There are 2 types of ClockworkMod Nandroid backup format ~ original tar format and new dup format. Tar backup format is good to store another copy at other places like PC or cloud storage. On the other hand, dup format is good for incremental backup for saving disk space. Before Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, older version CWM Nandroid backup is stored at user disk space. But latest version is stored at system disk space where you can’t access it from PC anymore. So how to copy CWM Nandroid backup to PC on Android 4.2 Jelly Bean?

How to copy CWM Nandroid backup to PC?
The latest CWM Nandroid backup is stored at /mnt/shell/emulated/clockworkmod/backup folder. In order to copy it to PC, you need to make a copy of the whole backup folder at /sdcard first. Then connect Android device to PC. And copy from there. Then delete the backup at Android device to save disk space. Make sure that you leave at least 1 backup copy there. That’s all.
As for restoration, just copy the backup from PC to Android device. Then copy it to /mnt/shell/emulated/clockworkmod/backup. And restore with CWM then. That’s it.