Want to capture Samsung Galaxy S4 screenshot and show others at Facebook, Twitter? Galaxy S4 is using the very same methods like its older brother. Galaxy S3 users, you can skip this guide now. The rest of you, stay with me. By the way, the default Android capture screenshot combo (Power + Volume Down buttons) won’t work on Samsung Galaxy series devices. Samsung has its own methods…

How to capture screenshot on Samsung Galaxy S4?
Samsung Galaxy S4 User Manual teaches 1 method only by sweeping. You can capture screenshot easily with one hand. But I don’t prefer this method because you need to enable Palm motion sensor – Capture screen feature (which might use a little bit CPU power).
Method 1
Sweep your hand across the screen (left to right or right to left) to capture a screenshot.
Method 2
Press and hold Power + Home buttons at the same time for 2 seconds.
The captured screenshot will be stored at Gallery – Screenshots (/storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Screenshots).