Finally, the wait is over. 2-way in call recording is possible on HTC HD2 now. Since day 1… When you call or receive, you cannot record other’s voice clearly unless you enable hands-free mode. Their voice is too soft to be heard when playback. Thanks to member RekGRpth. Here is the solution to enable 2-way in call recording on HTC HD2.

The cab is a registry entry. You can edit it by your own or just install the cab.
This solution is working on normal phone call, hands-free mode and even with jWIN Electronics JB-TH130 Bluetooth Headset. It works for me. And it should work the same to you. By the way, the recorded voice conversation is located at phone memory – My Documents\Notes in wave format.
Note – remember to soft reset your phone after install the cab.
Download 2-way In Call Recording Fix for HTC HD2 here.
I was wondering what rom version you are using? I have a HTC HD2 USA version. Thanks for this awesome site you put up! – Jerome
Using Cookie Energy ROM now ~
And you are most welcome here.
After installing .Net 3.5, ACR 1.2.4 and the MixModeRecord cab followed by a soft reset, in call recording works perfectly on my HTC HD2 with ROM Version 1.72.831.1 (82124) WWE. After soft reset the backlight setting was reset to dim after 10sec (previous setting was 2mins) but this was easy to fix. The callers voice, which was always the problem with in call recording the for HTC HD2, is now loud and clear. I’ve set calls to record to the storage card in ‘Calls’ folder. I’m using the following ACR settings: PCM, 16 bits/channel, 48,000 samples per second.
Well done to all involved in solving ICR for the HTC HD2. This solution makes the HTC HD2 a perfect business phone.
Just bought a Galaxy Apollo and discovered that what is a very imp feature for me is not present on the phone. Would this work for this model?
Hmm… I don’t think so.
Keep getting fatal error message that says download latest beta version. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and still get message. Anyone know how to fix this.
i have htc hd mini with os 6.5 how can i enable call recording?
thanks in advance
Sorry, no idea as I don’t have HTC HD Mini.
how to make it auto record when some one calling me or i call her , then auto record my sound and her sound ? how to make it auto
Sorry, no idea. Maybe you can check in XDA.
Hello Jayce,
I wanted to know which one is best the Custom ROM for HTC HD2 (India). and if possible give me one line detail and download URL.
Thanks & Best Regards
Manish Bajpai
Windows Mobile 6.5, Android or Windows Phone 7? Or you can search it on my blog yourself.
Hello Jayce,
Thanks alot for answering my question.
Windows 6.5 custom ROM should be good because I really do not have great experience on Battery drainage in Android or Windows 7. I feel like they both are very resource eating OS.
I have tried Android and Mango, but it seems that they are not really designed for HD2
Please suggest me some 6.5 Custom ROM.
Thanks & Regards
Manish Bajpai