Samsung Galaxy S III firmware has 3 main components ~ PDA, PHONE and CSC. PDA == build version of the firmware, PHONE == baseband / modem version and CSC == consumer software customization (specified to geographical region and carriers). CSC contains the software packages specific to that region, carrier branding and also APN settings for data connection, MMS for your service provider. You can change CSC if you have Multi CSC packages like below example. By the way, only Samsung Galaxy S3 firmware with correct PDA, PHONE and CSC combo will get updated with Samsung Kies.
Note – This will factory reset your phone. Everything will be deleted. Do backup before perform this task.

How to change CSC on Samsung Galaxy S3?
- Type *#272*Device IMEI# at Phone dial pad.
- Select the CSC that you want.
- Click Install.
- Phone will be rebooted by itself.
- That’s all.
Update – if above method did not work for, try CSC Changer.
bro got wat benefit changing it? thanks~
To enable Samsung Kies to upgrade your SGS3 firmware if you have wrong CSC. No need to change it if you don’t have issue.
meaning some guys didn’t get the update due to wrong CSC??
AP : I9300XXBLH1
CP : I9300DXLH1
CSC : I93000LBBLH1
is it the latest 1? i heard got another small update for modem.
What is AP and CP?
Should be PDA and PHONE (MODEM).
do u guys feel that will be a bit lag after i upgrade my s3 into the latest which have the same AP CP and CSC above?
thanks! help me a lot not getting updates via kies after unroot my sgs3
maybe a stupid question.. However, when i change my csc, will my PDA and Modem change to that region too?
No vanira.
I purchased my phone samsung s3 in New zealand where it had been imported from france, I didn’t have any issues with it there, but I recently moved to Denmark, and I am having major connectivity issues with the carriers over here, could changing my CSC help fix this? cheers
Maybe Nick.
Juz get back my s3 after front camera from Samsung Service centre. Check with kies, I am no longer supported to update via kies, can you suggest which csc code should I select in order to get the update via kies again?
Hi Jerry, please consult Samsung Support since you got it back from them.
For Malaysia, which code should I pick?
My Galaxy S3 international unlocked factory has BTU code, I want to upgrade to the official I9300XXDLIB Jelly Bean firmware with Odin. My question is: If is neccesary to change the Csc to the XEO code for apply to the JBean firmware?. And my concern is: the Samsung Kies will recognize my model phone after applied the Jelly Bean update with the modified Csc or not?. Thanks
No need to change CSC to install Jelly Bean firmware. Firmware region and CSC must be matched in order to use Samsung Kies to upgrade firmware.
Thanks for your answer. Better to wait one more week if the official JBean appears for my region (with the Kies), regards.
Hi.. i purchased s3 in china.. its already rooted and i want to change the csc.. but only TLS is the option i am getting.. how to change to poland csc to upgrade to jellybean..
Hi Sunny, I am not sure that China I9300 hardware is the same as international I9300 or not. If it is the same, you can install other region firmware directly with Odin. It will change CSC automatically based on the firmware that you installed.
Thanks sir for your quick response.. how to check if its same or no. ? I just want to make sure i not end up messing everything..
Does this signifies anything.?
Yours is I747 model. Can’t use I9300 stuffs. Sorry, can’t help much here because I don’t have this model. Try to consult others with this model.
Sad.. but thanks.. stay well
guys, I’m really confused, I just moved from the world of iOS to Android, I have Galaxy S3 with CSC code THR, I live in Libya.
Kies doesn’t show the new JB fw yet, so does it going to change it if I change my CSC via *#272*IMEI# or it is useless? if I could, then which CSC code should I change to?
my *#1234# info is:
I tried Check Fux Downloader 2.1, but it didn’t show up my firmware info.
this made me so confused.
when I try to change my CSC I get the following codes:
so what should I do?
thank you for your support to a new comer!
Hi Ali, not all region has Jelly Bean firmware yet. Just wait for it. Changing CSC won’t help.
Hello Jayce , i really need some help out here . i wanna change my csc but when i put the *#272*Device IMEI# on the phone dial pad nothing happens and if i press the call boton it says code mmi non valid or connexion problem that problem also happens if i wanna check *#7465625# i’ve searched all over the web and tryed all the solutions on google and xda developer forum .. etc .. but nothing solved the problem would you please try to get the fix for this cz i rly need to change the csc or if there is any other way to change csc would be realy nice and thanks in advance
Hi Medjoe, are you using Samsung firmware (not CM, AOSP)?
Hey Jayce , i’m using the official samsung firmware the phone is not rooted or anything its fully official + its unlocked for all carriers i can enjoy any simcard i insert on it so as you can see i don’t know from where this problem come from ..
Hi Medjoe, I have no idea on unlocked phone. Please consult Samsung Support.
Hi Jayce, I have tmu csc and no other options to change and i cannot update ota or via kies can you help please?
Hi Jonno, CSC is depended on the firmware that you installed. Use official firmware if you wish to use Samsung Kies.
hello jayce…
my info is
when i try to do ota update its download 21.81mg after this the gs3 is rebot and it go to black screen, its says the update fails and you need to rebot your system…i also try to update via kies but its say
your phone is not support on this firmware….if i change the CSC the update is be fine and kies will recognize the phone?
Yes, you can use Samsung Kies on the correct official firmware.
Hi. Jayce
Its my first time posting here, 1st as many other’s here I had the same problem (s3 doesn’t. Support update via skies)
So I tried csc changing it gave me 3options ttt-tdr-vno and my cache code was afr so done it and kies now supports my s3.but another problem came up I lost my Arabic language from the input for good. I downloaded Arabic keyboard but I really want the locale back so can u help me plzzzz cozy I really tried every thing to regain it back and wiped s3 to factory but same thing nothing changed also done emergency recovery same thing also….any help plzzzz
Hi osama, did you install other region firmware?
Hi was afr. now its ttt no other region firm just changed the cs c code so the lies can recognize my I don’t have the Arabic language…
Weird… Changing CSC should not change the language. Anyway, just change CSC back to AFR to enable Arabic Language in your case.
Hi jayce.again
when I try to change csc. The only options available is VNO.TTT.TDR
plz help tell me how.
Hi osama, you need to install AFR CSC or firmware that have AFR CSC.
can u guide me plz.and it will be official samsung one not a custom one?
Guide what?
hi jayce.i ment guide how to install the afr firmware back again on my s3. really i dont know how.if theres a link or something i do appreciate it..thx
Hi osama, please refer to this guide.
Tnxx jayce…i have 3 mor little Question
1. when i change the csc its change my language to?
2.after the change csc the galaxy need some code or somthing on the start? which csc i need to change to get it work?
1. No, language is depended on the firmware itself.
2. No.
3. Depend on the firmware that you installed.
Also I lost music hub and video hub as well and they were there be4 I changed the CDC code.
Sorry osama, no idea on this. Really suspected you install other firmware. As I mentioned, changing CSC won’t do any changes on the firmware itself but CSC.
Hi Jayce
I got my S3 from Hong Kong. It’s the Australian version as it had Australian apps.
I have flashed it with jelly bean. But now can’t update with keis.
I tried to change the csc, but it says my phone only has a single csc, OPS; and doesnt give me option to change it.
My current phone version:
Please help
Hi Easen, Jelly Bean is the latest firmware. Should not have any latest firmware now.
Hi jaycee, i have check a website which keeps us an update of jellybean regional update. In some country it was officially released. I wanted to change my csc (AFR) to a csc which has a jelly bean regional update already. Is it possible to get notice of new firmware in kies if i do this? Thanks.
No, that won’t help.
Ok. Thanks anyways. Do you have any link where can i view all csc and its region for sgs3?
Hi jaff, you can try Check Fus Downloader.
i have
and i use Orange (Austria) and i will change it to the unbranded one can i normally updaded? how about the garanty?
Sorry Christoph, I have no idea. Please consult others with same model at XDA Forum.
Hi Jayce, some questions please..
AP : I9300XXBLH1
CP : I9300XXLH1
Unlocked Italy.
1, if i flash the lastest UK offical firmware
for Jellybean, it wont delete my phones data and settings right?
2, will i still be able to use Kies to back up my data if i follow your method to change the CSC code after?
3, whats my CSC code for italy please?
4,then if i want to flash official jelly bean firmware OTA when it gets released, i need to re-flash ICS and change to CSC again right?
1. By right, no.
2. Yes if UK firmware’s PDA, PHONE and CSC combo are correct.
3. No idea. Sorry…
4. Just install Jelly Bean firmware directly.
Hi, I’m using galaxy s3 and from the codes i noticed that it’s for XSG regoin and *#1234# says
CP: I9300XXLH1
CSC: I9300OJVBLH1 ( it says UAE, Egypt… Turkey)
i’m using the phone in Macedonia and my question is should i change the product code or that’s not needed? what i will get if i change the product code?
No need to change unless it is not compatible with your current firmware.
And how to know if it is compatible with my firmware? I’m waiting for the jellybean these days via OTA
and i would like to know how to check the compatibility of the firmware.
Thanks a lot
Just use Samsung Kies to find out.
KIES says:
current firmware: PDA:LH1/ Phone: LH1 / CSC: LH1 (XSG)
latest firmware: PDA: LJ1 / Phone: LID / CSC: LJ1 (XSG)
what this means, and what should i do…. i will appreciate any help because i’m new to android
Upgrade to the new firmware then.
This means that i don’t have to change product code and thats everything ok to use like this?
No need since Samsung Kies able to detect yours.
Thanks a lot
and sorry for bothering 
hi my phone firmware version is xxalf2 i rooted it. Every thing is fine but when i unroot it and flash stock firmware oxxalf2 ilost network when i isert the sim. Without sim network present with emergency call option iam from india
Hi raju, how did you unroot it?
I just download oxxalf2 stock firmware and flash the tar file with odin now the device status is modified to normal but there is no network and a circle display on network bar then i try ota update and it install succsesfully but network is still unavailable when i root it again network show but when i insert the sim network is goneaju
Rooting does not change CSC. Did you use CF-Root to root?
And i am not find my csc inu when i check my csc
I do root and unroot with odin
Hi Jayce
i know it could be repeated question , i have two S3 phones is Egypt , one of them is CSC(MRT) and the other one is CSC(BTC)
the MRT received JB update , but the other one not yet ! should i change BTC phone to MRT or EGY or leave it as it is ?
No Hassan, leave it as default. Else the changed one can’t any update at all.
I bought S3 in Slovakia. Sunday it shows me error update and it cant get update through OTA in settings. Kies show me “your device does not support software upgrading via kies”. I tried to change csc but it shows only “sales code XEZ” and no CSCs.
Please, wha dot you recommends me?
Hi Roman, consult your seller. Ask why it can’t be upgraded with Samsung Kies.
Hi Jayce,
I have a CSC of AFR. would you know which country this is? and even though am not in that country the moment samsung allowed the release of the that country would i still get the updates?
Need advice since I saw some articles were people change the CSC then they can now start DL JB.
Hi EJ, AFR == United Arab Emirat. Upgrade should not be affected if you are in other country.
Changing to wrong CSC that can’t match your firmware won’t help to get Jelly Bean.
CSC: I9300OJVBLF3 – is this also united arab emirates? since when i check on my CSC using *#1234# this is what showing me.
Thanks for the reply Jayce!
Can’t tell based on I9300OJVBLF3. Because other regions also use this.
sorry to intrude but according to, AFR is Kenya?
ok .. i am new and just update my S3 firmware yesterday .. Found that kernel version is updated
my question .. i am using a s3 AP set (believed it for Orange) , and try to change CSC but only FTM option available.
Is there any way to get the Malaysia CSC i really need ODIN , ROM etc that i previously read on others forum
Hi Azhar, you need to install Malaysia firmware with Odin. No point just install Malaysia CSC.
thanks Joyce .. seems that need to change to hardcore user
before that .. is it really worth to upgrade to JB , since i am put my S3 on risk by using ODIN ?
Depend on your usage. Just wait for official release if you are not eager to test out new features in Jelly Bean.
I restored the backup after CS change. Now, CSC Changer app shows new CSC, but *#1234# shows old one… Why?
Hi Jumpy, *#1234# does not show actual sales code code.
*#1234# shows AP, CP and CSC… Solved flashing new ITV firmware…
hello to all.
i own a galaxy s3 with the csc VD2
how can i find out which csc is compatible with my country in order to get the new android 4.1?
the KIES software is causing me some trouble, i cant backup my phone. any ideas?
Hi guy, you need to get CSC that match to your firmware (not country).
Can Samsung Kies able to detect your SGS3?
thank you for the help.
how do i match all the data?
yes, it detects my SG3.
No need to do anything if you are using official firmware. Samsung Kies will be able to upgrade the firmware for you.
Dear Jayce
This may come as often repeated, boring (and possibly stupid) question to you, apologies if it does.
My SIII bought in Australia from Hongkong based firm has following information displayed:
Model no: GT I9300
Android Version 4.0.4
Baseband version: I9300XXLH1
Build number: IMM76D.I9300XXBLH3
Kernel version:3.0.15-928452 se.infra@SEP – 70#1
SMP PREEMPT Tue Aug 21 17:04:13 KST 2012
I was hoping it would come with Jellybean (as on my Nexus 7 tablet)
Does everything appear okay and should I just wait for update – or am I missing something?
I will be grateful for your expert opinion.
Hi Amit, just use Samsung Kies to find out.
hi jayce, how can i tell if my CSC code match my firmware? mine is:
Thanks in advance! x
Hi eunice, use Samsung Kies to check.
i used, but i still dont understand
but it detects my galaxy s3 though, does it mean my phone is alright and need no to change the csc?
Yes, if you can use Samsung Kies to upgrade firmware.
it’s not available for upgrade yet, it says that 4.0.4 is my latest firmware……
Just wait for it then.
hi jayce,
i have the same scenario as of eunice, but on my phone the call log is not updating it always shows 1 missed call, whether it is 10 missed call or even none, when i checked with samsung guys they told me software has to be updated but i cant find any update through kies or software update on the phone.
thanks in advance any help would be appreciated.
Hi shiju, try factory reset it see.
im from the uk how do i sort mine out mine is
What is the issue here, wayne?
Hi dear, i own i9300 s3 an international model with THR (i.e from Tehran Iran), i live in Pakistan and jelly bean is available for Pakistan. My question is that if i change CSC to Pakistan will i be able to get jelly bean? since jellybean status is pending for Iran.
No kamran.
Hi !
I need help please, i just bought a brand new samsung s3 and i am running ICS 4.0.4 when i go to setting and try to update its says no update available i went to KIES directly and it says That Kies does not support the firmware…….
I tried updating without wifi using my networks (Three) and nothing.
I checked versions and it was
I want to update to the new jelly bean I live in UK can i do something about this please.
Hi abbe, please consult Samsung Support since you just bought it. Samsung Kies should support your current firmware.
hi i own galaxy s3 titanium grey version i wanna know which region it belong to my code is AP = i9300XXBLH1 , CP = i9300XXLH1 , CSC = i9300OJVBLH1
i live in pakistan and wanted to update to jelly bean wot can i do ?
Hi Mitthu, wait for official release. Else install other region Jelly Bean firmware.
Hi Jayce,
How do we install other region’s Jelly Bean? Can you share links on how to install manually? Also after installing, do we have also the capability to update it via OTA for future updates?
Yes for official firmware.
i am doing *#272*imei# its not working why
same here *#272*imei# isnt working and btw ive found out my galaxy s3 region code is (THR) iran … can changing my CSC to another region helps me to get jelly bean update ?
No, changing CSC won’t help here.
Maybe Samsung disable this function. Do consult Samsung Support for detail.
Hello Mr. Jayce, I need help please. I have a 32Gb Galaxy S3 with Original ICS firmware which has upgraded Automatically to Jelly Bean 4.1.1 and this is the latest version of android.
Now its current firmware version:
CSC: I9300XXDLJ2 (EUR – England)
It supported Farsi language and I can read Farsi Messages and see Persian Sites; but unfortunately it has not Farsi selection in System Language and in Samsung Keyboard Input Language. I like have an Original Samsung keyboard supported with Farsi language in addition to English in my device. And I don’t like install and use another keyboard application (for example: Go Keyboard) in my device.
Therefore I want to change only its CSC with Official IRAN CSC (I9300OJVALE9) by flashing the file (CSC_I9300OJVALE9.7z) by Odin Suftware. But just now I want to know if I change my device Original CSC by this way, would I receive its firmware New Next Updates or Upgrades? Or this file changing would make update problem for my device?
Best Regards
Yours Sincerely – Dr. Ghandriz from IRAN
Hi Dr. Ghandriz, changing CSC does not give you new keyboard. You need to change whole firmware. And by changing CSC this way, you won’t get official update anymore since it does not match to your firmware.
By the way, my device doesn’ response to USSD Code (*#272*Device IMEI#).
Look like Samsung disabled this feature on latest firmware.
OK, Thank You. Already I have got matched firmware with IRAN CSC (I9300OJVALE9), but it’s version is ICS 4.0.4.
Can I downgrade my device firmware from 4.1.1 to 4.0.4? Is this idea right? Or you don’t recommend this way? Really what is your best recommendation?
Yes, you can downgrade. Please refer to this guide. Ignore the Triangle Away part. Basically, you need to factory reset in recovery. Then install new firmware.
hi im from singapore. i upgraded my gt n7000 firmware last month via kies. im just curious, why does my kies now says that my firmware is not supported for upgrading via kies?
Hi shah.j, this should not be happening. Please consult Samsung Support.
sorry how do i go to samsung support?
Hi, I have a S3 with XEH (Hungary) i9300XXBLH1 factory loaded firmware (all untouched) on it, but the JB update is taking forever for this region, How can I get the update now? Do I need to flash another country firmware and change the CSC?
If this phone has multiple CSC available on the phone, can I just change the CSC to a country that has the update such as BTU or others?
thank you!
Hi Ben, better wait for official release. You can install other region Jelly Bean firmware with Odin if you really cannot wait.
Changing CSC only won’t help much usually. You need to install whole firmware.
Thanks Jayce, but if I install other region firmware with Odin, can I still get OTA updates with the new region?
Yes Ben.
I have a galaxy s3 that was purchased in France. Can I flash it with a firmware of Netherlands?
I live in Netherlands. What do I have to do? I currently have JB installed.
Yes, Rajnishkant.
Install it with Odin.
Hi, I install the app, in this app is the united states code? Thanks
Sorry Esteban, I have no idea.
Hey I tried this but I only have one csc to choose from?
Hi Ryan, your firmware has only 1 CSC then.
hi ive tried to change the csu on my galaxy s3 i9300 with that code*#272*Device IMEI# and it does not work,please help
Hi Mick, latest Samsung firmware does not support this feature anymore…
I am also facing the same problem. I m fine if i cannot connect my device to Kies. However can you tell me if i will be able to upgrade my firmware in future to say 4.1.2 officially via OTA?
Yes praths, if you are using official firmware.
thanks,Jayce.. Yes i am using the officila firmware. However CSC is unknown..
Hi praths, did you install other firmware?
Yea i was on 4.0.4. I than received JB 4.1.1 over OTA. Now i am on official JB..
I am sorry i just upgraded the OS version. Since the upgrade i am unable to get the Kies recognize my S3. When i check the CSC on the phone, it says unknown and #272*Device IMEI# does not help either..
Hi praths, try to upgrade Samsung Kies to the latest version. If still cannot, please consult Samsung Support since you are using official firmware.
Is there any other way to change the CSC? I’ve tried editing sales_code.dat in /system/csc and soft-resetting but that didnt help.
This is the only method that I know for the moment.
So i found more reports that in the new firmware, this function is disabled. Fortunately, there is an app which does work. Requires official rom, works on S1, S2, and S3. I can confirm it works on my S3 I9300 with I9300XXELL4 UK build.
I am from Kuwait and i have upgraded my GS3 to OFFICIAL JB Poland version through ODIN, now kies doesnt allow me to chk for update it shows
Yours Device’s Current Firmware Version is Not Supported to update Firmware via Kies
Hi Sam, you can install your own region firmware with Odin manually back.
For Philippine, which code should I pick?
What if I can’t find those codes on the list? bought my s3 from Singapore.
these are the ones available:
You need to install your own region firmware with Odin.
I am currently in the Philippines, I connect my s3 to my computer and KIES says “Your Device’s current firmware version is not supported to update firmware via Kies”
wow that was quick. where can i get my region’s frimware?
Try to update Samsung Kies to the latest version first.
Kies is Updated. Ver.
i buy a galaxy s3 and it is jellybean it possible to dowbgrade it in ics??pls reply…
Yes jed. Please refer to this guide. And ignore Triangle Away parts.
Hi Jayce,
Im in India at the moment and picked up an S3 here. I’m running 4.0.4 and would like to upgrade to the 4.1. I’m having trouble connecting Kies and when I try an ota update, It says there aren’t any available.
When I bring up my csc options, India isn’t listed either.
Would it help flashing the phone with the Indian 4.1 Firmware using odin ?
Would I have compatibility issues with my csc or would the new firmware over ride it ?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Nik, better consult Samsung Support as you can’t upgrade to Jelly Bean firmware officially.
Thanks again!
An update on my issue. I downloaded the India baseband 4.1 version and flashed it sing Odin.
It worked just fine. Now i’m registered officially on the Samsung India servers. Got 4.1 Running. Kies works just great. And I didn’t even lose any of my saved data. CSC now says India too.
Hope this helps anyone looking to do the same. Cheers.
hi jayce,
so i got this sgs3 int’l version gt-i9300 and i flashed it with the ultima rom v5.0.2. how do i go back to stock firmware to get the the premium suite upgrade which has been released recently? thank you very much.
also, congrats on the awesome site!
Hi romark, not all region has this premium suite yet. Only Poland. You can refer to this guide to restore back to stock ROM. Ignore the Triangle Away part.
I just bought a new galaxy s3 in China which is from China Unicom (Chinese telephone service, I just found out later) and everything is chinese application and there is no play store(I tried installing playstore but once I launch it then it blacks out). So since I will not be using my phone in China can I change the firmware or something? Because Chinese version of 4.1.1 doesn’t allow me to change the CSC. The phone is international version.
(GTI9300) My Version is:
The news I read on the internet is that China Unicom blocks Google and google also blocks china Unicom so I just want to use Play store in other countries not in China. Is there anyway?
Hi Osric, I am not sure China SGS3 is using the same hardware as international SGS3 or not. If yes, you can install other region firmware. If no, you can’t do so. Try to consult others at XDA Forum see.
Hi Jayce,
Thank you for your proficient reply I really appreciate it. However I coincidentally found a friend who was using android galaxy note phone for a while so he offered to help root my phone so ones rooted it it was actually really good and able to use playstore without anymore china’s unicom influence. But before that I went to my country Thailand and tried asking their help we went to many stores and many places and waited quite a while no one seems to be able to address the problem until now. I was lucky to find this friend who was super willing to help. But again I really appreciate your reply. If I have any other problems with the china unicom or other android phone I will definitely ask you. BTW I wanted to ask you what are you thoughts on galaxy 4? Since it has many cool features but I heard from friends that it has a problem that it heats up quite fast and many people returned it to the store I do not know whether its true or not but I was actually wanted to buy galaxy 4 but I am hesitating so I would like to know your thoughts and if not galaxy 4 then what android phone would you suggest?
Thanks again for your help
Hi Osric, it does overheat when playing 3D games. No issue during normal usage.
i have the solution for you problem, if you still have it, please contact me. i can help you.
i have a sgs3 china unicom, and i flash it with china modem, and nordic countrys rom.
it works so good, i am in mexico, and i use it without trouble.
Hi Carlos
Thank you for your help my problem was already address but if I ever found any other problems regarding to the changing the country of the phone I will definitely ask you about it. I am considering buying a galaxy 4 but my friends said it get hot very easy so they return it to the store since I am in need of buying a new phone soon I don’t know which android phone to buy since iphone likes to move on with their products I don’t want to kept one changing the phone to follow them so do you have any suggestions?
Thank you again
hi i am from kuwait (middle east) which csc shoould i use thanks anyways
Hi ibrahim, no need to change if you are using official firmware.
hi there , i bought an international version of s3 from palestine where i updated it for the first time with no problems , now i moved to egypt and the jellybean update had been here for a month but i didn’t get it and im not receiving any updates even minor ones , i cant even connect to kies where it says :” your phone does not support software updating via kies” and ota naturaly shows no update available
the question is why cant i update , is it because for some reason my phone is still connected to my carrier in palestine and i only recieve updates when they begin rolling there ?
and if i used factory reset would my phone begin getting updates and act as a phone in the Egyptian market ?
i’m so frustrated by this problem i cant believe no one have an idea how to solve this ,
please help
Hi firas, did you install custom firmware with Odin?
no i installed nothing ,
Hi firas, please consult Samsung Support in this case since you are using official firmware.
i have type as above, but it just stay idle or nothing..
current using jb rom, 4.1.1..
Hi serdx, Samsung might disable this feature in latest Jelly Bean firmware.
u also use JB right?
i wanna ask, u say that change csc won’t help to get the latest update from other region right?
so, if i get from sammobile the leaked or not firmware, example from germany, do i need to change the csc of that firmware to match with my country csc code?
do you have a list of csc code?
if i don’t change i’ll get the mess on my sim card, affect the signal performance, and etc??.
or it just need to be changed on custom rom or firmware?
and ex :
I9300XXELL5 Download (Thanks To SamMobile!)
Base Firmware: I9300XXELL5 (4.1.2)
Region: Europe
Country: Germany
Carrier: Vodafone
Build Date: 10 December 2012
Modem: BUELK1
Change List: 672976
above is latest,
my country is indonesian, so i must changed the csc code to indonesia csc code?
will it make better the signal?
will it be a problem if the carrier : vodafone used on sgs3 international GT-i9300?
No need.
No idea about this as I don’t have Vodafone SIM card.
No, SamMobile has.
No need to change unless needed.
sorry, to confuse you, but ‘ll re-ask since i also confused by the answer..
based from above example of fw,
first even the csc is difference (stock or custom), i don’t need to change my csc code, since it’s difference? and not changed, also won’t affect signal or other problems.
and i have search a little about branded and unbranded difference.
so above is branded, if mine is international version, i can’t used that firmware? since it’s branded for specific provider or server related to SIM card?
if it’s unbranded, i can flash it to my phone? (though it’s mean free to use any sim card?
No idea since I did not try branded firmware on international version.
Yes, you can install any region firmware if you are using unlocked I9300.
no mean not need?
what i mean is i using the international original from samsung, but i wanna install unbranded firmware?. wait unlock mean international?
so tat unbranded fw, mean i can use any sim card right?
No need.
Yes, unlocked SGS3 I9300 can use any region firmware.
if sir get any info about branded firmware on international sgs3, can sir inform me?
i’ll updates the info too if i get that..
thank in advanced
Hello sir,
am from Lebanon(middle east) and I have s3 , my friends have the same phones and they got the JB update since days ,,,, am not , here some infos :
and when I connect to kies : it shows me :PDA:LFB/PHONE:LFB/CSC:LF3 (AFR)
what I should I do … thanks in advance
Hi Nasser, upgrade with Samsung Kies if there is new firmware.
note that I can access the preconfig screen on *#272……………………
no there isn’t any ! may I have to wait or have to change the country csc ?? what do you advise >
Then you are using the latest firmware for your phone region then. Changing CSC won’t help.
Hi jayce.i just installed XXELLA 4.1.2 and now it says CSC unknown?what to do jayce?thankss
Any issue with this unknown CSC? If no, just leave it.
No issues atm.calling/connecting to the internet is fine.i was just curious.thanks jayce
*#272*Device IMEI# not working for me – I have upgraded with ODIN to 4.1.2 I9300XXELL6_I9300OXFELL1_I9300XXELL4 (COA) and on CSC I have “Unknown” instead of COA (which is original firmware). Any solution?
You can try Samsung Galaxy S / S2 / S3 CSC app.
That’s not working anymore either.
after doing 1234 hash, i get the following values AP: i9300XXALED9
CP: I9300DXLE8
I realize that the csc is for europe, however i changed it to africa using the 272 code u had supplied earlier.
when i try using software update on phone, still o luck.. please help.
Hi ahmed, please consult Samsung Support in this case. Or install latest firmware with Odin manually.
I have the following details:
I live in Cyprus and I am wondering why I dont have the latest update 4.1.2 like 3-4 other friends who already had the update.
Hi Christos, have you try upgrade with Samsung Kies?
Thanks for reply. Yes I have tried but no update.
Hi Christos, please consult Samsung Support in this case.
I have one question. My baseband version is I9300XXDLID and Build number is ……I9300XXDLJ4
I have one friend and his number are same. Why mine is different?
Did you install anything yourself manually with Odin software?
No, never.
Samsung Support should able to help you then.
Hi Jaycee,i dnt know what to pick on my galaxy s3 CSC Preconfig, cos i dnt know where it came from, i mean the region. do u have any idea how can i know the region of my SGS3? but ryt now my CSC is AFR.
Hi Mono, why do you want to change CSC?
hi, sorry late reply, cos i want the jellybean update on my phone, i changed it now to TUR and now im on jellybean, but i want to change it to 4.1.2 any idea? and by the way thank you for this thread it helps a lot
Change to the CSC that has Android 4.1.2 firmware already.
one more thing, im from philippines. and i want to change my CSC to my region but the process of changing CSC didnt work, what else can i do? and my fone is not rooted so i cnt use the CSC changer.
the process isnt working now… icnt use the csc changer cos my fone is not rooted
As far as I know, most other methods require root access too.
but is it ok that my CSC is in TUR? tho im from philippines. ill just have to wait for TUR to have an 4.1.2 update?
Yes. No need, you can install any other region firmware with Odin manually.
i can use odin even if my fone is not rooted? thank you so much
Yes Mono.
but my CSC is in TUR now and my fw is XXDLJ1 is it ok to change my fw to XXELLC?
or if not? what will u recommend? thanks much
HI JAYCEE IVE CHANGED MY CSC to the original region AFR(UAE) i thought it wud change my firmware, sorry a lil bit noob here but it ddnt change my firmware. and when i plug it to my pc using kies it says “your device current firmware version is not supported to update firmware via kies” what should i do? or i need to match my csc to my firmware? XXDLJ1 fw
hy, i have the s3 and my csc is xsg. the problem is that i have not obtained jellybean 4.1.2 yet. do you thnik that if i change the csc to btu for example, will i get the update??
Hard to say. You need all PDA, PHONE and CSC matched in order to get updated.
a friend did that on his galaxy s2 recently and he got the ics update. thats why i was asking if its possible with the s3
It is possible if all of them are matched.
Running SGS3 locked to Tmobile UK (TMU) and JB hadn’t been released
Flashe, via odin, a stock rom (BTU) version of 4.1.1 at christmas.But since then my CSC has been KOR though and thus Kies not working.
Flashed today to 4.1.2 of stock TMU but still CSC is KOR. I am not rooted (and a noob) and just want kies to now recognise my phone
any help???
Hi Leigh, above method did not work?
Nope. Goes to dial and comes up with “Connection problem or invalid MMI code.
Apparently since I updated last night I dont have any mobile data either now? Maybe that has something to do with it? Still have phone signal but no data
the net work issue is no longer a problem, factory rest and its back, but still getting the “Connection problem or invalid MMI code”
Tried a CSC changer off Play Store and it comes up with, “PreconfigUI does not support SIngle CSC”
ok. apparently after all this, ive plugged it into Kies this morning (UK), must have done it 6 or 7 times last night, and it apparently is now TMU and works.
Thank you very much for the help!
I broke my phone and got a replacement handset sent under Orange Care, The phone has absolutely no bloatware but it’s still locked to orange, Another thing my phone has is the option for OTA updates, whereas most orange phones have had that removed from their options. When i click it it instantly comes up with “No Update available”, The ridiculously annoy part is when I plug my S3 into Kies, when it doesn’t come up with the furiously irritating “HardwareID Missing”, It comes up with “This device is not compatible with updating via kies!
Model Number GT-I9300
Baseband Version I9300XXLH1
Anyone able to help?
Hi OSHWANZ, please update Samsung Kies to the latest version. Then try again.
My Kies is up to date, from what i can see online it’s my phone that isn’t and won’t update?
Please consult Orange or Samsung Support in this case. not found on your device ……………… how could i fix that?
and when i try to use dial pad instead of the program (CSC changer ) he tell me MMI incorrect
My version 4.1.2
Look like your current firmware does not support these methods. Why do you want to change CSC?
because i changed it before to another country code so that i could get 4.1.2 update and i succeeded.
but now i wonna return back to my country CSC (Its MID iraq)
can i do that with another method? thanks a lot
Use CSC Changer.
my csc is afr my phone is galaxy s3 and i want to download the jelly bean 4.1.2 and i didnt find this rom with the code afr should i change my code cuz i found a rom with xsg code or should i wait
and i can download the diffrent code rom with my odin program or not ?
thanks u
Hi rony, wait or not is totally up to you.
Yes, you can install other region I9300 firmware with Odin.
Thanx u very much for answere me
There is no damage if i did with odin ( the arabic language ) ?
Should be no issue. I installed Europe firmware on my Malaysia unit.
Hi jayce i have a samsung galaxy s3 for region mid (iraq). And the jelly bean 4.1.2 is out for all arabs country without it (mid) till now so if i change the csc code to another one who gets the update like egy ksa xsg i will get the update ?? And it will cause any thing for the phone ?? Please guide me to change it and update my device
and thx
Hi Moe, I am not sure about that because I don’t use Arab firmware. You need to try it yourself. Just follow about guide to change CSC. Then use Samsung Kies to upgrade firmware.
Ok but when i want to whorte this *#272*IMEI# i can’t type the letters and 1 more question can i update it ota or by kies
Both also can.
Ok how to whrote the the letter in the code
At Phone dial pad. Device IMEI is the number of your phone IMEI.
I install XSG csc and recieve ota update. Fast. The 4.1.2 is amazing thxx
Hey Jayce,
I bought a Galaxy S3 – GT-I9300 from Qatar, the phone is imported from France and the phone’s CSC is XEF, its the CSC of France…that means will I get updates from France even though I’m not in France?
Yes Ramith.
Thanks for the quick reply Jayce.
So Kies will give my phone the latest update for france eventhough I;m in another country?
According to, the official JB 4.1.2 is released in France, I still have ICS on my device because I bought it recently, so is it possible to update my from ICS 4.0 to JB 4.1.2 ? or should I install JB 4.1 first?
Just use Samsung Kies to update.
I just entered m Model number and S/N of my phone to Samsung Kies under “Firmware and Initialization” and I got a small pop-up :
Initialized Version : PDA: LL4 / PHONE: LKB / CSC : LK2 (XEF)
Now initializing the latest version
All setting will be initialized, and stored data will be permanently deleted.
Do you want to proceed?
Does this simply means that my phone is about to get a firmware upgrade? should I proceed with it?
No idea about this, Ramith. I tried the method that I sent you only.
If any upgrades are available, Kies would pop a message when I plug my phone in right?
I was able to find out my CSC is XEF from the method I did above.
Thanks for the help.
Yes dear.
@Mono, you can change to any firmware that you prefer. Yes, CSC must be matched to current firmware in order to use Samsung Kies.
Hi I really need your help I recently purchased an unlocked galaxy s3 from Hong Kong to Australia and I’m trying to update it to jellybean but it says no update available this is my version info
Ap: i9300xxblfb
Cp: i9300xxlfb
I was wondering if I changed my Csc to the Australia one will I be able to update my phone and will this cause any problems eg bricking your phone ? Please reply I’m desperate oh btw the jelly bean update arrived in Australia ages ago
You will get updated if combo is matched. No, changing CSC won’t brick your phone.
Oh thanks for the Reply since there’s no xes for Australia which one do you recommend
Better install Australia firmware with Odin directly.
hello sir . thank you for this useful method. I changed my country code and I installed the 4.1.1. ….
now the 4.1.2 is rolling out to my country my friends update it now .. but for me when I check up the update it says : access to update ia provided to users in order wich they request it …. is this normal? and I can get the new update ? note again that my country code is MID
thanks sir
Yes. Yes. Just try OTA update again next day.
ok . sir.. I want you to know that I can’t change my country code niw since I have changed from AFR to MID to have the 4.1.1. but now when I dial up the *#272*…….. nothing opened … so I can change it one time only ?!
thanks in advance
Hi nasser, Samsung disabled this function in latest firmware.
Hi, just want to ask what a different malaysia and oversea firmware, my device is AP set (Germany) i update firmware (malaysia or Germany firmware) which is better ? i live in malaysia..
thank for reply.
Most of the time, they are the same. Just Europe firmware release early.
whats the CSC for USA? Type *#272*Device IMEI# at Phone dial pad. – didnt work for me… Do you have a updated version of this article?
Hi s, use CSC Changer then.
Thanks,,, whats the CSC for USA?
this kinda file isnt recognised by my computer… what to do?
it worked after some google searches n installation. But still I dont see AWS DOB, TMB and CLW there. there are only 5-6 choices!
s, the available CSC are based on your current firmware. Can’t find US CSC is normal if your is not US model.
i mean the .apk
i brought S3 from a friend …. in status page (( my phone number )) always shows my friend’s cell No
how i can change this No … to put mine
plz help …..
Are you using your SIM card?
yes i am using my SIM Card ……….
Then your current SIM card does not have that info. So it still show the previous number. You can put your SIM card into a dumb phone to set your phone number.
i removed my SIM then powered my phone ON(( my phone number )) shows ( Unknown ) then put it back ….. and still my friend’s No appear
i guess the Prob from y SIM card as u said ..
i’ll try to check my SIM or put it in another Cell phone
thnx for help
i put my SIM Card in another cell phone ( GIO ) and in status page still my friend’s No appear
….. so weird …
Your friend number is in your SIM card in this case.
What is the csc for Australia?
Hi !
I need help please, i just bought a brand new samsung s3 and i am running ICS 4.0.4 when i go to setting and try to update its says no update available i went to KIES directly and it says That Kies does not support the firmware…….
I checked versions and it was
CP: I9300XXLH1
I want to update to the new jelly bean I live in Afghanistan, can i do something about this please.
Hi Abdul, please consult your seller or Samsung Support since you just bought it.
When i conect ma phne with kies i got message lyk ur phne not supportd to update via kies sir ma phne purchase in kuwait bt i used it india i gess tht only.chnging.counrty n.idint resev jelly bean update becoz of des yet help me out can i chng ma csc code ma curent code is afrn yah what counrty des afr indicate plz plz helpe out
Hi Hussain, what are you trying to do?
Ma whole deatil of phne is
Em trying to update ma sg3 to jelly bean bt samsung kies showing tht msg
N em.still not reseave update plz help me.out ma.curnt csc code is afr
Afr? Indicate which country
Hi Hussain, upgrade Samsung Kies to the latest version. Then try again. If still cannot, please consult Samsung Support.
Plz tell me how i can update ma phne when ota show no update available
N kies showing tht same particulr msg
Ma current counrty is india
Afr code stand which counrty can i chng it to india.. what is code for india csc code?
You can only change to the CSC that your Galaxy S3 has. What do you have now?
Galaxy s3 i have s3 ri8 now
You can change to s3 ri8 only then.
hi sir, can you help me update my firmware to 4.1.2? i guess thats the latest right? I bought my phone in UAE and im currently living in UAe. i tried using kies but it always says ‘ur device current firmware version is not supported to update firmware via kies’..huhu ='(
current fimware version: PDA: LJ1/ PHONE:LID/ CSC: LJ1 (AFR)
AP : I9300XXDLJ1
CSC : 19300OJVDLJ1
what should I do? should i change the csc?
Please help me sir.. i would really appreciate it. thank you
Hi sherylbe, did you modify the firmware (like rooting)?
No sir.. i havnt done any rooting or any modifications at all..
Hi sherylbe, please update Samsung Kies to the latest version then try again. If still cannot, please consult Samsung Support.
thank you for ur help sir!
Hi I hope you can help me.i have problem with network cower and want to give back to warranty …to vodafone.i was rooted . So I unroot my phone by stock rom for sgs3 for vodafone ireland (VDI) everythink is fine until I didt plug into kies for update and shows thats the product code is (VD2) and thats mean is germany. So I try few VDI older version and same story. I try that apk check fus and try change ot but it wast I9300VDI… and also I try via kies and n/s and model after finish flash was say its xxella (VDI) And when I plug again say VD2.. pleas help me.
Hi andriella, can you change CSC to VDI?
What code for Finland?
Sorry matz, I have no idea.
need ur help my s3 from china it has some chineze apps nd it does not support google play its android version is 4.1.9 nd its baseband version is I9300DDKL1
i live in india plz help me how can.i.change its software into indian software
Sorry pavitar, I really have no idea.
can i update it through odin nd what does root do
Yes but with China SGS3 firmware only.
how can i root it
No idea, pavitar.
hello there. I’m justwacky and i’m curious about how this csc thing works. I know a bit of information thanks to your introduction above. My problem right now is:
-I want to change the csc code for a Lenovo phone (bought from china). The model is A280. The problem is, I can’t find the malaysian firmware for this. Can you please advice me on what to do? Many thanks.
Hi justwacky, CSC thing only apply to Samsung phone.
And I don’t Lenovo A280 has Malaysia firmware since it is not selling here.
thank u so much for replying. i’m actually a newbie to all this things… so i’m not really sure. but i want to be able to use google play on my phone (china banned google), is there any other way for me to access it?
Sorry justwacky, no idea on this Lenovo model. Can’t help much.
Hi Jayce I am not new to flashing or any of that stuff, but I do have a question: My phone’s csc is TTT(Trinidad and Tobago ) and I think they lag about 1 month behind of BTU(UK or EURO) firmware on updates. I do have everything I need in the original firmware(TTT), but would you recommed flashing the phone to lets say UK(BTU)? One thing I want to point out is in 4.1.2 Samsung removed few input languages, just don’t know why. I even emailed Samsung and the reply was that indeed some languages were removed. Thanks
Hi ACI, do you really need to use other region firmware? If yes, just flash it. Else leave it.
I don’t really need it, the only thing is that UK’s variant seems to have more updates of some sort. When I check sammobile website I see that UK version had few 4.1.2 updates. May be these are only minor bug fixes….Thanks
Hey help plz! i live in pakistan! i flashed my international gti9300 s3 with unofficial jb 4.2 rom! after that my region changed to afr! before it was pak! now ive flashed with 4.1.2 stock of pakistan many times but csc wont change! help what to do? plz need help!
Hi SHAS, did you install the correct firmware?
Hy jayce…!!
how can we know that the firmware csc and device is matched??
as my fimware is i9000xxjvu and th device is i9000oaxjvi..plz guide
Sorry i9000oaxjvu is device cs
Hi Armghan, just use Samsung Kies to find out.
how from kies…
its from what region if cs is i9000xxjvu
It will show status as modified if not match.
Hard to tell as several regions are using same the same code.
hi sir,
i have samsung galaxy s3(I9305)LTE version my CSC code is showing as XSD am living in uae.when am connecting to samsung kies it giving me the folowing message “your device current firmware version is not supported to update firmware via kies”
how can i get rid of this issue and get all updates via kies for united arab emirates?if CSC changing will help what code i have to use?
Hi LIJO, did you modify your S3 with Odin previously? Example, rooting or install custom firmware.
hi sir,
when i got it from my friend, it was unrooted and still the same.he was used it in another country.
Since it is unrooted, try using OTA software update method see.
No worry then. Just wait for it. If really can’t get updated officially, install it with Odin manually later.
If I flash my s3 to a different region, using an official rom, would it update with kies later? And what is the csc for Saudi Arabia? I found two: JED and KSA, whats the difference between the two, which one should I choose?
Yes, you still can update with Kies. Sorry Abu, no idea on Saudi Arabia CSC.
Hi Jayce
I see that u know a lot of things about android stuff
please answer on my post when you have time
Prob, is that i wanna receive updates via KIES , what should i change in my phone? i wanna get UK region so i could get updates when people from UK gets them..
Any suggestions?
My product code : GT-I9300MBKOR
Thank you in advance!
Hi Vitaly, install UK official firmware with Odin then.
What is IMEI# for japan? thanks a lot
Hi Dennes, each phone has it own unique IMEI.
Hi, I have a S3 I9300, XEF, 4.1.2
if I update it with the latest BTU 4.3 firmware will it work and also change the CSC
It should work as long as you install the correct model firmware.
will it change my CSC from XEF to BTU if I flash my I9300 with
Yes, it should.
Sent a Samsung galaxy S3 to Trinidad and Tobago it was unlocked everything works my friend has new SIM card but won’t call text or receive calls have spent so much money trying to fix so frustrated can you help
Sorry Donna. I have no idea how to fix it. Unless you have EFS backup previously.
I did the method on my I9305. and it claims “UNKNOWN APP”. Is it different for 9305 or same?
it’s I9305XXUFOA1 (android 4.4.4)
Maybe your current firmware does not have it.