Oh no, why is my Samsung Galaxy S II custom binary download counts are getting more and more? The custom binary download count will increase when you install custom firmware. +1 on every time you install a new custom firmware via Odin download mode. Some said install custom firmware on Samsung Galaxy S2 will void its warranty. Personally, I don’t think so because Samsung sent free Samsung Galaxy S2 to CyanogenMod team to develop custom CM7 ROM for Samsung Galaxy S2. Why Samsung did that if Samsung against custom firmware? And why not have a locked bootloader on Samsung Galaxy S2? So that nobody is able to install custom firmware. Anyway, we can reset custom binary download counter on Samsung Galaxy S2 with micro USB Jig. Cheer up…
Step by Step Guide
- Power off your phone.
- Plug in Micro USB Jig to Samsung Galaxy S II.
- Odin download mode will be loaded.
- Reboot your phone then.
- That’s all.
Custom binary download counter on Samsung Galaxy S2 will be reset after you plug in USB jig. No need to worry about warranty issue anymore, right?
hi Jayce, where can i get a jig? ide like to reset the counter on my samsung infuse, please let me know, thanks. one more thing how can i find the counter on the phone?
I got mine from eBay. The counter is at download mode. But don’t know Samsung Infuse go into download mode as I don’t have it.
Q: if i downgrade to offical rom. suppose from xxkg5 to origanl i had befor , do i need jiig yet ? or can o skip this ? what i undrstend you its nessecry with custom rom .
Jig USB is not required unless you want to clear the custom binary counter.
My count is still 2 with usb jig.
I have XWK14.
You need to flash old bootloader because XWKI4 has new bootloader which disable the use of USB Jig.
How do i flash old booyloader to a galaxy s2. do CWM or Odin ?
why my counter not reset?
btw i use I9100XWKJ3 with cfroot 5.0
XWKJ3 has new bootloader. USB Jig can’t be used. Install old bootloader from XDA. Then use USB Jig again.
btw i just flash bootloader and reset works
i just made one can you please see it
it wont work when i pluged it in the phone just start
and i think there is something wrong in the resistors
can you please calqulate it for me ?
Sorry, I don’t know how to make own USB Jig.
by the way i have jpkj2 rom
v 2.3.5
JPKJ2 has new bootloader which make USB Jig useless. Try to install old bootloader from XDA. Then try your USB Jig again.
yeap install bootloader only then use jig
i installed the old bootloder but nothing happen
i will check my resistors again
thank you for your help
I have installed Litening in Galaxy S2, and if i want to install Gingerbread to come factory setting then what is the solution i have?
Please advise.
thanks for your reply,
where can i download Gingerbeard to update from litining
Read the guide that I sent you just now.
Thanks, now im in Gingerbread.
Could you please suggest me which custom rom will be better
I prefer CheckROM RevolutionHD. You can try it if you want. https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/10/21/download-checkrom-revolutionhd-xxki4-rom-for-samsung-galaxy-s2-cwm/
i have installed the firmware but Kies says that “Your device not support software upgrading via kies”, pls advice.
Ur posr are really helpful
Thanks in advance
Which firmware version did you install?
Phone details
Pcode GT-I9100LKAKOR
PDA : I9100XXKG1
Phone : I9100XXKG1
There is no official XXKG1 firmware. So of course it is not supported by Samsung Kies.
Android version 2.3.4
Im on Lightning,
xxkh3, Does that have the new bootloader,
As the Jig dont reset mine, either.
Also is there a way to downgrade the boot loader with out flashing the rom,
The link you supplied above has Official Firmwares, I would like to keep Lightning,
I also belive these new bootloaders stop you from loading new boot screens, Via odin
Thanks for your Help.
XXKH3 is not an official firmware. No idea.
Just install old bootloader from XDA website.
Its based on xxkh1,
i had it working on the the same rom, But my phones battery died, ( 3 weeks old)
Anyway, they just sent me a new phone, (i reset the old one with the jig)
Did the same with this new one. Jig wont work, But nor can i change the boot.img,
(and i did on the old one)
If the jig takes it into download mode, But does not clear the counter, Could it be the Jig,
Is it that the loader is stopping the Jig from doing its Secondary task.
Is there a Letter,
that the new loader was used from, So I.e Loaders before G.
And which part is the loader. ( so i can try and keep lightning. ) Or is it just the frimware, and im missing the point.
(Just as a FYI, would it make a difference if i restored Lightning from CWM, Cause i Did) as i also tried Villian. ))
Thanks for taking the time to respond, im sure this will help me and others.
More information about old bootloader can be found at XDA website. Just study it there.
haii!do you know how to remove/reinstall custom rom to the original rom?im using SGS2 I9100G 2.3.6 now..pls help me if you know some..tq!
Here is the method – https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/08/14/how-to-restore-stock-firmware-on-samsung-galaxy-s2-video/
You need to find I9100G firmware yourself as mine is I9100.
is there any other way to this. without the jig. just software
Nope, as far as I know.
thank you. i already ordered mine anyway. but i just thought i ask. thanks
worked for me as a charm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi i recently tried to use odin to download the cm9 and itt said failed and then my phone would not respond…i plug it into my labtop and it does nohing i plug itt back in with odin up and odin cant find it eaither…but it reboots into download mode but still dont do anything and no response then i boot it into cwm v4.0.1.5 and thats no help eaither cause it cant find my sd card and when i boot it up normally it shows samsung and stuff but then the scene goes to black and the blue led light comes on at the top….i love this phone and need help asap from any fixes out there….please i tried everything redownloading the drivers, kies, and even trying to make a boot sd card so i need other options….thank u
Try this – https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/08/14/how-to-restore-stock-firmware-on-samsung-galaxy-s2-video/
I have my counter at 2.
Will it have any effect on my phone if my counter is at 2 or 3?
No sir.
hi there i tryed to flash my samsung galaxy ace and it went totally wrong .its truly a brick it dose not light up what so ever. no recovery mode no download mode nothing my pc recognizes it but nothing i can do to fix it .also iv tryed odin but it just stops at set up connection plus i cant get any bootloader phone exc info on odin can any one help me out please as i think its totally gubbed ?
Sorry to hear that. You can’t do anything if you can’t even power on it.
Please send it back to Samsung for service.
hi jayce
i m using samsung galaxy s2 I9100 and i updated with ICS 4.0.3 XXLP2
i have 5 counters of binary counts nad i want to reset it i already baught USB jigg but it doesnt reset my counts
plz help me
You need to install old bootloader.
A few stupid questions, but I can’t find the answer. I have successfully flashed the old bootloader using Odin v1.85 and then used my USB jig to reset the flash counter. All worked well no problem. I was just wondering a few things.
The latest bootloader, is it really necessary ? Will I encounter any problems or suffer any lack of performance ?
Is it possible to flash the bootloader without using a PC ? I would like to have the latest one, but flashing using Odin obviously will increase the flash counter by 1, negating the use of the USB jig and also rendering the jig useless for resetting the flash counter again.
Thank You in advance
dynomot (Samsung Galaxy SII, GT- I9100)
No, I am using old bootloader now too.
No, PC is needed. Flashing official bootloader won’t increase the counter.
hey jayce.i have a samsung galaxy s2 gti9100g and it already brick.so i got myself an usb jig from market and use it but it still wont go into download mode.do you have any suggestion?really need help right now..
Can you still power on your phone now? If yes, which screen does it show?
when power on it just show the phone tringle pc logo nothing else
Try to install firmware with Odin on that phone tringle pc screen.
cant access my phone on pc.it detect my usb phone cable but nothing showed up.but will try it again.
Do you have Samsung Kies installed on your Windows?
hey jayce sorry to bother you with this all stupid question..but the problem is still the same.can u suggest where can i find firmware for s2 gt9100g?cant find it at samsung.com
i cant go to download mode so is it possible to use odin because when i open odin with my phone connected tp pc nothing was detected on odin but i still proceed and nothing happen so i presume that it does not work.any help?
I saw one people like your case managed to reinstall firmware with Odin. Make sure that you have Samsung Kies installed. Odin needs its USB driver.
Get it at SamMobile.
Thanks for the video, can you please give me the link to download the background music file, I like it <3
That music is from YouTube AudioSwap. Forgot which one that I choose already. Sorry…
Hi Jayce,
Thanks for this wonderful info’s that you have given us. By the way I bought my phone recently an im on XWLA4. Ive done a couple of flashes which increase my couter. now I want to reset the counter so I bought a jig which doesn’t seem to work. I’ve heard that I need a much older firmware for this jig to work.
Can you tell me which firmware exactly do i need to download so that i can be able to reset my counter.
any help will be appreciated. more power jayce
Hi Robbie, please follow this guide – https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/12/23/how-to-install-old-bootloader-on-samsung-galaxy-s2-to-enable-usb-jig/
thank you very much Sir…. keep it up
Hi jayce!
I just made my own Usb jig and it goes to downloading mode but it doesn’t erase my binary counter. I’m running now with a custom ROM and kernel and my baseband version now is XXK14. And my original firmware is JPKJ2.
You might have new bootloader which disable USB Jig usage.
Thanks jayce! By the way if I flash the old bootloader, what will happen to my custom rom and custom kernel? Will it just stay the same and only the binary download counter will turn back to zero again? And also about the link to the old bootloader, it doesn’t work. I think there’s still a problem with the downloads in multiupload.
Bootloader does not touch ROM and kernel. After installed, you can use USB Jig to reset the counter.
I think I just did it! hehe
Product Name: GT- i9100
Custom Binary Download: NO
Thanks for the help jayce! I really appreciate it.
When i connect skype in Galaxy Note, Skype is getting hanged and mobile restarts, do u have any solution for this.
I don’t have Galaxy Note to test. No idea. Sorry…
Skype freezes in 3G and working fine in wife, any solution
Is your Skype official version or mod version?
downloaded from google play,
can get official firmware for galaxy note, i will try to reinstall, might i can fix error.
Phone: N7000XXLA4
Since it’s official, you might want to consult Skype developer on this issue.
Plase master Jayce, help me!
I have a simple query: I downloaded here the OLD BOOTLOADER in order to the Jig works while I was using Gingerbread.
The question is… Can I use the same old bootloader now that I have ICS installed?
Is there any problem flashing the old bootloader on a ICS room, like LPQ?
Should be okay because I am still using old bootloader while testing ICS firmware.
Hi, Jayce,
custom binary download counts to 5 time, Did affect with usb connection or not?. because my sgs2 can not connected with pc and after install new firmware it can not boot to system too. now my sgs2 like dead.
Hi Jack, no. It is just a counter.
hi bro…
is there any way we can remove flash the binary counter to zero with out using the USB jig???
I have a jig but it does not help
No. Maybe you have new bootloader which can’t use USB jig. Try this…
hi bro…. it worked.
thanks a lot … ur the best
brother i have no jig..without using jig anyway to clear custom binary which is now in 1 counts..plz help
Hi jayce…
I’m using firmware xxlq5.what i needed to reset counter binary.usb jig have already.
Hope u can help me.
Hi mieyz, please stop using XXLQ5 firmware. Refer to this.
Tq…. jayce.so,what firmware ics 4.0.4 good for my sgs2 jayce?
Did not try other ICS 4.0.4 firmware. No idea.
Firmware xxlps fast and stable or not jayce?
No idea also as I did not try it before.
my phone running firmware xxlps?how to reset counter binary jayce?how about bootloader new and old?
Use USB jig to reset. If can’t, install old bootloader. Then try again.
hi to all,
i m having GS2.. the time i buy it was having Gingerbread, one of my friend told me to update with odin…. i did the same…. but after installing ICS 4.0.3 i can not make out going calls any more….some times it works but most of the time i can not use my out going calls….
i would like to know can i go back to my original software as i buy it at the first time but without using usb jig.. waiting for positive reply…. thanking you
Hi ali, please refer to this guide.
Hello Jayce,
What happens if we don’t reset the binary count and if it goes on increasing, apart from the warranty issues. Thanks
Nothing wrong will happen.
Don’t offense, but why you don’t recommend this app to reset counter and remove yellow triangle without a USB Jig? Works very well (Triangle Away by Chainfire)
Hi ritesh, what had you done until you got this issue?
i have done nothing sir i dont know i kept my phone in charge at night next morning i am getting emergency call and my imei and serila number is changed by itself dont know if mistake have done any thing wrong also
Hi ritesh, please consult Samsung Support in this case.
its not my country’s phone its honkong phone purchased from some of my friend i am in india samsung is not taking any liablility for the phone model no is gt-i9100
hi i have s advance i9070 ok now i rooted
but the binary count is 15
how i reset this binary
help me plz
Hi rahoof, not sure this work or not since I don’t have this model. Use USB jig to reset it.
Just so you know, Samsung isn’t against the flashing of other firmware; the cell phone companies are. The custom binary download count is meant for the carriers, NOT SAMSUNG.
Before you tell people “I don’t think it would void the warranty because cyanogenmod got a free phone from Samsung for development”, remember that has absolutely nothing to do with the carriers and their policies. IF YOUR PHONE BREAKS AND YOU BRING IT IN FOR WARRANTY REPAIR AND THE CUSTOM BINARY DOWNLOAD COUNT SAYS ANYTHING BESIDES ZERO, THAT IS GROUNDS FOR THE CELL PHONE COMPANY TO VOID YOUR WARRANTY.
Think before you try to pass things off as fact. It makes everything you say look less credible. If you don’t even know the difference between carrier policies and Samsung’s policies, why would anyone think anything on this site is correct?
Hi, I’m an Android enthusiast, and I am running stock firmware on the GT-I9305, or the Galaxy S3 4G. I am currently attempting to clear my binary counter, but I have recently upgraded my software to 4.3 through flashing by odin, which means that there are no yet available CF Auto roots available for my firmware. Do you think there will be a way to root my phone, or possibly clear the binary count without root access? Thanks.
Hi 임상엽, CF-Auto-Root should work. No idea about Triangle Away. But no harm to try.