2-way in call recording is always one of the features that I want to have on my phone. And you can enable call recording on Samsung Galaxy S II now too. Actually, you can try several call recorders from Android Market. Or apply this Samsung Galaxy S2 dialer mod to enable call recording. And the good news, it works on official firmware no matter odexed or deodexed. I tried it on XXKG5 official firmware (odexed). Turn out working fine. Hmm… Maybe sound recorded is a little bit soft, but I still can hear it. If you don’t like it, you can revert back to stock dialer anytime you want.

Personally, I prefer to enable call recording manually. This dialer is not for you if you want automated call recording. By the way, the recorded calls are located at /sdcard/sounds/ in .arm audio sound format. Just install it with ClockworkMod Recovery.
Download call record dialer mod for Samsung Galaxy S2