Garmin Mobile XT is one of the great GPS navigation software for smartphones. It was designed for Palm, Symbian S60 (2nd & 3rd Edition) and Windows Mobile. Too bad that it was ‘discontinued’ and being replaced by Garmin nuvifone. No update since 15 April 2009. Anyway, I am going to try it on my HTC HD2. And it should be able to replace my worthy Garmin Nuvi 200W. With Garmin Mobile XT on HTC HD2, I don’t need to bring along Garmin Nuvi 200W to any travel in the future again.
In order to use Garmin Mobile XT, you need to have GPS enabled mobile phone in either Palm, Symbian S60 or Windows Mobile. I am going to cover step by step installation on Windows Mobile 6.5 as I don’t other 2 platform devices. Okay, how to install Garmin Mobile XT for Windows Mobile Phone?
Installing Garmin Mobile XT for Windows Mobile Phone
First of all, you need to download Garmin Mobile XT Navigation software from Garmin website. There are 3 files needed to be downloaded.
Garmin Mobile XT Navigation for Smartphones – link
Garmin Mobile XT Support Files software – link
Garmin Mobile XT Free Basemap software – link
After downloaded these files, connect your mobile phone to PC with Microsoft ActiveSync. Execute those files and install to your mobile phone. You can install them in Device or Storage Card. I selected storage card as installation path due to the files are not small. After install all three Garmin Mobile XT Navigation for Smartphones, Garmin Mobile XT Support files software and Garmin Mobile XT Free Basemap software. Disconnect your mobile phone from PC and let your mobile phone to run the new application installation process.
Installing GPS map to Garmin Mobile XT
A GPS device without maps installed is useless. Therefore, I headed to MalFreeMaps to download free weekly updated Malaysia GPS map. After download, run the map installation. Connect back your mobile phone to PC and copy the map gmapsupp.img file to Storage Card\Garmin folder. Well, that’s all. You are ready to use your Garmin Mobile XT on your Windows Mobile Phone.
Arr… This is what I got when trying to use the free trial ~ “Server could not process request. Please contact customer support”. What should I do in order to test it? Search for Garmin Mobile XT crack and Garmin Mobile XT keygen like IMEI to UnitID Converter v1.0 and Garmin Keygen 1.5? Or buy Garmin Mobile XT directly at USD99.99?
Think no more. Buy Garmin Mobile XT here.
I still hv no idea what should I do with a GPS in malaysia. Still dont hv one.
oh. macam itu kah..
I think I need a seperate GPS device, iPhone 2G don’t have a built in one
It’s time for you to change a new mobile phone. Maybe the next gen iPhone?
Dont buy a iphone!Its shit!HTC Hd2 is better like an 400000 times,iphone is for retarded americans!
My suggestion buy a hand held GPS device, mobile phone GPS is useless n difficult to read.
Are you sure? Garmin Mobile XT on HTC HD2 is lot better than my Garmin Nuvi 200W. Screen resolution is better and clearer.
Hi Mate
Can you please publish a working link for Mobile XT on HTC HD2?
Huh? All the download links are still working, aren’t they?
I borrowed my son’s GPS when I went to Melbourne and it made getting around a strange city so much easier.
Can anyone help me to download garmin gps software and maps of Malta on my samsung jet.
Hi guyz..
I have installed garmin xt mobile v.5 for htc-touch diamond 2 and did the crack for it, but im facing a problem that is after launching the software it keeps scanning for bultooth devices?!
hope to help me solving this problem.
many thanks for information
Any1 know where to get thailand map ?
Uchiha, try this
Go to Tools > Settings > System > Remote GPS. Change to “Use Attached GPS” by disabling the “Bluetooth GPS”. HTC Touch Diamond2 has internal GPS
Is HTC HD2 same applycation with Touch Diamond2 ?
Any way can I get the crack / key ?
It’s called download Bing Mobile…. Free GPS and maps…
Hi Jayce, i’m using HD2… after installing android 2.2, my garmin view just above pix… so, is it mean i will never using the garmin as before? or do i need to buy it not the free version as be installed as first bought in store?
Garmin Mobile XT is not free. You need to buy it.
i have garmin mobile xt of thailland, do you want
“Think no more. Buy Garmin Mobile XT here”
the here link is not working. Pls help!
Don’t buy Garmin Mobile XT, trust me I use it before difficult to read and confusing. I suggest that u buy a hand held GPS device
” Therefore, I headed to MalFreeMaps to download free weekly updated Malaysia GPS map”
Can you point me to the link showing KL map/Malaysia map?
The website is a bit difficult for me to follow.
please tell me what i can to find the map of iran?
if you have iran map please send me link
thanks alot
Will the phone network charge everytime i use the GArmin?
Garmin is offline GPS. No Internet charges.
Hi all who know How to get map of Cambodia?
Hi Jaycee. I own the Garmin-Asus M10 with the pre-loaded WinMo 6.5 OS installed. Is there any way that I can change the OS from WinMo to Android 2.2?
Sorry, I have no idea on Garmin-Asus M10.
Hi, looking for a map of South Africa?
Do you have a map of South Afrika for Garmin mobile? Or link?
hi everyone!!! i am from greece and i want to install android 2.2 on my htc hd2 but i cant find a usefull software…. i only find the t-mobile shit… pfffff can anyone help me out?
mine is the htc hd2 T8585.. can anyone send me a link to download android for my device?
my e-mail is: or just post the link here so i can use it!!! thx very much guyz! goodnight!
Does Garmin Mobile XT work with new Windows Phone 7 ???
I installed garmin for my phone htc hd2 windows mobile 6.5 as in the instructions above but didn’t work?
Anyone know how I can install garmin to my phone ?
does this software support samsung omnia 2
I think so.
will any garmin or papago software work in Motorola Milestone XT720 OR HTC Mozart 7..???
Motorola Milestone XT72 should be able to use Papago since it is powered by Android OS. But HTC Mozart 7 (WP7) can’t use any one of them.
Hi Jayce, i am having difficulty in installing garmin into my htc hd2, need your help to provide the keygen, could you send to my email:
Thanks in advance
Sorry, no warez discussion here.
I followed the instriction for damsing galaxy mobile but not work
how can
total crap guide~!!! just to sell the product issit ? really crap crap crap~!!!