How to install custom kernel on Samsung Galaxy S3?

Having a good kernel on Android devices can further improve its overall performance. The better kernel you have, the better performance and more features you will get for your Android smartphone like Samsung Galaxy S III. What is the benefit of using custom kernel? Root access, insecure adb, custom boot animation support, overclocking, undervolting voltage control, multiple tweaked CPU governors, GPU overclocking, I/O tweaks, automatic backup of EFS partition, NTFS USB driver support are some of the features of custom kernel. So if you want to have better performance on Samsung Galaxy S3, try out custom kernel…

SiyahKernel for Samsung Galaxy S3

How to install custom kernel on Samsung Galaxy S3?
There are 2 ways to install custom kernel on Samsung Galaxy S3 ~ via Odin and ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM). Use Odin to install tar file and use CWM to install zip file. Refer to these guides ~ How to root Samsung Galaxy S3 with CF-Root? (Video) for Odin installation and How to install update zip with ClockworkMod Recovery on Samsung Galaxy S3? (Video) for CWM installation. They are not the exact guide but the installation method is the same. And do get more information from the custom kernel website.

SiyahKernel is one of the custom kernels for Samsung Galaxy S3 that you can try. Download it here.


  1. Hi,

    I just follow step to using Odin, CF Root & install SiyahKernel and already successful. Will this mean that my warranty with samsung already VOID ? please let me know…. i just follow step in internet to increase battery life and never know that by root the phone will void the warranty…..please advise…:-(

  2. Hi Jayce, Seems that the volume is way too loud with the SiyahKernel version even at low level. Is there a way to correct that

  3. Hi Jayce, I install SiyahKernel using CWM after intalling sucess. My S3, can reboot now it just appear Samsung s3.

    What can I do?

    Thaks in advance.

  4. Hi Jayce,

    Im back again….. I did Root my phone successfully with your method explained on different thread (Using the Odin Method)…..

    Now I just wanted to install SiyahKernel and did download the .tar file from the link above…..

    Just had couple of concerns; Could u kindly address them?

    – Using the Odin Method, which OPTIONS should be checked? In Rooting they were “F. Reset Time” and “Auto Re-Boot” (adding the .tar file clicking on PDA)….
    Is it the same for installing the SiyahKernel?

    – Will my apps/settings/contacts installed on my phone remain as they are after the installation of SiyahKernel?

    I do understand the method seems to be the same for installing the SiyalKernal (Odin Method) but just wanted your advise and expert opinion on it….

    For your info, I have the following on my (Rooted Phone SGS3):

    Android: 4.0.4
    Baseband: I9300XXLFB
    Kernel Ver:
    se.infra@SEP-64 # 1
    SMP PREEMPT Tue Jun 26 00:30 KST 2012

    Build #: IMM76D.I9300XXBLFB

    Waiting for your response….

    Thanks and Regards

      • Thanks for your reply Jayce….

        I just noticed that there are couple of options to download the .tar file from the link above… Just getting a little confused….


        Is it the File SiyahKernel S3-v1.5.2.tar ?????

        Thanks and Regards

  5. Thanks Jayce……

    I did manage to Install Siyah Kernel on my phone…. So far its running fine…. Just a question;

    With the SiyahKernal an app named STWEAKS got installed on my phone… Just wanted to know as to what this app does and how is it similar/different to SETCPU (also installed on my phone)???

    Should I use SETCPU or STWEAKS to overclock?


  6. Hi Jayce, what is the difference between rom and kernel?
    Can i install Siyah kernal in any custom rom? or it must be sticked to specified rom?
    Thank you.

  7. Hi Jayce…….

    Ive been looking thru your different threads but Ive been unable to find one which explains installing CyanogenMod9 on Samsung Galaxy S3 running on Siyal Kernel….

    I would certainly appreciate if u could help me in this….

    Thanks and Regards

  8. Hi, Installed SiyahKernel S3-v1.7rc1 on Samsung Galaxy S3 stock rom rooted but after reboot the screen is stuck with the flashing Siyah logo… any help would be really appriciated.

  9. Hi Jayce,
    When rooting my phone, I followed instructions from else where, my phone build is Hong Kong phone, I9300xxxxxxLI2 which when rooting, just flashing CF root-sgs3 etc… .tar doesn’t work, needed to flash siyah THEN flash the root. So now I’ve Siyah kernel & rooted device. only problem is, seems wifi is dropping and reconnecting itself every so often (every couple minutes) which is slightly(!!) annoying.
    So, how do I revert to stock kernel? simplying finding the kernel and flash it back on? or will flashing stock S3 firmware put the kernel back to stock? But then I’d have to re-root again, which means siyah is back on….
    Or, should I update siyah to v1.5 (since 1.6+ is JB, I’m still on ICS), how do i update? download the siyah v1.5 tar and flash with odin over the old one? or do i need to remove old before adding new?

    Much appriciated for your time & effort

      • Thank you, flashed to the newest available siyah (1.5 something) much better now, no dogdy wifi and no massive delay when trying to unlock (no response to my touch for about a minute when screen goes on after long inactivity)

        Much appriciated

  10. Hi Jayce,

    I’ve rooted my S2 before and have my S3 rooted now but am still abit of a noob.
    Can you tell me if Kernels are specific to versions ? I wanted to get LeanKernel but the one i found is in S3 Verizon developers on XDA.

    My S3 is on Three Network in Ireland. So, not sure if it will work ? 🙁

    Also, can i flash a kernel via MobileOdin ? I just save the kernel file to the SD card, open it via Mobile Odin and thats it ?


  11. hi jayce,
    Im definitely considering flashing the ninphetamin3 kernel for my galaxy s3 (gt-i9300). but i don’t want to brick my device so is this kernel jelly bean compatible (i9300XXELLA firmware) (android version 4.1.2). looking forward to a reply soon.
    thanks, sam.

  12. I’m getting really annoyed that it seems that everyone only gives a shit about the s3 i9300. is there a kernel for the normal us/ Canada phones? I want the same features as siyah, but can’t find one for the normal s3s

  13. Hi jayce.
    I have rooted recently. However, i have some problem flashing the siyah kernel.
    they have 2 types of file. .tar and .zip .
    I use .tar to flash using odin only and i could not see any app like stweaks to tweak the kernel.
    Should i also extract .zip file using recovery mode?

    Thanx in advance . .


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