If you a person that like to try out new Android ROM every day / week, Titanium Backup is your great friend. It can help you to backup and restore all apps and settings when upgrade Android ROM. It can backup almost every application and its data, so no worry about save games or progress that you had made. It also backup SMS, contacts, system data… Titanium Backup will ease your life when upgrade to a totally new different Android ROM. Note – Titanium Backup requires root access and not everything can be restored due to different Android ROM settings.

- Open Titanium Backup.
- Tap on Backup/Restore.
- Click on “Menu” hardware button.
- Select Batch.
- Then select Run next to Backup all user apps + system data.
- Make sure Kill active apps is checked.
- You can deselect any application that you don’t want to backup.
- Finally, click on Run the batch operation.
- That’s all.
Note – Titanium Backup stores all the backup content in TitaniumBackup folder at SD card. Make sure you don’t delete it when upgrade to new Android ROM because you need it to restore back all the applications and data. By the way, you can also use ClockworkMod Recovery to make a full system backup too if you want.
- On new Android ROM, install Titanium Backup back.
- Open Titanium Backup.
- Tap on Backup/Restore.
- Click on “Menu” hardware button.
- Select Batch.
- Then select Run next to Restore missing apps + all system data.
- Click on Deselect all.
- Check those in green colour (System service with useful data).
- And check those crossed out items (Non installed user application).
- You can check any applications or services that you know same as new Android ROM too.
- Finally, click on Run the batch operation.
- Reboot your phone.
- That’s all.
Some minor configurations might need to be done after restored depending on your new Android ROM. But that should be a small task because most of the applications, data and settings should be restored properly.
Download Titanium Backup apk here.
hi..i want to ask u smthg..when i use google map 5.8 and try to open google navi,notice come out “unavailable to ur country bla3x..”do u know how to solve this problem??
AND,when i try to install the new one “Google Maps 5.9.0 ownhere/Brut.all”..the navi is good but the maps is not rotate automatically..only the “blue one” is moving.this problem make me hard to read the maps bcoz i need to rotate the phone manually…but when i look at some video about google navi from ytube,the “blue one” is static and only maps is rotate…
Then select Run next to Restore missing apps + all system data.
IF I CHOOSE to restore system data does this overwrite my new rom?
Please refer to the manual – http://matrixrewriter.com/wiki/tiki-index.php
Hi Jayce,
thanks for the very nice guide.
However, my sgs2 memory storage is almost full: 10gb, so only 1,5gb free.
is it enough space?
how much do I need to back up everything via TB?
can I back up directly to PC?
Depend on what you have installed on your phone. I have no idea.
Nope, it will backup to your sdcard.
Hi Jayce,
How about market apps?
if I install a new version after backing up the old one,
can I use my old “my apps” setting with the new one?
It will depend on the app itself. Usually, I restore both app + data.
thanks, Jayce.
Ihave done some test using tb, it seems that for games/apps that download more data affer I install it, for example like gameloft hd games and offline gps, the additional data is not backed up by tb. Is this normal? is there some tb setting that can change to include all the data?
Yes, this is normal as TB won’t backup those files in SD card.
thanks for the reply.
is it possible to back up contacts’ data, accounts, WiFi passwords, sms via TB?
Yes. I just managed to restore them on latest firmware.
can you tell me how?
where are the files for contacts’ data, accounts, WiFi passwords & sms ?
Just follow above guide. The location of the files is at the post too.
ok, I find these on the TB list with “system” filter:
contacts storage 2.3.3
dialer storage 2.3.3
settings 2.3.3
is it ok to restore these files after I flash to 2.3.5?
Yes, as long as they are in green colour.
what about the red ones?
do I need to restore them?
or they will be replaced by newer version as I flash 2.3.5?
I don’t touch the red ones.
ok Jayce, I finally managed to upgrade to xxki3,
and backup & restore all the apps using your guide.
now my phone is v2.3.5!
once again thanks a lot for the guide and all the replies. I really appreciate all of them.
hi , jayce i recently juz make some backup using titanum and 2day i wan to uninstall sme apps before install xxki3. so can i clear the old backup before i do a new backup using titanium again before i install tis new xxki3 rom.
Sure. I usually move the old backup (whole TitaniumBackup folder) to PC. Then run backup again to create a new copy.
heello jayce…can u help me …my samsung s plus has brick…it`s simbol warning between phone n pc..it`s happen after i try to install root for samsung s plus…how can i restore my phone.it can`t load to normal.plese help
I wish that I can help but I don’t have Galaxy S Plus. Please ask others at http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=656
where can i download odin 4.43.i need it.cant download at megaupload
thank for your help jayce…its done.my phone is normal now
Hi Jayce,
My question is: if I restore stock firmware and wipe/data factory reset as in your guide https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/08/14/how-to-restore-stock-firmware-on-samsung-galaxy-s2-video/ will it delete my backup of Titanium Backup from the sd card?
No, but no harm to copy your backup of Titanium Backup to PC first.
Hi Jayce,
awesome guides you got! really thumbs up. Despite all the nice guides, i’ve got a question.
If I restore stock firmware and wipe data/factory reset, how can I access my Titanium Backup data? since TB is an app for rooted systems..
You need to root it in order to use TB again.
hi jayce. my SGS2 reboots while on the middle of backup around 30-40%.. any advice what went wrong?
i tried to clear the cache and even reinstall the titanium. yet am still having same problem.
pls advice.
Sorry, no idea. Mine is working fine every time. Must be something you installed that cannot backup properly.
recently i upgraded to gingerbread 2.3.6 checkrom revoHD v4 w/custom dark knight kernel 2.5. can this be possibly the cause?
thanks for the advice anyway.
what rom and android version you’re using as of now?
Don’t think kernel will cause the issue. I am using Checkrom revoHD v4 too but with default kernel.
hmmm..that’s strange..
well.anyway if titanium won’t work on my SGS2, does CWM is the best alternative?
Both have different backup method. TB is good for upgrade ROM. CWM is good in full system backup.
ok thanks again
hi. i am a android mobile tester. i want to know what will happen while upgrading the android mobile(OTA). like what happen to the user settings? will it restore the previous settings? if so where those settings will save..?
thanks in advance..
Hi chakri, OTA update won’t delete any user settings, data and applications.
hi Jayce, after i do backup by TB i finally do reset data. but problem appear after i reboot back, then i download back the TB, inside TB there is 0 on recover. why is it happen? how do i recover back my data?
Hi Azman, do you still have TitaniumBackup folder at SD card?
yes i still have
If there are files in TitaniumBackup folder, you should be able to restore back them.
Thank you for your reply, but unfortunately tb not backup all of my data since my sd card memory only left <100 mb. I am not aware of this before. All item on my gallery gone, hd game also gone, BIG size apps also gone.My mistake was i am not chck my sd card mem first, lucky i got sync all pic to dropbox. Nvm about game and video or mp3 can download all back. But why TB not mention anything about mem. full? Its state backup complete and i thought everythhing ok. Really just wanna share something with everybody else.. chk space first.
Hi Jayce,
On my galaxy s3, I can’t Find the ‘Batch’ option.
If i hit the middle button it takes me out of the application ‘titanium backup’ (same with the right one)
on the left one it gives me a set of options they are the following..
Help & Support
Market Tools
overview of app staorage u….
clean up the dalvik Cache
integrace sys dalvik into rr..
Undo sys dalvik intergration..
send data..
etc etc
no batch option.
I’m running on thenew Omega Jellybean rom
Hi Won, please take your time to study Titanium Backup user guide. Or consult the developer.
I have the same problem as yours but i noticed the batch option is located at the right hand top corner beside the “search symbol”. Hopefully this will help you, Won.
Sir Jayce,
can Titanium really back up your messages? just need to make sure that it does back up.
Yes, Chan. I am using it all the time.
what if your custom rom has a different messaging app? will the back up be compatible?
No idea about this one. I use the built in messaging.
aw, the custom rom i wanna change has different messaging apk, its just not good for me to lose all my messages..tsk
sir, if i changed my ROM and backed up the stock messaging app. can i restore it?
You need to try and see since I am not sure which ROM you are using…
Jayce, I am trying to update my rom using the OTA feature available in the custom rom, but after reboot all the folders and screen icon structure is gone and apps are all on 6 screens and all random. What backup option in Titanium pro can fix that issue?
Sorry Arman, I have no idea too.
After I had an automatic update to JeallyBean 4.1.2. I couldn’t use my mobile due to an error “Enter SIM Unlock PIN” , so I had to root my S2 to get over it using certain program. Now, I want to remove this root and get my mobile back to original status unrooted. Will your procedure provide that?
Thank you
Ahmed, please refer to this guide.
So, following the instructions in the link referred will reset the mobile to factory settings as if it have never been rooted?
Yes dear.
Thank you
I have another problem, hoping that you have an answer to it. When I power off my mobile, it open itself automatically as if I did a restart. Do you know how to get over this problem?
Restore back to stock firmware should fix this issue too.