firmware for samsung galaxy s2 and what is the latest official firmware available in asia region? thnks
The best firmware is depended on each person taste and view. DXKI2 is the latest firmware for Asia region.
Hi Jayce,
AlFlo back with good news. I had previously reported that I was not able to upgrade with KIES.
MY problem was with the file downloaded, the flashing into S2 was not progressing. Just stayed at 0% for more than 40 minutes. Although KIES indicated not to remove cable, seeing zero progress, I had removed the cable, reboot the S2 by removing the battery and restarting. Tried this many times over the week but no joy.
Today, suspecting the culprit to be my desktop PC, I had managed to update successfully, using my notebook, freshly formatted, running Win 7 and updated KIES. Nothing in this notebook to interfere with the updating and I was right.
Just for those trying to update using KIES, please bear in mind that the file download will take anything from 40 minutes to 1 hour. When it is downloaded, the flashing into S2 takes only 12 minutes (in my case).
Best of luck to all who had not updated yet.
Glad to hear that.
oh yeah~~ i can use Chinese interface now~~ happy~~
Hi ! jayce ,juz check kies it say tat a new firmware upgrade:PDA:k12 /PHONE:ki1/CSC:KH1(XSP) and my phone is root. firsttimer. 1)wat version is tis firmware 2)phone root can i stil upgrade frm kies 3)do i need to backup data & apps
My old stock firmware:baseband version(i9100DXKF1)-Build num( Gingerbread XWKF1)
1. Android 2.3.3
2. No sure.
3. No need normally, but no harm to make a backup first.
can u pls advice which custom rom is the most stable & improve battery?
plz reply…. thx
You are using custom firmware?
wht is custom firmware????
Please list down your current firmware version details like above picture. So that I can know better. TQ.
Baseband version – I9100XXKE7
Kernel Version –
Did you install any firmware through Odin? The baseband version does not match to official firmware XWKF1.
No i didnt.. wht should i do???
how can i update my phone to the latest firmware????
After Samsung Support fixed your issue, you should be able to install latest firmware through Samsung Kies.
In this case, please contact Samsung Support for help. Maybe this is a new firmware for your region.
ok thx
my ph has been locked by patten lock,what`d I do ?
Unlock it with the pattern that you set.
but ,I can`t remember it .
Sorry to hear that. Maybe factory reset can delete it but it also delete everything (apps and data). https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/07/18/how-to-hard-reset-samsung-galaxy-s-ii/
oh! what the hell !!!
I can`t reset my ph.any icon appear on computer when I connect it with usb cable.
Can’t you use the 2nd method to factory reset?
The new firmware for my galaxy s2 is detected and on clicking update, the firmware is downloaded but when it starts the update, the update process fails and the kies window is displayed with a message that a new firmware is available. i have tried restarting my system, phone etc but everytime the firmware upgrade process alone fails….windows 7 64 bit
Any ideas?
Hmm… Please consult Samsung Support if still cannot on future attempts.
which version of windows and kies are you using?
Windows 7 64 bits. Samsung Kies v2.02.11071_128.
I saw a new version 2.03.11082_152 when I open Kies.
Thanks, i had the kies version 2.03.11082_15, but while clicking on upgrade firmware it asked to first update kies and then try update firmware.. ….need to try again….
i’ve been trying to update with keis…..the download starts normally but then when it reaches 20% or so the phone gets disconnected and the whole process has to be done again….pls help…..spent all night doing it but in vain
Please consult Samsung Support if you still cannot upgrade after few tries…
Hello!! i ‘ve tried to update the firmware by Kies… during the instalation and when it was to 70% an error occurred! i had to try with emergency recovery but nothing happened as ewell, now I can’t open my galaxy s2 cause when i do it the only thing i see is a classic icon that shows that a connection between pc and phone is not possible… i plug it to Kies again but it does not recognize it… any ideas?
Please consult Samsung Support since you got this issue during installation with Samsung Kies.
hi Jay,
My sgs2 is with PDA:KF3/PHONE:KE4/CSC:KF3(INU), may i go with gingerbread 2.3.5_XXKI3_AAD using odin?
thank you
Jayce my suggestion is to put warnings and possibe issues encountered on your post to readers who plan on using your guide to flash…
I emailed a Samsung representative about flashing procedure… and the responce is:
Upgrading KIES will wipe out information on your phone (unless you back up using KIES) but in most cases, upgrading firmware USUALLY wipes out your installed Apps. You need to find and reinstall those back; KIES backup can’t save your Apps.
From my experience:
1. Best to flash after restarting the computer (and close any automatic running programs after a fresh boot).
2. If USB error not detecting phone. Remove USB cable – reInstall drivers from KIES, after reinstall, close KIES, terminate all running KIES process using Task Manager, then replugin your device connected USB. Once drivers fully loaded, reboot computer and attempt flashing.
3. Disable Antivirus (particularly those with firewall functions) and other kinds of Firewall before attempting to flash… reboot computer after disabling AV/Firewall is recommended. After you’re done flashing, you can re-enable them back. (with ODIN this is particularly important because I encountered rooting process stop halfway because firewall stopped the process somehow, after I disabled the firewall – re-rooting was fast and painless. I suspect flashing with firewall/AV on, will do more damage and may likely brick the phone even if the instructions were followed correctly.)
Hi Jayce,
I’m having problems with upgrading my phone through kies. It’s telling me that this version of device cannot be updated but I know it can because there have been new releases already and mine is stock. Everything is stock and not rooted.
This is the necessary information for you to help me, I believe.
Pda: I9100ZSKF1
phone: I9100XXKE4
kernel: jdk@jtj-desktop #6
What might be thee problem as I just brought this home from the store and didn’t do anything to it yet. Unless thee people at the store did something and I didn’t know about
ZSKF1 is Hong Kong firmware. Please check with your seller.
Would my seller be able to help me? I’m not actually living in hong kong but in canada. Got this phone from a store that normally sells many unlocked phones.
Your seller can help to upgrade firmware using Odin (unofficial), or you can do it yourself too.
I can continuously use odin to upgrade the firmware then? What does”unofficial”mean?
As you can see, I’m very new to android as I was a blackberry user before and everything was’s very straightforward.
If you can explain or direct me somewhere That will show me step by step that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
hye friend. im a malaysian and i would like to ask if you now when the 2.3.4 and 2.3.5 official firmware update through kies is available in malaysia.
Hehe… I myself also don’t know (but I am using Europe firmware now – Android 2.3.5). You need to check with Samsung Malaysia.
i see..the one that you use is an official or unofficial firmware
Official for Europe.
is it compatible with SGS2 here in malaysia?and how did you update it using europe firmware?
Yes, as long as yours is I9100. Flash using Odin (unofficial way) – https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/08/08/how-to-install-firmware-on-samsung-galaxy-s2-with-odin-video/
if i update it using Odin, will i still can update through kies in the future?
Yes if you install official firmware. But of course you won’t get Malaysia firmware upgrade if you installed Europe firmware.
ok,.thanks for the info. appreciate so much.
Hi wanna ask. I just updated my firmware then i got this problem whereby my phone dc from the pc connection when i try to access the file like usb pendrive way. It just disconnected then reconnected back. Help pls.
Android ver. : 2.3.3
Baseband ver: I9100DXKI1
Kernel ver: #2
i update through Samsung Keis btw
Do you mean MTP Application? If yes, it is an updated MTP version. It will turn on only when you are accessing your phone. Off when you are not accessing it.
erhm no i mean like i plug it in like hard disk like that to move stuff into the phone. Last time i plug it then open the file inside no problem . But now i plug it in then when wan to open a file inside the phone or etc using the pc it disconnected then reconnected back . u can hear the device disconnected n reconnected back on the pc side .
In this case, you need to consult Samsung Support. Never face this issue before.
oh and the MTP application keep going initialising then connected… then the screen goes initialising then connected again…so do you know how to solve this? help thx
Sorry, nope…
ok thx anyway
oh btw i just saw there is the MTP application runing there…i plug in n sync the music then it device shows disconnected on pc then reconnected back but on the phone the mtp still there
jayce..this is the real official step to update the version of android?
Im samsung galaxy s2 version i9100DXKF1 2.3.3..i want to update but dont know which is real to update..i saw alot is root using odin..i want official update 1..i dont know void warranty yet..and should i update for my current version? Please guide ^^
Yes, Samsung Kies is the official way to upgrade firmware. Or you can go to Samsung Service Center and ask them to upgrade for you.
Upgrade or not is up to you…
ya i know that is up to me but i worry that after update is not good? because some things no update is better than updated..u get what i mean?
Yes, I got your points. You can always downgrade with Odin (unofficial way) if you don’t like it.
Personally, I did not use Malaysia firmware because it is still Android 2.3.3 even on the latest one. I am using XXKI3 (Android 2.3.5) Europe firmware now. So far so good.
Baseband Version – I9100DDKE2, Kernerl version – – I9100XWKE8 – CL214845 root@DELL101#2, Build Number – GINGERBREAD.XWKE8
I tried software updates, connecting to server and later connection failed. Is the above the latest or how can i upgrade
If Samsung Kies does not prompt new firmware upgrade notification, then it is the latest firmware for your region.
Hey Jayce,
i just tried to upgrade my sgs to 2.3.4… and i thought i succeeded until i noticed it didnt go into download mode the entire time..
Yes, i have seen one of the first comments with the same issue but i dont want to risk putting it in download mode manual in afraid ill brick the phone some how..
now there is this other thing.. just today im experiencing connection problems and yes i know i should probably contact the samsung support, but then again all of a sudden i also dont see the newest update anymore? which i did after my first attempt of updating failed. its probably a problem of samsung kies
but now i would like some advice, i would like to upgrade it through Odin yet no experience but i did alot of research just to be safe not to brick my phone (last option since im greedy for the firmware upgrade haha). Then again i dont find the official 2.3.4 gingerbread firmware upgrades only leaks and beta versions any recommendations where i could get the official one so i can start with odin without having the troublesome from kies??
What is your current firmware now? As far as I know, DXKI2 is the latest official firmware for Asia and it is still Android 2.3.3.
current firmware is 2.3.3 TDCKF1
the new update in Thailand i assume its 2.3.4 not sure.. i cant open my Kies anymore at the moment so i cant clarify for which update i got.. but i got one and it isnt allowing me as said above
Hi Jayce,
In fact, I’ve completed until the step you mentioned
“Samsung Galaxy S2 should boot into download mode during this stage. As usual, don’t disconnect the USB cable.” Yes my Galaxy S2 are in downloading mode for an hour freeze there. Iz it a normal progress? I upgrade through samsung kies once the Galaxy S2 has turn to download mode my device are auto disconnected from samsung kies application. any idea? please reply ASAP
No, it should take less than 10 to upgrade firmware in Odin download mode. Please consult Samsung Support on your issue.
This is so frustrating.
the steps seems so simple in your description. while downloading the 300MB file, the phone did not went to “download mode”, its still the same usual screen.
after finish download, the notification ask to reconnect the phone again. remove and reconnect and nothing happens after half an hour. CPU usage remains idle and low. i dont think kies is upgrading the firmware.
redo the process again, and it starts to download the 300MB file AGAIN?! WTH?
fine, let it download and wait again, same issue.
stupid firmware, sumore i have no idea whats the new deal with the firmware. i’m just hoping for the better battery life.
this KIES sucks till the max.
just look at the comments in this post, i think more people fail than they actually succeed.
dont think its worth the trouble anymore.
gave up on the stupid firmware upgrade. and unstalled KIES.
(stupid and buggy crap piece of junk ware!)
sorry for the rant
thanks for the info though, i do enjoy reading your blog.
Hi MTX, like you, I had failed in my attempt to update via KIES, numerous times. Finally I succeeded in updating to the latest ASIAN firmware, KH1, which was nothing great. Still 2.3.3 Only keyboard has Chinese option. I succeeded by updating using another PC, with no antivirus or firewall installed previously. My previous PC had Avira and Comodo installed. Even though I had disabled them, somehow some of the settings (of which till todate I have no idea what) had seemed to block the port for update via KIES. So using the “new” PC I updated smoothly, without any issue. 12 minutes update into the phone. Update file download, almost 1 hour.
I have now progress into updating my firmware to 2.3.5 XWKI8, using ODIN. Next I guess I will root but right now, I do not really have the need to root. What I am illustrating here is, the more we do it, the more confident we get. Whilst that is progressing, do enjoy the journey and the phone.
so all the trouble just to have chinese input?
ridiculous, i have google pin yin and baitu input, which works perfectly.
a firmware update just for this feature is way too overkill.
glad i unstall that crapware kies.

will install it back when the ice cream sandwich is available for S2, if it happens.
Hi Jayce, AlFlo back again with a question. I noticed you are using XWKI8 EU ROM. I have also updated same. Besides the new blue over scroll glow, which I like, I experienced some lag in some of the application startup. It happened intermittently. Sometime lag, sometime not.
Did you experience same? I do not experience any real gain in battery but I cannot tell really, as I am still tinkering around with the phone alot and that takes lots of juice from the bat, I guessed. Your experience on the XWKI8?
I also personally believe that when one gets settled on the usage of the phone, (ie not so much tinkering around and changing this and that), battery will logical last longer.
Anyway I enjoyed visiting your forum for updated info and advise.
Who told you that I am using XWKI8? Nope, I am still on XXKI3 now.
Oops Jayce. My mistake. Sorry. Read in the thread above you were using 2.3.5 Europe firmware. assumed that was 2.3.5 XWKI8.
is it mandatory to fully charge cell before upgrade from kies??
as i can see, when i connect it to my laptop usb, battery starts charging automatically.
Nope. But better to have at least 50%.
Thanks alot Jayce,
I have upgraded my galaxy s2 india version to latest version through kies.
the issue of “preparing for component upgrade…” hang status is related to usb broadband. I tried this time with landline bb…all went fine as per steps mentioned in ur article.
hey guys…m facing the same issue…”preparing firmware upgrade components”…no progress in the updating process from thereon…please help me with a solution (step by step if you can..pls)..
I am Upgrading my samsung firmware Through Kies after 50% of firmware upgrade Progress it is taking More than One Hour…What is the Maximum Time it will take to complete Upgrading??
Downloading part is depending on your Internet connection speed. The upgrade part (phone on Odin download mode) is less than 15 minutes.
Hi there I am trying to upgrade my firmware on my S2, but for some reason when I try to back my device up it just stays at 0% and the bar keeps moving. Been over one hour now and will not back up even 1%. Just says ‘preparing …. 0%’
any ideas?
Sorry, nope. Look like Samsung Kies is really buggy. Lot of people are facing issues.
Please consult Samsung Support.
Whats the crack with firmware? I live in the UK and have jsut recieved my SGS2 and I’m wandering if there are any updates. According to Kies, I’m on:
(TMU) < I think it means T-Mobile UK
and that is apparently the latest. I also read somewhere that certain networks don't dish out firmware upgrades to devices, I had a Samsung Galaxy Portal before this and was forced to root because T-Mobile didn't hand out the eclair update. Any insight?
Mine is Malaysia unit. Still stuck at Android 2.3.3 while other region already got 2.3.5. Anyway, I am using custom firmware now. Not an issue to me.
Just wondering as i’m new to this. Is the process call rooting?
Nope, it is the official way to upgrade SGS2 firmware.
Hi Jayce,
I have Samsung Galaxy SII and i have got the new firmware upgrade. So i decided to do the upgrade. First i backed up all the datas and the i started the upgrade process.
The download process is smooth (since i have a 4mbps connection)
Phone restarted and initiated the download process and completed
Once completed, Kies notified me to unplug the data cable and restart
Then my phone automatically restarted and then i checked the version, it still shows the 2.3.3 version instead of 2.3.5.
Please assist me on this issue.
Don’t be surprise if it is still on Android 2.3.3 for your region. Malaysia latest firmware is still at Android 2.3.3.
Hi Jayce,
Thanks for the speedy reply
My region is India. But upgrade showed me a different version. How could i know whether it is upgraded or not.
I have read in some forums that 2.3.5 is available via kies for India. Is it true.
If my regions’ latest version is 2.3.3, then why it notified me the upgrade available.
Kindly let me know the fact behind. (If you dont mind)
As far as I know, India latest firmware still at Android 2.3.3. Malaysia released 3 firmwares already. All of them are still at Android 2.3.3.
Thanks for the valuable information jayce.
Is there any other way to upgrade it to 2.3.5?
Yes, install Europe firmware like XXKI4.
Hi Jayce,
What is the procedure to install XXKI4?
Refer to https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/08/08/how-to-install-firmware-on-samsung-galaxy-s2-with-odin-video/
HI Jayce,
What would be the probable update happened to mobile after upgrading the firmware.
As of now what i noticed is there is no message themes in my mobiles.
Is there any way to retrieve it back?
Nothing special happen after I installed it.
No message themes… What do you mean?
I mean to say that previously i had themes for messaging (in the sense displaying the threaded message in some fashion). I had three default themes in the mobile with original factory firmware.
After upgrade it is gone.
I just wanted to know, whether the update is just to solve the patent infringement faced by samsung or they really mean give some updates to Indian region.
Thats y i asked what would have probably happened to my mobile after upgrade.
I was not aware of that. Malaysia and Europe firmware that I tried don’t have that. Did not use India firmware before. So I think you need to install India firmware back to retrieve it back.
So far, I did not see any firmware released to avoid the patent war.
Where do i get the Indian Firmware to retrieve it back?
jayce..u said 3 firmware released but still 2.3.3?what is difference? how to know it is been upgraded?
XWKF1 is the first one.
DXKH2 added Southeast Asia languages.
DXKI2 added new bootloader.
Samsung Kies will let you know when got new firmware.
im very noob at it..i dont even have samsung kies. how to install? >.<
i using my samsung galaxy s2
version 2.3.3
baseband version: I9100DXKF1
Build number: Gingerbread.XWKF1
Download it from Samsung website. Link in the post.
i not dare to root..i know root is very good..alot advanatges than original version..
I wan for my phone is heat issue + Battery last more long more good + Games can play all
@Prathap: Same place you download official firmware at XDA.
hye jayce..i’, from malaysian..i juz follow the step u gave above, when it start download a firmware, it freeze when it reach 55%…i wait 1 hour and nothing change…so i disconnect my phone from computer..i thought that i fail to upgrade it, but when i check baseband and kernel it show GINGERBREAD. DXKI2…any comment from u?
As long as you don’t have issue, I think it is fine. You can try to connect to Samsung Kies and try to upgrade again if still can.
(Err… Samsung Kies looks like very buggy)
when i connect using kies again it show that my phone have a latest firmware…thanx for ur assist
hai jayce,if i install Europe firmware like XXKI3,can i upgrade firmware via kies in the future?????
Yes, only new update from that Europe firmware.
tq…before install XXKI3 with odin,what should i do??
my app will lost or not??
my current firmware is DXKF1..
Backup your apps and data with Titanium Backup.
Most of the official firmwares are non wipe. So it won’t delete apps and data.
If i install europe version firmware, will it void my warranty with SME?
It might. But you can always install back Malaysia firmware.
Hi, im having one issue with KIES that really pisses me off. People say “dont use odin when you have official kies” but damn thing is broken and I have no idea where to download KI4 firmware to update it via Odin anyway….
So my problem is that when I connect my phone to PC it works ok, I can browse it as removable device, its detected as GT-I9100 by Windows 7 (32 bit).
Kies detect it ok, backup is working but firmware update doesnt.
It say that there is new fw for my phone, I answer that I do want it but when it download firmware update components, kies drops connection with phone, components reach 100% download, kies then reconnect to phone, again asks about upgrade and that goes on and on… Rebooted everything, switched to TW, disabled lock screen and what not.
So any info is much appreciated, or instruction where to download official firmware kies is offering me and flash it with Odin instead…
Kies is offering me this as newest:
Current one is
Baseband version I9100XXKE7
Thanks in advance
Here you go – https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/08/08/how-to-install-firmware-on-samsung-galaxy-s2-with-odin-video/
Hi there…to start off..great website!
I am also having issues with Kies and firmware upgrade. My phone does not go into the download mode mode as you suggest. In the main KIES window in the background, i can see that the KIES is attempting to reconnect but does not connect. KIES can only connect to my ph after I dc the cable and attach it again. I am using Windows 7 with KIES installed from the Samsung website. I have never rooted my ph. Is odin the only way out?
Ok….after trying for the 4th time, the upgrade has gone thru! Not sure what I did to change anything…maybe it was simply a nw issue but not sure.
hi please help
Eroor update firmware with Samsung Kies
memory 32Gb empty
pic Eroor
Weird… Please consult Samsung Support on your issue.
No way to not only support
Hi, i have samsunGalaxy y GTS5360 model how can i download games pls help regarding download games on mobile
Download from Android Market or Samsung Apps.
it takes 48 yrs to upgrade. tried it several times progress till 38% then it will disconnect or error by itself. what’s the problem with that?
I have tried numerous times. IT DISCONNECTS AT 2%. I’m connecting through the network at the office. We have a 512 connection. Could this be the problem?
Maybe, or Samsung server might got issue during that time too. Try at home see.
Ok, thanks
I actually purchased my new Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100 last week and last night I have successfully upgraded my firmware to PDA:KI2/PHONE:KI1/CSC:KH1(XTC).
got any problem after upgraded?
none. i didn’t had any issues after.
Hi , Jayce ,
Need your advise , i try update my s2 , but when plug thru kies , the info GT-19100 DOES NOT SUPPORT FIRMWARE UPDATE . WHAT SHOULD I DO ? THANKS awaiting for your advise .
Which firmware are you using now?
what version of samsung kies are you using and also your OS?
Hi i am using 2.3.3. baseband version i9100dxkf1
kies version
sorry not familiar with android yet , just switch from iPhone , android really help in work .
thanks awaiting for your kind advise .
Can you provide detail firmware info like PDA, Phone and CSC?
hi alvin, yeah you’re using the pre-installed default firmware of Sammy S2. but the Kies version you’re using seems to be old. try checking out and download the latest from http://www.samsungapps.com/about/onPc.as, assuming you’re using a windows platform to connect your sammy.
Thanks lot eyefortech , i try again now under macbook .
your macbook dioesn’t like Android.. competition issue.. LOL.. just joking.. just check out the latest version of Kies from Samsung Kies official website and see what happens.
haha , this is what i am thinking too , but i just switch from iPhone .. not freedom .!! android really help in my work as travel lots , …. usb attach files is the most …. i will use pc now from your advise web … now trying …. thanks again ya ….
hahaha good luck.. I also made an article about this when I updated my Sammy S2 firmware just this week you can try and check it out.
have fun
hey , thanks i able update my firmware use pc …. i read your article too … good….. i deleted kies from my mac … turn me around … haha .
beside , for s2 have a update version of android 2.3.3 … or this is a latest .
thanks again for your help … have a nice day
thanks and no problem, it’s good to know that we we’re able to address your question
FIRMWARE info as below :
Kies tells me when trying to connect. “Cannot start service on the device. Please disconnect then reconnect the device.”
Yesterday I got this message, after trying to upgrade my device software, it still persists. I will try to un-install kies and re-installing.
I will keep you updated, as to my progress.
Oooppsss… it looks like sammy s 2 device driver is not loading when you plug your device. The MTP device driver is not initializing on your samsung galaxy s 2 when you hooked it up into your PC.
When you connect your sammy to your computer, does your device’s display changes and says something like “do not remove…” – this means that the MTP driver is loaded and it’s communicating to your computer.
Yes, it does all that.
I restarted both, pc & phone! then Reinstalled Kies on the pc and now it is busy upgrading, hallelujah!
After a hour it is at 24% already.
I cant wait.
when I did the update, I let it to download and install the update overnight. It really depends on your Internet speed.
thanks that is a handy tip, I however do not have a connection at home so I am forced to do it here at the office.
26% down it lost connection, now I will have to start again.
jayce: i see alot of ppl update fail through kies..if i directly go to samsung centre it will be easier and better?
I think so since Samsung Support is doing the ‘dirty work’ for you.
I totally agree, actually there’s another way and a lot easier… anyone tried Odin?
Hi Jayce,
I was trying to download the latest firmware via KIES but it always failed at the “Firmware Upgrade Process” at 0%, I saw on one of your posts about updating usine the, power off, press volumes down + home + power.
I pressed the volume up when prompted, my screen now has the Android man, Odin Mode in red, Product name: GT-i9100, Custome Binary Download: No, Current Binary: Samsung Official.
below the android man it says Downloading… then under that do not turn off target.
It has been like this for 30 mins, how long will this take? I am not connected to my PC, should I be?
Your advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
Samsung Kies will make your phone to load into Odin download mode when upgrading firmware. You can load Odin download mode with those combo keys too. But it does not do anything until you connect it to Samsung Kies or Odin to upgrade firmware. So just turn off phone if no firmware upgrade is in progress…
Hi Jayce,
I was not connected to the PC when I did the volume + home + power, should I turn my phone off and try again via KIES firmware upgrade until it works or just leave it with the screen as described above?
I just tried connecting it to the PC but KIES can not see the device.
Just wondering if it is actually doing an upgrade (slowly) or if it has frozen, the screen looks like below.
ODIN MODE (in red)
Do not turn off target!!
The phone is warm behind the camera so it feels like the processor is doing something but it has been almost an hour now so just a little concerned.
Thanks again Jayce.
It is safe to turn off phone if you are not upgrading firmware (connected to Samsung Kies and upgrading in progress).
Hi Dom,
Yes you should connect your SGS2 to your PC with Odin loaded on it so that it can download the latest firmware via Odin. If nothing’s happening then yes turn off or reboot your phone and wait a few days or week until an available firmware is available for your mobile.
I have tried Odin only on my Samsung Galaxy 5 but haven’t on my SGS2 until my phone’s warranty runs out.
Thanks Guys,
I guess I will just keep trying trough KIES until it works LOL,
Appreciated on the advice.
I have the downloading screen on on my phone for over 2 hours now please how long does this stage of the update take
Odin download screen? Around 10-15 minutes to upgrade firmware.
Thanks I now have the latest Version of the Firmware but I now notice the screen turns blue at the egdes when a page on the screen rearches its end is this normal or a faulty
The blue scrolling thing is normal.
Hey there, I’m having a problem. It’s all good, except i dont have space available on my PC, and i mean on my C: . It says it needs 3gb of free space which i do have on my D:. So my question is this: Can i download that update on my D:? Cuz i really want this new update. Thanks
Sorry, I have no idea on this. Please consult Samsung Support. Or just try to clean up some space on C drive.
Can’t clean that much space cuz windows is eating most of my C:. I have tried to uninstall Kies and install it on D:, thought that would do the trick, but no luck. I guess i should contact Samsung support, or go to a friend’s house.
Thanks anyway
help anyone ? ok so i tried to do the odin beta way… and it said FAIL! on my PC on the last step … so i removed the bettery , my phone was soft bricked, i gave it to samsung and they fixed it… now i say the version at ” about phone ” 2.3.5 and i cant do any of the things this vid did… and i also tried to press on ” Software Update” it says ” connecting to server ” then ” connection failed ” !
i really need hel :S
Please consult Samsung Support since you just got your SGS2 back.
Hi jayce,
i am from India and i have updated my s2 to i9100xxk13, android 2.3.5 through rooting my phone with odin software. now when i try to connect with kies it is saying that your device does not support software upgrading via kies. what can i do to solve this problem??
version: 2.3.5
baseband version: I9100XXK13
Where did you get XXKI3 firmware? XDA website?
I got the firmware version from the below url
This is the site where i found that download link :
No idea with this firmware on this link.
Reinstall official firmware from XDA. https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/08/04/download-official-samsung-galaxy-s2-firmware/
Is this firmware for india?? how do i download this firmware ? Do i have to register for that??
XXKI3 no. Just download it from file sharing site. No.
But i don’t see any download link on that page. only i found
Download official Samsung Galaxy S2 firmware and stock kernel here. By clicking on ‘here’ it is redirecting me to xda page. there i could not able to find any download link. Please help me in that.
All the firmware download links is in XDA website. Look carefully…
I am downloading the Package with new bootloader has: PDA: XXKI3| Modem/phone: XXKI3| CSC: OXAKI3
Is this the right one??
Yes for official XXKI3 firmware. Note – this is wipe version. It will delete everything on your phone.
Hi, I have a problem using Kies software. When ever i tried connecting my Galaxy S2 using usb to my pc, the Kies will showed the status ‘ connecting…..’ but it will remain the same for hours without anything happens. I tried re-install Kies a few times but the same things just happens. Kindly advise. Thanks!
Try Samsung Kies on other PC see. If still cannot, you might need to factory reset your SGS2.
Thank you very much for these details, these means a lot for me.
Is there any process where i can backup my apps because i have some game played all most to the end and i don’t want to loose it.
Root access is required.
I don’t have any USB Jig. so if i skip that step then will it be a problem for my device?
How to give root access for titanium backup software?
I have downloded the firmware from xda installed it. But still it is displaying your device does not support software upgrading via kies. caan you please help me in this??
Is your CSC == OXA?
What is Device IMEI ?
Your phone unique ID.
From where i will get my device unique id??
@Abhishek: Settings – About phone – Status – IMEI.
it is KOR, there is no option like OXA.
What else does it have?
Try XEO. Suspect you installed Poland XXKI3 firmware.
Yup now it’s detected and it is downloading the new update through kies. Thanks man thank very much.
So is this XEO the Indian version?
No, it is Poland firmware.
so it is not possible to install the indian version of firmware??
No, it is possible.
How can i do that??
@Abhishek: Install India firmware…
Can you give the download link for that??
The same place you download XXKI3 firmware. India firmware is XWKE8.
Ok… and is this the android 2.3.5 version? What is the CSC i have to select then??
No. ODD.
now tell me jayce abhishek is also from india he is updating his phone why not me
XWKE8 is an old firmware. You can install it too if you want to install Europe firmware.
Is it normal that after downloading the firmware in my PC which is connected to my phone, a prompt in my CP’s screen “Downloading…Do not turn off target!!? I mean is this part of the downloading process or my phone is hanging and needs to be restarted? TY
Yes, your phone will turn into Odin download mode after firmware had been downloaded to PC.
So how long does it took for my phone to be back to normal? Does it really took several hours to complete this process?Thanks again.
10 to 20 minutes. More than 1 hour is considered hang already…
If its hang, what should I do next?
Update Samsung Kies to latest version. Then restart the process again.
Is it needed that my phone should be connected to my phone for the entire process even though it is now in Odin download mode?
Yes, especially on Odin download mode because Samsung Kies is installing firmware during that time.
after the download, i think my vibrating option doesn’t work anymore…How can i bring it back?tnx
and my sound for the notification when i reciv a msg is also gone…what seems to be the problem with my fon?
Check the settings – Sound.
i already check it but still no sound notifications..
Look like you need to factory reset it…
it will delete everything in my phone memory,right?
Yes. Do backup data first.
where can I see the factory reset?Thanks.
Dear Jayce.
I’ve tried to update my galaxy sII for quite a while now. It worked the last time (few months ago) but now, when the updates har been downloaded to Kies, it tells me that i have to accept something about user account control. If i don’t accept, it can’t continue. The only problem is, the prompt/popup-window never shows. Then ten seconds later i get a message that kies did not recieve an acceptance, and therefore has to close… Do you have any idea what this is?
Sorry, nope.
hay bro Jayce, i from indonesia. my SGS2 still on 2.3.3. please give me info about available firmware update for High version. i using Ubuntu, i cannot using kies in ubuntu. i contacting samsung with no respon.
thanks.. sorry if english not good.
Sorry, I have no idea on Indonesia firmware. But as far as I know, SEA firmware is still Android 2.3.3.
ok, thanks Jayce for reply.
Hi jayce,
If i root my phone then will it be a problem for my phone warranty?? What is the procedure to unroot the phone ??
Yes, rooting void warranty. To go back – https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/08/14/how-to-restore-stock-firmware-on-samsung-galaxy-s2-video/
Thanks Jayce
Hi Jayce,
I returned to the original ROM by Odin (, and when I plugged in Kies, connected, and tells me “your device does not support upgrading firmware”
Which could be the cause ?
Wrong CSC maybe.
No,My CSC is correctly installed. Is CNXKI2.
Would you be, I put another PHONE versus compared with the original ?
I have no idea then. Sorry…
hey jayce when i connect my gs2 with kies…it say no update found for ur phone
Then your current firmware is the latest one lo…
but mine firmware is 2.3.3…..it is not latest….
How you know it is not the latest one? Malaysia firmware is still stuck at Android 2.3.3 too.
but i am from india…..so we dont get update from samsung….and why these updates are different for diffrent countries
Consult Samsung India. Samsung Malaysia keeps ignoring users when they asked.
yes i will talk to them……my internet browser is not working i dont know y pls help me about this
that means apple is far better then samsung…apple gives the ios updates for whole of the world apple users can update their phon from any where…
Try to factory reset to fix internet browser issue.
dear my all the apps and games will be deleted when i do factory reset
Yes, everything will be deleted.
hey my phone is saying error processing failed…..while resetting the phone
Hi, Im from malaysia. I have updated my firmware using KIES to the latest one, but the andriod version is still 2.3.3.
curent firmware for my phone: PDA:KI2/PHONE:KI1/CSC:KH1(XME)
it’s normal for this?
Yes. I9100 still stuck at Android 2.3.3 in Malaysia.
jayce..my gs2 is original firmware..i never updated it..
my version is as below..is it the 1st version?
i would like to update..but manually update i see alot ppl facing problem..so is it update will be better or worst? is ‘MAY’ mention the version latest?
what is latest version detail?
DXKI2 is the latest one for you. Stable but still on Android 2.3.3.
thx..but after update n before update what is the differents or changelog? battery life improve?
Got Southeast Asia languages support. Battery life should be the same.
jayce: non-G version is DXKI2
how about G version?
G model is on Android 2.3.6 now. Forgot the firmware version.
like that means sux lo =.= the battery life..cant wait to be root ^^
hi,,,i purchased new samsung galaxy s2. i opend the box when i reached home. to my surprise i found that screen stuck on samsung galaxy s2. soon i went to showroom. there he routed me to warranty claimer, there they kept the piece for 3 days and later called me. they told me that it has some hardware defect and cannot be rectified. also told that it doesnt cover under their warranty rules(as warranty is only for software) can u guide me how to follow up now,,i believe may be software upgradation may help out, thanks.
This is non sense. Hardware defect is covered by Samsung warranty too. Please consult Samsung Support for details…
hi. i have a galaxy s2 with stock version
– Base band version : I9100DDKE2
– kernel version :
– build number : GINGERBREAD.XWKE8
i connected through kes and it told me i have a firmware update available..it downloaded the firmware but as soon as my phone starts to update, it gets disconnected and kies crashes.. (i have the latest version of kies –
plz help
Try upgrade it again. If still fail, please consult Samsung Support.
tried it.. still the same problem….thanx nyways… another thing… whenevr i connect to my computer through the usb (not the mass storage mode) and i try transfering data, d applications hangs n and it suddenly restarts. i can only transfer data while connected through data mode
I have upgrade the firmware on my Samsung Galaxy S2 from 2.3.3 to 2.3.4 with Kies and that was all, it didn’t upgrade to 2.3.5 Kies it says i have the latest firmware. Based version is: XWKI4. I have upgrade Kies. My phone is unlocked.
That should be the latest firmware for your region. Mine still stuck at Android 2.3.3.
How should I know from witch region my phone belongs. I live in Europe, and my friend he has upgrade his already on 2.3.5.
You can get all the official firmware info here – http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1075278
Firmware updates would been easier if they just put it in the android market….with a click newbies could download and automatic install….
sad….i am upgrading my firmware for my samsung galaxy wonder….unfortunately, it prompted me to firmware emergency recovery…..waiting…waiting and waiting…….connection failed…redo again….
in my phone, “firmware upgrade encountered an issue. Please select recovery mode in Kies & try again”
now, i not even can on my phone….sad and frustrated,…should not upgrade firmwave in the first place…
can you recommend what should i do now? thanks
Send to Samsung Service Center.
Thanks. Problem solved after i restart my PC and start again….:-)
Hi Jayce, trying to upgrade my firmware for the Galaxy S. I get as far as the Firmware upgrade screen, where it tells me that it’s Downloading file for firmware upgrade. That’s got to 100%, but now just hangs for over an hour, with the phone not rebooting or anything. Any suggestions please?
Is your phone in download mode?
The phone is showing the MTP Application screen (connected to Kies)
After finished download firmware, your phone should restart and boot into Odin download mode. And start upgrade firmware then.
No, nothing happening. Just hanging on that screen on both the computer and the phone
MY updation failed due to some unknown error…plz help
Stopped working
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: gt-s5570.exe
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: 4e13ef03
Problem Signature 04: FirmwareUpdateAgent.Common
Problem Signature 05:
Problem Signature 06: 4e13ef03
Problem Signature 07: 1fd
Problem Signature 08: 0
Problem Signature 09: System.IndexOutOfRangeException
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 16393
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Hi, I seem to have a similar issue as do many others with the unreliable Kies software, I have tried (without success) to make a full backup of my Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-19100. Every time i attempt to run a full backup connection apparently fails and the backup terminates, this is not just on one PC but have tried it on my new 3Ghz win 7 PC and my laptop and still always get the same error, If I attempt to add the “Miscellaneous content files” to the backup selection, the backup sequence repeatedly fails to complete. I can however run a backup if I only select the other options, but leave media and Miscellaneous content files unselected.
I am not worried about backing up media files but I am concerned about what content I might lose because I cannot backup ‘Miscellaneous content files’.
Q: Do you know why I cannot backup Miscellaneous content files?
Q: Will I lose files and/or applications if I perform a firmware update?
Any help on this matter would be really appreciated?
I like my phone and certainly do not want to brick it because of Kies crap software.
A: No idea. Please consult Samsung Support.
A: No normally. Most of the official firmware is non wipe version.
The best way – Root your phone then backup with Titanium Backup.
Thanks for your reply, however the advice to check out Samsung support has come and gone with no real help at all, Kies will not back up the ‘miscellaneous content files’ regardless of system or settings, the phone was new out of the box, in a two year guarantee so I cannot and will not Root it yet. If you can answer this one question, I’d be more happy to continue with doing the recommended firmware update, Q: At what point would the update cause corruption to the existing firmware if it failed to successfully complete, and is any step of it reversible if the update fails. ie probability of actually bricking the phone?
Hi Jayce,
I have updated my Galaxy S2 using Odin with Android 2.3.5, as you described on your article https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/09/25/download-official-android-2-3-5-gingerbread-rom-for-samsung-galaxy-s2-odin/, and I used the files linked on your page.
After the update, when I connect the phone with Samsung Kies, it tells me that “Your device does not support software upgrading via Kies”. Do you have any idea why? I would like to have the phone update-able via Kies, since I’ve heard that Android 2.3.6 will be officially released by Samsung via Kies, and additionally I also heard that even Android 4.0 might be released for Galaxy S2, officially.
That wipe version is not upgradable through Samsung Kies. You need to install non-wipe version. Or you can install Android 2.3.6 firmware with Odin directly.
Well, thank you for the quick answer. Do you know where can I take a non-wipe version? (or how can I recognize a non-wipe version?)
Thanks again. I would really like to have a version that works with Kies.
You might need to change CSC too if still fail to recognize by Samsung Kies.
Hi Jayce, I hope you had a Merry Christmas, and I wish you a Happy New Year!!!
Well, I tried…but I think that I am stupid enough to not be able to recognize a good non-wipe version. Can you point me to a good one? In the meantime I got the original CSC which was on the phone when I bought it, and I could use it to flash it along with the non-wipe version.
But, if you have no time or mood to point me a non-wipe version, can you tell me (or give me a link to a tutorial) how can I dump a ROM on the computer? I have a friend which has a brand new phone, no upgrades yet, and I could take his ROM and flash it on my phone for a start.
Thank you!!!
Happy New Year, AdrianM.
Most of the firmware at XDA are non wipe version unless mention. I can’t recommend as I don’t know which region / country firmware that you prefer.
You need to use CWM to make a full system backup. However, official firmware does not have it. You need to install CWM yourself in order to do so.
Well, my region is Europe – I bought the phone from Orange Romania, and I have the original CSC from Orange….but you lost me at CWM. I’m pretty new with Android systems, I was a Nokia guy until beginning of Dec 2011.
What is this CWM? Is is a SW that I ned to install? What does it do? Do you have a tutorial for the CWM?
Well I decided to go ahead with the firmware update…
The download took no more than 10 minutes
Transfer to phone took just two minutes
Installer started successfully
Handset rebooted, and restarted successfully
MTP application requested a restart and completed successfully
Tested phone and all installed applications and software 100% OK
The newly updated firmware Android 2.3.5 (Gingerbread BOKK1) works just fine, and there seems at first glance to be some pretty cool updates, let’s hope the battery consumption issues have been addresses too.
I’m now a happy bunny, and thank you for assistance, keep up the good work.
Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year!
Merry Christmas and happy new year!
After updating my firmware, I am now able to backup all features on my handset and all the previous frustrations and grief as a result of this was down to firmware issues. Not Samsung Kies software. Now I could not be happier, I have full backup capability and my much loved Samsung Galaxy S2 works better than ever!
Thanks Jay for your help on this matter…
when I connected my Galaxy S2, Kies shown that a new firmware is available.
I decided to update and followed the on screen instruction. The PC started to download.
After more than 3 hours, the firmware upgrade progress is 1%. I think something is going wrong.
Can somebody tell me what to do ?
Shall I disconnect the Galaxy S2 from the PC ?
Now, Galaxy S2 screen displays ….. “Downloading …. do not turn off target”
Disconnect is the only way since it looks like hang to me.
I’d say that it’s because your connection may be slow (what is your broadband speed?
goto http://www.speedtest.net to establish how fast your connection is before giving up.
My connection is 6.5mbps which downloads the firmware update in about 10 minutes.
Also remember that if there are allot of people downloading the new update all over the world, suppliers Samsung may be under a very heavy server load during peak downloading times.
My broadband connection speed? 4 Mbps only.
Yup, most probabaly there was error on the internet connection.
Mine is poor 1.5 Mbps …..
Thanks bro,
I have run the emergency recovery and restarted the procedures from the beginning ….. Finally finished with big success.
Just upgraded mines, it was really easy even though im kinda new to this. Thanks
Kies show me too about firmware update.. Then I did it.. But not it shown as version 2.3.4.. It still show 2.3.3.. So what to do now ??
Thank you.
It is normal still to have Android 2.3.3. Malaysia I9100 firmware still stuck at 2.3.3 too.
Hello, I have a big “problem”, i bought one Samsung Galaxy S II, I-19100G from China (Sam’s Club-Wall Mart) and unfortunately i did not know that has no Android Store and the logo on the phone is China Unicom (when you turn off). I live in China so i need the Chinese language for the bank messages and other stuff but i want to install the Hong Kong version, can anybody help me with this situation ?
My Galaxy information’s are:
Samsung Galaxy S II, I-19100G
Model Number: GT-I9100G
Android Version: 2.3.4
Baseband Vesrion: I9100GZNKI1
Kernel Version:
Se.infra@SEP-67 #2
PDA:K11/PHONE:K11/CSC:K11 (CHN) and now the Kies asked me to upgrade to PDA:K12/PHONE:K12/CSC:K12 (CHN) but i did not do this.
I was a Nokia user since 1996 (until 2 days ago) and now i bought the Android, i made a very good decision.
Thank you all for your support.
Root your phone and install a clean english language firmware, that should clear all the chinese bloatware and branding can be removed once rooted.
Don’t install any I9100 firmware / kernel on your China I9100G. It will brick your phone. I am not sure that Malaysia I9100G and China I9100G are the same or not. Try to consult others at XDA website.
I tried to open one account on XDA but i cannot, they say i am a “spammer”
i used Astrill VPN to see the youtube video at the registration and maybe that’s the reason, i sent them one email, maybe they will reply me about this problem. Yes, i will not install any firmware until i will be 100% sure that will not damage the phone. I contacted also the Samsung service Hong Kong, if they will agree to install me the HK version i will make a small trip to Hong Kong.
Thank you for your support.
Heyy i updated successful my phone via kies to 2.3.4 from 2.3.3 but i want to back up it to 2.3.3 can i do it ? and if i can how ?
You can downgrade with Odin only.
using kies, with the handset connected, select from the top menu BACKUP/RESTORE and choose backup, tick all options to be backed up then click backup, if you have a lot of files in mass storage it might take quite a while to complete.
hey i was unable to update my samsung galaxy s2…
wen i check for the updates it shows connecting to server and then connection failed.. can u help me how can i update my galaxy s2 currently i had android 2.3.3
Try it again later. Samsung server might be overloaded. If still cannot, you can try on other PC see.
Not necessary to use kies if from stock rom. just update firmware over the air from your phone.
HELP!! When I start the firmware upgrade process, the phone gets disconnected automatically and the firmware upgrade was failed because connection to the phone was lost. But afterward, the phone automatically reconnects. How can solve this problem??
Sorry, no idea. Please consult Samsung Support…
hi sir,
i bought s2 3 days before,am facing a problem that, it gets hot in the back (on cam) while using internet,gaming,gps etc. my firmware is 2.3.3 . sir pls help me.
Getting warm is normal when you use lot of CPU processing. You can try to upgrade to the latest firmware. It might reduce some.
am from India, i heard the new firmware(2.3.6), can i download manually.
Yes, you can.
web address
Here – https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/08/04/download-official-samsung-galaxy-s2-firmware/
After the download is complete, in dialog box its like Preparing firmware upgrade components as its shown in the abo image, but that doesnt even end, i mean it doesnt show how much % is completed. Its never ends ! please help ! Thanks
If still hang after 1 hour, try to restart both PC and phone. Then upgrade firmware again…
Well I will do that ! Thank alot
I did what you said to, and i even reinstalled Kies and updated to its latest version, but still its not happeneing. Can you tell me what is the problem? Why it is not upgrading? It only shows “prepaing firware upgrade components”.
Please consult Samsung Support in this case. I have no idea already. Sorry…
Oh its okay. Thanks
Hi Jayce,
How can I update my SGS2 firmware from I9100XXKG1(KOR) to DXKL3? I’m from Philippines, my KIES says “there’s no available updates on your firmware”. I have already downloaded the latest updates of KIES but still I can’t update my firmware. Help me please.. Thanks in advance..
You need revert back to your original stock firmware in order to get upgrade from Samsung Kies. Or just install DXKL3 firmware with Odin directly. Easier…
Hi again Jayce,

Can you teach me on how to revert back my stock firmware? Thanks
Here you are, Eric.
Thanks Jayce.. hope this will work..
Thanks again..
Hi, sorry if I repeat some earlier entries, but so far I went thru, I didn’t find solution. I have problem with upgrading my galaxy s2 firmware. In samsung kies I have option to upgrade phones firmware but when I press update and agree to terms, start upgrade, download process completes in less than minute!!. It’s bit odd i think. After that some window brings up for second, I’m not being able to reed whats on it because of short appearance, and keis shows that phone is disconnected and than automatically reconnect and offer me the same update again. It’s so annoying… The same again, download till 100% in less than minute. My internet connection is not that fast. I think that actually there is no download.. Please if anyone know how to fix this I be glad to hear solution. Thanx
Are you using latest Samsung Kies version? is the version of my samsung kies. It’s my second installation of samsung kies, when I couldn’t update my phone I reinstalled samsung kies, but that didn’t helped.
I also haven’t rooted my phone or anything, basically only software in my phone came from android market. I also reset factory settings (settings>privacy>factory data reset> reset phone> erase everything) but that also didn’t helped. I’m not in usb tethering mode, original samsung kies mode.
Don’t know why and how but 10 minutes ago I upgraded my samsung galaxy s2 from samsung keys. It just worked! I guess a little patience to try few days later is good thing.
Bdw, thanks for trying to help, You got great webpage, keep up the good work.
my galaxy s2 is not being recognised by kies, It displays connecting and nothing happens.
i am using latest version of kies
i want to upgrade my firmware, can i update it officialy without using kies?
Yes, with Odin.
im in the U.S and my WiFi is very strong, can i upgrade just using my S2 WiFi without a PC?
Yes, if your current firmware supports OTA firmware upgrade.
the sign downloading on the phone remains too much
jayce your not very helpfull all you say is go to samsung support team, cheers for that!
Samsung Kies is official software from Samsung. You can get support from Samsung officially. Why not get it from them?
Personally, I use Odin software to install firmware. No bug at all compare to buggy Samsung Kies. Else you won’t see lot of version of Samsung Kies coming out from time to time…
i wait about 2 hours to do what Pls wait the upgrade for firmware at GT-I9100 will starts soon is a lie
I am trying to update my samsung galaxy s2 through Kies but i get the message that there is no update to this device. I installed Kies both on mac and windows 7 and i got same message. Any one could detect what might be the problem?
No problem. Just no new update for your region SGS2 only.
hi jaycee,
i already updated my sgs2 from 2.3.3 to 2.3.6 via samsung Kies. But, new update make vibration indicator appear at status bar near battery indicator. very messy when lot of notification such msg,,fb notification came in. because in last 2.3.3, the vibration indicator did not appear even i’ve set the vibration in ‘always’ mode. how to remove it even vibration set to always??
Sorry, I have no idea.
i cant able to update s2 firmware through samsung Kies. i have connected through Kies its showing u have new firmware version is available and then i press the button to update, and then check I have read all of the above information. Finally, click Start to upgrade. download complete 100% the second window preparing download after that my windows 7 has stop working to update firmware to close process. i have rooted my mobile. how do update the latest official firmware update through Kies. pls anyone help.
Update to latest Samsung Kies. Reboot both PC and phone. Then try again.
Hi Jayce!
I’m from the Philippines and I just recently bought an SGS2 that’s on version 2.3.4 and I wanted to upgrade it to 2.3.6. I have the latest version of Kies and it keeps on saying that there are no updates available. Also the same when I try it OTA, no updates available. I am using stock firmware and I haven’t rooted it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Which firmware are you using now? Philippines firmware?
How can I find out? I’ve been trying to find out what region my unit is from but so far no luck. Sorry for the hassle. Anyhoo here are the details listed in my unit. Big big thanks.
Baseband version: I9100XXKI1
Kernel version:
root@DELL143 #2
Hope that helps.
Yours is Europe firmware. You can install Philippines DXKL3 firmware with Odin manually if you want.
As I feared. Again BIG, BIG thanks!
More power to you and your site. 
Just an afterthought, from 2.3.4 can you flash directly to 2.3.6, skipping 2.3.5 entirely? Thanks again.
Yes, Chris.
Awesome. Thanks again!
hye jayce!
i tried to install latest firmware 2.3.6 for SGS2 I9100G from KJ2 to KL3 via KIES, but in the middle of upgrading process somehow there was an error “failed to convert to upgrade mode” appeared on the KIES. at the same time, the phone screen showed “downloading, do not turn off target”. i’ve 2 questions:-
1) when this android security warning appear on screen, what are the proper procedures need to be taken? is it ok if, i just disconnect the usb cable; take off the battery and put it back then turn on the phone?
2) can i use oden to upgrade the firmware for I9100G?
1. It is okay to disconnect USB cable if no firmware upgrade is being done to the phone.
2. Yes.
hye jayce! i’m here again. one more question, if i upgrade the firmware by using ODIN, will this void the warranty? for the installation by using ODIN, do i have to uninstall the kies software from pc?
thank you for your response.
Yes and no. Install official firmware is okay. But no for custom firmware.
No need to uninstall Kies to use Odin. Just don’t open it.
Hi, not trying to hijack this comment but I have the EXACT same problem, I9100G, trying to upgrade from KJ2 to KL3 via Kies. The download goes fine, but when it comes to installing the new firmware, it stays at 0% while the phone shows “downloading, do not turn off target”. Eventually the “failed to convert to upgrade mode” notice comes up and my phone gets disconnected from Kies but the still shows the same screen.
Now I’ve checked that Kies is the latest version, I’ve restarted the phone AND computer (I’ve tried multiple times over the period of a week) and it’s always the same. Can you offer any suggestions as to what might be wrong?
You can try on other PC see. If still cannot, you need to refer to Samsung Support then.
Kies tells me there is an update. I connect my phone. I go through the process of agreeing etc. Kies downloads the new firmware and prepares the phone for installation. The phone disconnects, reconnects and then original “there is an update available” message reappears. I’ve been through this cycle a few times now.
Hi Matt, please update to latest Samsung Kies. Reboot both PC and phone. Then try again.
i have samasung galaxy s2 i9100G, g-model.
could you pls tell me….can i update my firmware through kies for the G-version????
and is G-version not good wrt normal i9100 version?????
Yes, you can use Samsung Kies to update I9100G firmware.
I9100G does have slower GPU.
how GPU would affect me?
i am not gonna play with ROM. my basic use is calling,surfing the net.
n ICS4 would be available for G-version????
Slower 3D games.
Yes, wait for official ICS firmware.
I am facing problem while updating my s2 via kies ..
when i connect my phone it shows that firmware update for your phone is available
i started updating my phone
kies downloaded all the necessary files for my phone and start installing ..
but at about 70% it stops and a message appears..
PC failed to recognise the mobile phone.
Please follow the guide below to try again.
1. Disconnect the mobile phone from cable, remove the battery and reattach the battery.
2. Press the power button.
3. Make sure the mobile phone has been turned on completely.
4. Reconnect the mobile phone to the cable and start the upgrage.
i tried many times but same thing happens ..
please help me what should i do ..
Hi gautam, update to latest Samsung Kies. Reboot both PC and phone. Then try again.
hey jaycee,
i tried what you said but same problem continues ..
what should i do..
Hi gautam, please contact Samsung Support in this case.
i am upgrading my firmware via samsung kies samsung galaxy mini.but the firmware upgrade progress keep 0% and i never press any button.is it the firmware thing hang or the internet too slow?
Hi jia wei, what is your Internet connection speed?
Hi Jayce,
Heard that Ice cream sandwich (Android 4.x) had been released for SGSII on Dec last week of 2011. Did you got the update? What are the new features in it?
Also, I have updated my SGSII to 2.3.6, but I don’t think there’s any significant improvement on Performance and other stuff. What do you think of the update?
Thanks for your answers… And appreciate your effort for keeping up this web page.
The latest beta ICS firmware – https://www.jayceooi.com/2012/01/15/download-install-android-4-0-3-ics-xxlp2-firmware-for-samsung-galaxy-s2/
Personally, I don’t see any different between 2.3.6 and 2.3.5.
what version is PDA:KK1/PHONE:Kj1/CSC:KJ4?
Err… What do yo want?
How good is XWKL1 update compared to basic one ( KE2 ) available on Kies ??
And do i loose my installed apps , if i upgrade the firmware through KIES ??
Sorry, no idea as I don’t use these 2 firmwares.
Jayce: im using s2 original version
2.3.3 i9100DXKF1
should i update? update will get better or worst?
Update to latest DX firmware?
jayce..ya i update through kies to latest version 2.3.6 but after update it keep restart..not sure is it bugs for this version..heard ppl said ya
Not sure as I did not use latest DX firmware. Hard reset it if you still have issue.
u are using what customr rom jayce?
CheckROM RevoHD v4.
hi jayce,my sgs2 upgrade latest ics firmware I9100XXLP2_OXA ,my problem android market can’t be connect,server error come out.but I9100XXKPA_OXA,this firmware no problem like that.plz help me……
Try to wipe data and cache with CWM.
can u teach me.step by step?
Method 2 – https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/07/18/how-to-hard-reset-samsung-galaxy-s-ii/
thanks a lot jayce,my android market can be connect already.
how long is the download mode will be taken?on the KIES,it’s still “connecting” while on the sII screen is writtern “Downloading.do not turn off the target!!”.is that normal?this is my first android and my first firmware upgrade,so im still kinda confused.thanks
Firmware upgrade in download mode usually take around 5 to 10 minutes.
have the same problem, it’s almost an hour now but the screen on my phone still says “Downloading.do not turn off the target”, is it still normal? or is there something wrong?
No, it is not normal.
what do you think i should do? I just removed the battery and rebooted my phone, but it seems that the battery life of my phone decreased since it won’t last for just one day even after just having been charged.
Hi jaym, please update Samsung Kies to the latest version. Then try to upgrade firmware again.
hi again jayce, yes i cant update via kies even if kies offers me new update, is my kies update going to download via samsung philippines server? samsung support philippines also said that i check update via fota if there are available update here in the philippines but by now ther is no available update yet. thanks for the advice. one more question is there any other way to update so that i would not depend on the philippine server?
DXKL3 is the latest firmware for Southeast Asia. You should able to get that from Samsung Kies. Or you can install it via Odin software manually.
I think it is probably late already to ask this.
Does upgrading the firmware actually affect any data on the phone???
Will applications be as they are?? will app data stay the same or will it be wiped off??
and media like videos, pictures, screenshots, voice recordings,
and personal data like contacts, SMSes, chat records like whatsapp, yahoo, etc.
Will any of it be affected after the upgrade???
The problem is, right now as i speak my Galaxy S II is being upgraded and i haven’t taken any media or app data backup. i have however backed up my contacts. I am extremely worried that my data will be wiped off forever and wont be recoverable.
Please let me know at the earliest if my data would be affected. Perhaps within these few minutes so i can cancel the update if needed!!
If it does wipe off most of the data, it would be a good idea to cancel this update right away.
Awaiting your reply.
Hi Wilshire, you should already upgraded your SGS2 when I reply this. And got your answer for your own question ~ data will be intact.
Hi jayce: I got my S2 i9100G version..i try to update my firmware through kies but after clicked update it hangs..please guide
The usual answer quote from Samsung Support ~ Update Samsung Kies to the latest version. Then try again. If still cannot, send it to Samsung Service Center.
I just downloaded kies 2 and connected with the device and its upgrade section, it says my device does not support software upgrade. i am from uk. any ideas @? i didnt root before. my device is galaxy s2 gt i9100 and current version is 3.2.3. why cant i upgrade to 3.2.5?
Hi rocky, which firmware version are you using now? Give me details like first picture.
model num – gt-i9100
android version – 2.3.3
baseband version – I9100XWKE1
Err… Like info in the first picture from Samsung Kies please. Need to know your CSC too.
hello there,I have read all what you said..and I have one question,after i start kies should i connect my phone via usb in download mode or how…plz reply me,because I really want to upgrade my phone
Just plug in USB cable in normal usage mode.
hi jayce, i have the latest kies intalled. My S2 is 2.3.3, i wanna update to 2.3.6. The problem i have is, my kies wont show up a “firmware upgrade” button as what you attach above. Advice please. Thank you in advance.
Are you using official firmware? If yes, there is no new official firmware for your region yet.
I have upgraded my old one using kies, and there was no problem i got while upgrading process. But now, my S2 has been replaced several week ago (overheating issue). All what i got is a completely new unit. The problem above come up then.
yes, iam using official firmware.
Since you are using official firmware, please consult Samsung Support to check whether there is new firmware for your region or not.
I am trying to update the firmware on my Wifi 10.1 Galaxy Tab. I dowloaded ver 2 Kies and connect. Goes through first few steps but I get a pop up that says to disconnect all other devices from PC except the Tablet. Nothing else is connected except network printers. It says press OK to continue. Press OK and the same message pops up again.
Do I really need to disconnect network printers in order to update my Tablet? Seems unrelated…
You can try that if still cannot.
Guys I have just updated my gs2 like Jayce told us,from 2.3.3 I’ve jumped to 2.3.5 Its awesome,I have just followed the procedure…and try to make the update in the midnight or in the morning because the wifi connection is more strong
After 2 days I have updated my phone,..It seems like my homecrenn when I scroll it its just a little lagy,and battery life has a shorter life,the update should improve my phone but there is no improvements…the best firmware is the stock firmware……
Maybe the ICS will be better,but Im so sceptic
Hi Jayce,
I need to upgrade my Samsung Galaxy S2. Im from India. I have downloaded Kies but how to upgrade my Samsung Galaxy S2.
Above guide did not help you?
hi jayce. just wanna ask, im still using 2.3.3 version, never updated b4. But the battery life doesnt seem good on my samsung. some said after updated using kies to 2.3.5 the battery life last longer but some said battery life becomes shorter. i was wondering is there any battery imrprovement at all and by how much? ty jayce.
Depend on which region Android 2.3.5 firmware do you use. I am using Europe firmware. Battery life is good for me.
how can i get the europe firmware? im from malaysia and purchased it here.ty
Install with Odin.
Hi Jayce,
My Samsung Galaxy S2 showing Build number GINGERBREAD.DZKJ2 and Kernel vesion se.infra@SEI-30 #2. Is this the correct version?
I am having problem with Kies 2 USB PC Sync.
Please help! Thanks!
Hi Daniel, I don’t have I9100G. So not so sure. Try to upgrade Samsung Kies to the latest version see.
Hi Jayce,
Thanks for your response. I will try and let you know the upcome.
hi jayce , After installing samsung kies it encounters a problem and is closed … please help ! thanx !
Remove it then try again see.
i disconnected my usb cable during upgrade and the mobile is not switching on,what should do to recover it back to its previous state?
Sorry, jin7210. You can’t do anything if you can’t even turn on your phone. Please send it back to Samsung for service.
hi Jayce,
i try to update my samsung galaxy s2 firmware, but it failed, there have and error message always come out when i try to update ” Failed to run firmware upgrade unknown error occurred.
can you help me on this?? thank you
Hi Leona, please update Samsung Kies to the latest version. Then try again.
Kies is at its latest version. still the same error pops up all the the time. anything else that we can check
Hi Ravi, please consult Samsung Support in this case.
well, maybe this is a dumb question.. but consider me as a newbie here >.<
I rooted my device
current os is 2.3.4
I have nexus one with 2.3.6
so, I think I could upgrade my sgs2 (2.3.4) to 2.3.6 too ?
and actually I havent tried your tutorial up there,
and the question is :
– is there any crash/something bad would happen if I upgrade my rooted device ?
if yes, before it happens, should I unrooted the device, then upgrade the version, then rooted it back ?
Nothing bad will happen. Just root access will be removed after firmware upgrade. You need re-root it later.
how much time it will take …… i hav tata photan+ net connection
Sorry, I have no information on your network.
hello~ what’s the latest version of kies and how can i download it? my version of kies is 14_18
i dunno what to do// i wanna update to gingerbread coz im using froyo 2.2 which is sooo laggy:((
it connects to my mobile which is gamsung galaxy s gtI9000 but it can’t read the firmware version..i dunno why
pls help me thanks..><
Not sure which one is the latest one because I am not using it now. Just upgrade it from Samsung Kies itself. Or download it here – https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/07/17/download-samsung-kies-2-0-pc-sync-for-windows-mac/
i did download that and it says that’s the latest version? btw, do you know what’s the easiest way to fix lag? thanks>.<
Sorry, I don’t as I don’t have I9000.
hey, do the apps on the internal sd get deleted after the update???if yes then how to back up those apps???
No, sanamas.
I have a Galaxy s2 and cannot connect to Kies as it says must use PC studio so downloaded and installed to pc but doesnt recognise my moblie.
When connecting to Pc studio it says to touch pc studio on the phone but to connect but that function does not show up on the phone.
Im using win 7.
Any ideas?
Are you using official firmware?
If your talking about the phone…yes.
Weird… You should be able to use Samsung Kies with official firmware. Try to consult Samsung Support then.
thanks will do
Am from India and own a samsung galaxy i9003 with Froyo2.2.1. Tried upgrading it with kies connected to my windows 7 PC. When the kies software prepares for firmware upgrade, it returns a message that “firmware upgrade has stopped working” and the kies software hangs. Pls advice what to do…
Hi aamohan, restart your PC and phone. Then try again.
Hi Jayce…Tried restarting also. Also done with reinstalling the drivers/software, but no use.
Hi aamohan, please consult Samsung Support for further help.
Hi, I was wondering, can I download the firmware update first through Kies,.and perform the update later? With 200 mb to download, kinda scary if the updating disconnected halfway.. Thanks!
I don’t think so. But no worry, firmware upgrade only start after you succeed downloaded it.
hi! i’m using samsung galaxy s2 in albania and when i conect the phone with the comp via kies it says “your device does not support software upgrading via kies” what can i do to recive the official update for ics 4.0? i’m using 2.3.6 stock version. pls help!
Hi Denis, install your region official firmware back.
i tried but it doesn’t have Albania in the installation. i don’t know what to do for the firmware upgrade. i don’t like to root my phone.
Hi Denis, please consult Samsung Support in this case.
Jayce, my Samsung Kies shows that ” Your device does not support software update via Kies”. Previously, I updated andriod 2.3.3 to 2.3.6 using the phone software update itself without using the Kies. Now since the ICS is out and when I plug my phone in it shows that msg. What should I do?
Huh? Using official firmware also cannot work in Samsung Kies? You need to consult Samsung Support then.
when can i find Samsung support center because i only found the us version and its useless for me? ca you give me a link about it? thanks
Hi Jayce,
I wanna ask that I plug-in my phone to the computer using USB cable to check whether there is a update for my GT-I9100 or not because my phone’s Android Version is 2.3.3
Im trying to update to ICS…
but when i opened samsung kies on computer it says that “Your device does not support software upgrade via Kies”
So what im gonna do? i want ics so badly D:
and i didn’t rooted my phone…
About phone :
-Android Version : 2.3.3
-Baseband Version : I9100XXKE4
-Kernel Version : #22
and my current firmware version is:
I9100ZSKF4/I9100OZSKF4/I9100XXKE4/I9100ZSKF4 (KOR)
Your firmware is Hong Kong region. CSC does not match. Need to change to Hong Kong CSC.
i changed it and update my phone via kies but still my phone is v2.3.5 only…any ideas to get it to ICS?
Wait for official release.
Now my phone current status:
-Android version : 2.3.5
-Baseband version : I9100XXKI3
-Kernel version : se.infra@SEP-78 #2
-Build number : GINGERBREAD.ZSKI3
-Current firmware version : PDA:KI3 / PHONE:KI3 / CSC:KI3 (TGY)
Ok so I downloaded the firmware upgrade file(btw, the screenshots which display the back up didn’t appear on my phone). Then ‘downloading…don’t turn off target’ msg comes on my phone display. And after a while i get the message, ‘pc failed to recognize mobile phone.’ Then it suggests i take out the battery and try again but that didnt help either!
What’s the problem here?? Please help me out!! I have tried 7 times now!!!
Hi Neha, please upgrade Samsung Kies to the latest version. Then try again see. If still cannot, do consult Samsung Support.
It didn’t help!! I’m this close to giving up! I have been at this all day long now!!!
Hi Neha, please consult Samsung Support then.
Hi Jayce,
I have a Galaxy s2 bought here in the philippines, already rooted the phone, and using differnt kernel, Kies wont detect any new firmware and says that i already have the latest one, can you help me on this please?
Hi Dave, you can restore to stock official firmware. Then upgrade from Samsung Kies.
Or install the new firmware that you want directly with Odin.
actually, i have read your post on the official ICS Download, but i cant download that ICS file
and also i have stock ROM, just rooted it and also changed the Kernel, do you have links for the stock ROM? and how do i know if its the stock for my S2?
The same place at XDA website. Search for Philippines firmware.
There are several download links (mirror) at XDA website. You can download from there too.
btw, i bought my phone here in the philippines but its from UK, will i install stock for UK or can i install the stock for Phil?
Either one also can as long as yours is I9100 model.
can you give me link of the thread from XDA for the Officail ICS Rom?
Hi Dave, here you are – http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1075278
Thanks, any links for me to be able to Flash directly to stock official ICS?
This one – https://www.jayceooi.com/2012/03/13/download-install-official-android-4-0-ics-firmware-for-samsung-galaxy-s2/
Now my phone current status:
-Android version : 2.3.5
-Baseband version : I9100XXKI3
-Kernel version : se.infra@SEP-78 #2
-Build number : GINGERBREAD.ZSKI3
-Current firmware version : PDA:KI3 / PHONE:KI3 / CSC:KI3 (TGY)
so is this the hk csc?
is there any malaysia csc? D:
So i just have to wait official release then
can u tell me the step how to download official firmware with ics operating system?
Take you time to study my guides at https://www.jayceooi.com/tag/samsung-galaxy-s-ii/
Hi. how do i know if my samsung galaxy s 2 is rooted or not? i changed korean standart into European.oes it mean rooted?
Using other region firmware does not mean it is rooted. You can use Root Checker Basic to check.
I am using galaxy s II which was locked to virgin mobile canada. I unlocked it today but I still cannot update my firmware (2.3.3) to 2.3.6. I thought that unlocked galaxy s II can be updated via kies but got no luck. It’s still saying that I have the latest firmware (which is not true!). What should I do?
Thanks in advance
Hi Raied, I don’t have locked SGS2. So not so sure that you can install firmware with Odin manually or not. Try to consult others who have the same model in XDA website.
Is it even safe to do this ’cause I read all the comments here and almost all of them have problems
i have a problem, cant seem to find the Android 4.0 update . my phone dont find any updates., this is on a phone in norway : telenor network
forgot to say iy’s a samsung galaxy s2
Hi chris, are you using official firmware? If yes, please consult Samsung Support on your issue.
Hello Jayce,
1) I have Samsung Galaxy S2 with Gingerbread 2.3.5.
2) I have opened Kies and it offered me firmware update to the PLE or something similar.
3) Kies downloaded the upgrade file and Samsung rebooted to the download mode.
It says “Downloading…Do not turn off the target..
I thought it should be for a while like 20 minutes or an hour. What can I do?
The phone is still connected to the PC and Kies is opened, but it can’t connect to the device and it maybe logical – it’s in the boot state.
Please guide me what to do, it’s urgent.
Hi Steve, restart the whole process if it is hang. Do upgrade Samsung Kies to the latest version. Then try again. If still have issue, please consult Samsung Support. Thanks.
I have the samsung galaxy S2 LTE(skyrocket) its stuck on android version 2.3.5 and i can’t update it. why ??
Sorry amcc, no idea as I don’t have SGS2 LTE. Please consult Samsung Support. Thanks.
I have samsung s2. While following the above steps, it successfully downloads all the required files but gives an error while updating that need 3GB free space. I have removed all the apps I had downloaded and there is more than 6GB space in USB and 1.85 GB free Device storage. I guess it requires 3GB device storage but how to do that?
Does your PC C hard drive has more than 3GB?
I followed the exact steps as mentioned as above and my phone restarted after the upgrade to ICS. However, it was stuck on the Samsung logo for a very long time so I restarted the phone manually and it booted up correctly this time but I was still on Gingerbread.
When I connect my phone to Kies now, it now says that I am on the latest firmware.
What can I do to retry the update?
Are you sure that there is ICS firmware for your region?
Yes I’m based in the UK and the network provider (Three) has released the ICS update. Thats’s why it appeared in Kies. Before the release Kies used to say I was on the latest firmware.
I’ve tried doing a factory reset but when connecting to Kies, it still says I’m on the latest firmware.
Any idea?
Are you using official firmware for UK (Three) now? Or using other region firmware?
Hi Jayce,
Is it possible to switch from Gingerbread to Ice Cream Sandwich on my Samsung Galaxy S2? if yes, can you pls. tell me the steps in detail? Also, will it possibly void the warranty of my phone?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Jeff, above guide did not help?
hi jayce
i tried many times but it get stuck after the Sith step
Showing- preparing to upgrade firmware content
and doesn’t go further.
please tell me what to do….?
Hi Jp, are you using latest version of Samsung Kies?
yes i think so as i downloaded after reading all these comments and your suggestions it is 2.2. but still not working for me i desperately want to upgrade……
Hi Jp, I have no idea then. Please consult Samsung Support. Sorry…
Hi Jayce,
I Have a Samsung Galaxy S2, i already do the step at above, but mine do not have backup data that step, after agree direct to prepared firmware upgrade, after prepared firmware upgrade, i stuck at Progress firmware upgrade, loading n loading…Can you tell me what the problem and what i should to do…stay for waiting or my version problem… Thank you for your, i will waiting for your email.
Hi Su Yie, did you phone turn into Odin Download mode? And make sure that you are using latest version of Samsung Kies, this will help to reduce issues.
Hi Jayce,
Thanks for your reply, My samsung kies version is, issit the new version?
Did you mind to share me the installation? Thanks
Not sure as Samsung always update it.
The installation is the same as in the article.
Alrite, i will try 1 more time~ Thanks very much^^
Hi Jayce
Could u pls help to enlighten me here?
I tried to do the ics firmware update via Kies on Windows Vista PC, but the download keeps failing to complete. Have tried updating Windows and everything but no luck. It jus says something is causing the problem to have stopped the download prcesss to complete when it runs to 100%, any idea what that might be since I see no Windows diagnosis to the problem.
I have already the latest Kies installed. And PC recognizes my GS2 when cable is connected.
Location: HK
Hi E, I have no idea too. Sorry. You can try on other PC see. If still cannot, do consult Samsung Support for help.
My samsung kies keeps askin me to update the kies. I have updated it like 5 times and stil it shows the same that is to update kies. I have tried uninstallin n installin it again but its of no use..
Hi samiksha, please consult Samsung Support in this case.
hi jayce,
will this upgrade work in the philippines?
Yes sam, why not?
Hey jayce….
i have a samsung galaxy s2 . My current info of the device is
PDA : I9100DXKF4
Hi Yash, no idea about this firmware version. Sorry. Please consult Samsung Support.
Hi Jayce.
I am from Mongolia. I have Samsung Galaxy s 2 GT-I9100 with kernel version XXKI3 Android version2.3.5. but when i connect it via KIES. KIES TELLS ME THAT THIS DEVICE IS NOT UPGRADABLE. means that it is not possible to upgrade in Mongolia because it is not included in the region, however my ss 2 is international version.
when will it be possible?
Hi Oogii, did you install custom firmware on it?
How do I find out which country my phone comes from using the CSC number.
Use Samsung Kies to check. Like mine in first picture, XME is the CSC.
I am having a problem trying to upgrade my Samsung Galaxy S II to the latest firmware. When I click on “Tools” > “Firmware Upgrade and Initialization” it says “GT-I9100M does not support initialization”
Will this affect further attempts to upgrade my device? Is anyone else having this problem?
Thank you
Hi zaboi, not sure. Can you upgrade firmware with Samsung Kies?
not anymore
Hi zaboi, do consult Samsung Support in this case.
My phone is not from NZ and I have been told if I try to download the new firmware it will wreck my phone as it is specifically for NZ phones.
I have been told that if I take it to Parallel Imports they can install it for a fee of $50.
I thought that if I could find out where my phone was released I could go on-line and download the firmware for that country, but have been told that I do that at my peril.
Has anyone else struck this problem?
The set-backs of buying a phone off Trademe. The guy I bought it off told me that I would not be disadvantaged in any way, as I specifically asked him about that.
Hi Russal, is your SGS2 model I9100? If yes, you can install any country I9100 firmware. Like mine (Malaysia unit), I am using Europe firmware now.
Hi Jayce
Mine is a GT-19100 S II, the information I got when I entered the numbers Samsung gave me where: PDA: 19100 XWK14, Phone: 19100 XXKI1, CSC: 19100 CPWKH1, Build Info.: Wed Sept 14 20:34:11, KST2011. Does any of that makes sense to you? Apparently the CSC should tell me where the phone was released, I was thinking with the letter K, maybe Korea, which they said was probably Chinese and I wouldn’t be able to download their firmware because China has all that stuff locked down.
It was Samsung that told me if I downloaded from any site I could wreck my phone. When I tried to download the NZ up-date, as soon as it started to bring the information into my computer I would lose the connection through Kies.
What would Parallel Imports be able to do that I couldn’t do?
Your firmware should based on UK. More info at XDA website.
I have no idea about Parallel Imports.
Hi, I’m trying to follow these steps to upgrade my Galaxy S2 to Ice Cream Sandwich. I get to the Firmware upgrade window where it is downloading the file for firmware upgrade, and then I get a pop up message that says “error in the downloaded file” at 60% completion. This has happened three times now! Any suggestions, please?
Hi Jason, do consult Samsung Support in this case.
Trying to upgrade to the latest FW for my GS2 (Bell Canada). I was prompted to update Kies to the latest version before doing so, no problem, worked fine. After that, I got the pop-up that a new firmware upgrade was avaialble for my phone. I clicked update but nothing happened, it just went back to the default Kies screen. So, I clicked on the orange Firmware Upgrade button and nothing happens when I do that either.
I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled Kies, rebooted phone, etc. Any help?
Hi Jeff, do consult Samsung Support in this case.
i try to update my samsung galaxy s2 with kies but it problem i read information
your device does not support software upgrading via kies
plz help me?
how can i update my ics in my samsung galaxy s2
Hi ahmad, did you install custom firmware on your SGS2?
pleas help me… my phone cannot upgrade firmware… show ” ur device cannot support to use via kies ”
i try follow you tube.. but i cannot understand..u can explain to me properly ?
Hi ain, are you using custom firmware?
I can’t even figure out how to search for possible firmware updates. I open Kies Air on my Galaxy S2 but all I see are ways to transfer Music, Photos, Contacts, Videos, Ringtones, Bookmarks, Messages, Call Log and File Explorer for my SD card… So confuuuuuuuuused.
Hi Scott, use Samsung Kies on PC / Mac. Not Kies Air.
Dear all please i need some help i bought my phone 1 month ago and its gingerbread.jpkj2 , android version 2.3.5 baseband version I9100xxKI4 , when i tried to upgrade from the phone it self it said no update available.
when i tried KIES
it said this is the latest firmware
Current Firmware Version: PDA:KJ2 / PHON:KI4 / CSC:KJ1 ( KSA )
Latest Firmware Version: PDA:KJ2 / PHON:KI4 / CSC:KJ1 ( KSA )
I live in Egypt but i got the phone from KSA. how can i upgrade to ICS now ? i need help with that please. thanks.
I think its Unlocked too because KSA doesn’t have Vodafone and my SP is Vodafone.
Based on what you post with the latest firmware version, ICS is still not available via Kies.
If you really want to upgrade now, you can just download ICS firmware and install it to your
phone via ODIN.
I don want to upgrade but first i dont know which Official Version i should download ?
and what about the Languages all i need is English as base language and Arabic as some text i received in Arabic lang so i need the phone to support that too so which is the suitable version to download ?
Sorry friend, but I don’t know which ICS versions would also support arabic language.
Its okay im still looking for the Middle east version but have no luck yet finding it.
Thanks for your help and reply my friend
I have tried to update my s2 using kies it downloaded all compoentes and it tool long time… and after that it said faied to connect device and told me to enable usb developemtn mode and after that it is again downloading all files… please help
Hi Mohammed, please consult Samsung Support in this case.
how to back up my settings and my apps like Go Launcher and it’s apps !!
Hi muhammed, please use Titanium Backup to backup them.
Hey Jayce
i buy ma s2 from Saudi Arebia but when i connct it kies still not notificate updates i dont’t no why is it problem my phone or still not relese ICS update to middle east need help
Hi Osanda, ICS firmware might not ready Saudi Arebia at yet. Please consult Samsung Saudi Arebia for further info.
it is stuck at preparing firmware upgrade components for hours. what to do
Stuck at downloading firmware from Internet, right? Upgrade Samsung Kies to the latest version. Restart both PC and phone. Then try again.
not helpful still same problem
I use gaxy,y tab gt p7500 with baseband 3.2 android version. Can it be upgrade td android 4?
No official ICS firmware yet. But you can try unofficial one at XDA website.
While i am trying to update my galaxy note firmware, after updating 100% its showing that unknown error occurred…what is the issue..please help me….
Sorry Shihab, hard to tell what went wrong with unknown error message. Please consult Samsung Support for help.
thanx jayce…..
am finding it really difficult to upgrade tp ICS with my S2 via kies,any other alternative am presently in Nigeria…thanks
Hi octavia, you can install ICS firmware with Odin manually.
using kies for s2
the upgrade got stuck at prepare for firmware upgrade
its been hours
before it a tab comes firmware upgrade is not working “check online or close the program”
tried redownload the kies and all but still fails to get past it
Hi chito, try on other PC see. If still cannot, please consult Samsung Support.
Hi. I installed ICS 4.0.3 on my SGS 2 . But it says “not registered network” when i dial numbers
. please help me what shoud i do?
Is your SIM card still okay? Or can you receive call? You can try to factory reset if you want.
I’m from Middle East , I have S2 GT-I9100G … can i update my phone from Android version 2.3.6 to ICS4 using Kies.
thank you
Yes, when it comes out for Middle East.
I just cant believe that you all continue to try and get this device upgraded, I purchased the phone 6 months ago and everything had a problem with it. Trying to update it was an issue, installing apps, it had an issue, phone freazing, so on and so on, it seems that Samsung are trying to copy iPhone with Kies but dont have the faintest idea on how to get it working without any issues. I tried upgrading to the latest software using Kies and wasted more than 20 hours at home, work and on the phone to Samsung support, they didnt have a clue and did’nt care.
In the end, I took it back to the place of purchase, threw it on the counter, explained the issue and the sales person swapped it for the latest HTC. I haven’t had a problem since then with anything.
Thats what you get when you buy phones made from an air conditioning manufacture.
I even purchased the Galaxy Tab 12 months ago, so many problems with the unit that the retail store gave me a full refund on the unit. They were sick of customers coming back with the tab that they stopped questioning the customers and just refunding their money or exchanging it with a real tablet that works.
Samsung scores 1/10 in my books for phones and tablets.
I have been trying to get my Galaxy s3 firmware updated via kies for about six times but each time it reaches about %50 to%60 of firmware download then this damned message show up,,connection timedout” if the one tries over, it starts from scratch then reaches at the same point till stops , delivering’TIME OUT:
what the hell SAMSUNG is doing , they don’t even allow to continue downloading at where it stopped What the stupid kies and server is that when it comes into unavailability of any other option .
can anyone advise me on other ways i may get this shit updated ‘of course other than kies???
You can try the unofficial way.
Kies is crappppppppppppp
I wouldn’t pay 700 USD ,I would have gone for for anything but Samsung shit
I upgrade successfully but why my ram become smaller.. from 1gb to 687 mb?
any idea? Thanks
Hi Abu, this is perfectly normal for I9100G. No worry…
is it a problem? any effect to my phone running?
As I said, not a problem.
thanks.. any feature that have major different when using this ics?
You need to find out yourself because I don’t have I9100G.
im using my laptop thru kies to update my hp.. can my partner use same laptop n same kies to update hers s2 hp.. sound silly q… thanks..
Sure, why not?
What is the reason the “firmware upgrade progress” window is freeze at 0% for more than an hour? my S2 display the andriod logo and message “Downloading – Do not turn of target!!”.
my S2 has not been rooted. and I am using the latest kies (reinstalled on my desktop) .
and I am LAN connection indicate a 36Mbps.
Hi Wilson, please consult Samsung Support in this case.
Hi! Im from the Philippines. I am using SGS2. When tyring to upgrade my firmware, it hanged up at “Downloading firmware upgrade components… 99%” What is the problem?
Thank you and more power!
Hard to tell. Maybe it is Internet connection issue. Try again.
i have updated the samsung kies and it recognizes my s2 but it doesnt throw a firmware-upgrade popup. How do i update my s2 GT-I9100 to ics??its running stock 2.3.5 without root.
Does it show “New firmware is available”?
no. not yet. it just says new kies update avaalable and this is the second time i am uodating kies.
my device was not recognized the first time so i installed the device drivers from within the kies software then it was recognized and connected.
Does Samsung Kies get updated to newer version each time you update?
yes and this is the second time
Keep update until you get the latest version.
by the way i live in india so does this have anything to do with the indian servers?
No idea about this. Please consult Samsung India to confirm.
and my phone is plugged in as an mtp device . when i mount it as a usb device kies says it does not recognize this type of storage instead it wants me to mount it as an mtp device and that is when it is being recognized by kies
okay the kies is updated but now it says that my phone is upgradbale using samsung kies. it says the following–YOUR DEVICE ‘S CURRENT FIRMWARE VERSION IS NOT SUPPORTED TO UPDATE FIRMWARE VIA KIES.
whats that supposed to mean??? my phone is not rooted! please help
Hi Nadeem, KOR is Korea CSC. Did you install other region firmware?
In connecting my sgs2 to computer does not get any pop up about firmware update & option “firmware update” dose not give. my android version is 2.3.6 what should i do for upgrade to ics
What does it show then?
it shows my phone status
What is the status?
memory,firmware version,backup,restore
I mean… Does it show your current firmware is the latest one? No need to update.
it doesnt show latest one
i want to update ics
Hi ups, please consult Samsung Support in this case.
ok thanx
I uninstall samsung kies & install another kies version then it shows “Your divice’s current firmware version is not not supporetd to update firmware via kies” what should i do?
Update Samsung Kies to the latest version.
hi Jayce, i was upgrading the samsung s1, and after KIES downloaded the firmware upgrade to 100% , i waited and after some minutes it prompted that
‘ PC is unable to identify your device, please follow the steps;
1. unplugg battery and plug it again.
2. restart your phone.
3. after restarting , reupgrade it…::”””
what should i do now, need help…
Follow the steps…
i have the korean phone and i’m upgrading it in pakistan, is this any issue…??
It should not have issue. Anyway, do consult Samsung Support to confirm.
my phone get\s stuck showing downloading prompt on it and not go further….
what should i do…??
Is firmware upgrade started? If no, just power off your phone. Restart the whole process again.
bos i got the problem..i flash my galaxy s2 with official xme 4.04 rom using odin..but pattern security not function walau dah enable.one more when i push on off button,terus off.no option like off,restart,silent mode..how to solve this
Hi shah1313, try factory reset first see. If still cannot solve, install another firmware.
can i install any s2 firmware or i need to find the suitable firmware for my device like pda no and cnc?
You can install any SGS2 firmware as long as it match your model.
can u xplain to me what is this..*#272*imei no#
do i need to suit this with firmware?
if i change this csc does it effect to my firmware?
one more, pattern lock on my sgs2 not function..it is about binary counter?need to reset?
Maybe you will get other region features (but most of the time, you feel nothing).
It has nothing to do with binary counter. Most likely is your firmware that has issue. Factory reset if can.
3 times i flash official firmware 4.04,4.03,2.33 using odin
the problem still there..
any idea?
Did you factory reset?
yes, always..by the way where do u live?
dont mind if u help me installl it
Kedah. But I don’t provide support face to face.
Try to restore to stock firmware. And double check again. If still have issue, please consult Samsung Support.
tq sir.solved.just flsh back to 2.3.3
sir..when i extract 4.1.2 firmware there is a .pit file.do i need to flash this also or i can skip this.what happen if i skip this re-partition?
Don’t flash .pit file. Ignore it.
altough i want to upgrade from ics to jellybean?
Yes. No need to change partition.
jaycee why my s2 got shadow on screen..they got refresh favourite and search button on back screen.how to clear that..i dah factory reset,change firmware also not hilang
It might be AMOLED hardware issue. Is your SGS2 still have warranty?
Go to Samsung service center to have a look then.
Ye that’s what is not working for me. I get a funny message with chineese (whatever) symbols, I should confirm, but after that the firmware update procedure starts from the beginning again…
Can somebody translate this message? (The button title: “megerősítés” = confirm in Hungarian.)
Those are Korean. Can’t help because I don’t understand it too. Please consult Samsung Support.
Ok. I’ll, thx.
Dear bro,
i have samsung galaxy s2 brand new that i try to update with kies. i got new firmware update from kies but new version number is not showing on the kies only showing current version. i try to update that after firmware downloading at the time of installation its shown fail. please try to help me out.
Hi romen, update Samsung Kies to the latest version. Then try again.
I am trying to upgrade firmware via kies , but after it transfers installtion components to my device it gives me a mesg that this process is rejected by gti900 administrator please log off and log in with a administrator account, ??????????/
any clueee?????? although i am logged in to my windows via admin account..
Sorry Fahad, no idea here. Please consult Samsung Support. Or try on other PC.
Hallo, ich hab ein Samsung Galaxy S2…ich möchte eine Softwareaktualisierung machen, zur zeit hat das telefon noch 2.3.5…es funktioniert aber weder übers telefon, noch über kies…ich werde nur darüber informiert, dass es eine Aktualisierun gibt…ich verzweifle bald…kann mir jemand helfen…und sorry..ich kann kein englisch,deshalb in deutsch
Sorry Michaela, I don’t understand Deutsch. You can use Samsung Kies to upgrade firmware like this guide. Or consult Samsung Support for help.
Hi Jayce, I start the upgrade, the at&t jellybean, then it will download, then just go back to the kies home screen saying please connect a device. Please Help me
Hi Chase, update Samsung Kies to the latest version. Reboot both PC and phone. Then try again see.
I tried to do the update via KIES and when it showed that it is downloading over th e phone… Kies threw an error message that it cannot find the phine and nothing happened for almost an hour… i had to reboot my phone after that. Please help!!!!
Hi Deepak, use another USB port or cable then try again.
Hi Jayce, Tried different cable and also different machines… the firmware first gets downloaded and when it tries to get downloaded on to the phone and the phone goes to downloading mode, KIES application does not detect the phone and it does not shows progress… and gives a prompt of cancel with a OK button. Once you click button…then the app shows that it is trying to connect to phone…. but does not work.
Not sure what the problem is!!!!! getting frustrated as the upgrade is not happening via OTA also.
Hi Deepak, go to Samsung Service Center and ask them to upgrade firmware for you then.
hi jayce I have problem when downloading file for firmware upgrade, the download stick on 0% for more than 1 hour what I should do ? I repeated this steps many time but same problem. how to fix it ?
Hi SAWAn, disable antivirus and firewall then try again.
ok 10x. antivirus disabled firewall disabled. I am trying again
hoping it work 
i think it still the same problem
what can i do ?
Try on other PC then, SAWAn.
ok i will try. But there is one thing that my phone should be in the download mode but still in the normal mode. I think this is the problem will be in the downloading file firmware step.
hi jayce,
i try the way u teach to ahmad zakwan,bt i dnt knw wat to do after tat.pls guide me,
Hi vicky, what are you trying to do?
Hi,i upgrade my galaxy S2 (Sgh i777) by using kies.When i strart
upgrading firmware first it compeleted its download till 100% then it
prepare for install at that movement an error occure that it need 3000 MB free
but i have enough space in my drive.SO, tell me the suloation how can i remove
this error????
Hi Mughal, please update Kies to latest version. And disable antivirus during firmware upgrade.
Hi, I have installed kies ,but it can not show my s2smart phone.How I can solve this problem
Thank you
Are you using official firmware?