Samsung is always fast on releasing new software update. Great software support I can say. Yes, here is the very first Samsung Galaxy Note 3 OTA software update. What does it bring? Improved stability. And from what I observed – it fixed the failed handwriting recognition issue and use lesser RAM (at 750MB now instead of 1GB previously). Any other improvements or bugs fixed?

Use Samsung kies to upgrade firmware if you still can’t get this OTA update. Or just wait for few more days to receive it. Enjoy your better Galaxy Note 3…
Hi, which version did you get? I check mine, but the file size is huge! Almost 1.5GB. Strange!
BTW, any idea how to change the display font in mostly system apps? E.g, notification font, message/comment fonts to verify or confirm actions, etc? I change the font size in settings to tiny but doesn’t impact above. Please advice!
N9005XXUBMJ1. Are you using Samsung Kies to update?
My font size setting is working fine here. Hmm…
Had N9005XXUBMJ1 too but updated via Samsung Kies. I can’t do it over FOTA as the server always prompt me limitations were max. Looks like Samsung put control on server access per day.
As for the the system font size, refer to all your screen shot in your posts. Looks like it is norm in Samsung Firmware which is kind of big to me. I ported from HTC and used to Sony as well. Both HTC and Sony do better jobs in terms of the system re-layout which I like a lot as compare with Samsung.