Hey mom, I got myself an iPhone 5. And it is equipped with latest iOS 5 with notification bar on top. Yeah… Android is so good in customization. I just turned my Samsung Galaxy 2 II into iPhone 5 with the help of Espier Launcher. It even has iOS multi-tasking task bar at the bottom. Trust me, normal users will think that your Samsung Galaxy S2 Android phone is an iPhone 5 with bigger screen. Wakaka…

Espier Launcher Features
- Similar with desktop layout and icons of iPhone 4/iPhone 4S.
- Support dynamic icons, such as calendar, SMS, phone and other icons, dynamically display the date, the number of unread messages or missed calls.
- Create and edit folders by fast way.
- Easy Desktop Editing: press and hold any icon into desktop editing mode.
- Support for adding shortcuts on the desktop.
- Applications Access Control: user must input patterns or digital password to start applications.
- Support a variety of icon sorting method.
- Support for Desktop Searching: you can easily search for applications, contacts, SMS, e-mails and so on.
- Support for Desktop configuration restore/backup.
Of course, Espier Launcher only changes the look of your Android phone. You still can’t install and use any iOS application or games. Get a real iPhone instead…
Download Espier Launcher at Android Market here.