Samsung Galaxy Note II Multi Window is a nice feature to have. However, it does have limitation where you can select those Android applications that support Samsung Multi Window only. Thanks to Android open source platform. You can add more applications that not officially supported on Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Multi Window. However, root access and CWM are required.

Yes, you can use MultiWindow Complete Control Tool to add more applications in Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Multi Window. Just put the applications that you want. And you are ready to go. Of course, you need to install framework hack first with CWM. And install MultiWindow Complete Control apk later. Installation guide – How to install update zip with CWM on Samsung Galaxy Note 2? (Video)
Enjoy more applications on your Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Multi Window…
Download MultiWindow Complete Control for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 here.
Will do directory bind or int2ext sd swap for note 2. Or we just can use like on the s3 version?
Directory Bind is working fine on Galaxy Note 2. No idea about the other one.
Where is the apk for control?
At XDA Forum as usual.
Jayce, which framework shub be hack, Odexed or Deodexed?
Solved .. thanks