Did you face force closed or hang issue on your Samsung Galaxy S4? Well, Samsung has an OTA system update for Galaxy S4 now (for Malaysia I9500 model at least). Hopefully, this will solve those ugly issues and improve stability. Yes, I did face hang issue during my benchmark testings. But did not see it during normal usage. Anyway, let’s see this update will help to improve overall performance or not. Time will tell…

Did not get OTA software update notification yet? Try to get it manually then. How to do so? Go to Settings. Select More tab. Go to About device. Select Software update. Then Update ~ Check for updates. That’s all. Enjoy the latest software update.
Thats bad…. how is it after the update? any force close?
No force close issue yet as I didn’t run any benchmark test.
Please update us, if have done the benchmark test again. tq.