Want to get raided really fast by others? Go underworld in Clash of Clans. Underworld? That’s sub 200 trophies. Why bother to go there? Who will go there? You will see different town hall level players there. There are TH5, TH6, TH7, TH8, TH9 and TH10. Almost all kind of level. I went down there on TH7. Wow… I got raided almost immediately after went offline.

You can get lot of resources like gold, elixir and dark elixir fast there. And don’t worry about losing trophy (you will lose 1 or 2 trophy only). But be sure that you have very strong army because TH9 and TH10 players are there too. Personally, I don’t recommend to go down there unless you have good defense. And use gem to boost barrack and spell factory to speed up the attack progress. Else you will lose more resources than you will get.
COC player here. Opponents should from same TH. Max lvl TH7 vs min lvl TH7 is better match than TH7 vs TH9.
Bro, how to go Underworld?
Keep losing to drop your trophy count.
Oic. Tqvm