Far Cry 2 Benchmark Tool

Far Cry 2 Benchmark Tool. I found Far Cry 2 Benchmark Tool finally. I wanted to benchmark all the 3D games that I have starting with Far Cry 2. Normally, games will have benchmark function after pull down the development console. However, Far Cry 2 skips all the hard ways. Far Cry 2 has its own benchmark tool. It is called FC2BenchmarkTool.exe and located at C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Far Cry 2\bin.

Far Cry 2 Benchmark Tool

Far Cry 2 Benchmark Tool is easy to use. Just open it and you can start benchmark already. However, the are more settings to select if you want to customize your Far Cry 2 benchmark. Just select Game Setting tab and choose the graphics setting that you want.

Game Settings

After select all the game setting that you want, click on Launch Benchmark to start Far Cry 2 benchmark. By default, Far Cry 2 benchmark will run 3 loops. Then, it will calculate the average out from the 3 loops. Below is the benchmark that I run with ATI HD 4870 512MB.

Settings: Demo(Ranch Small), 1680×1050 (60Hz), D3D10, Fixed Time Step(No), Disable Artificial Intelligence(No), Full Screen, Anti-Aliasing(None), VSync(No), Overall Quality(Ultra High), Vegetation(Very High), Shading(Ultra High), Terrain(Ultra High), Geometry(Ultra High), Post FX(High), Texture(Ultra High), Shadow(Ultra High), Ambient(High), Hdr(Yes), Bloom(Yes), Fire(Very High), Physics(Very High), RealTrees(Very High)

Far Cry 2 benchmark result
Average Framerate: 53.41
Max. Framerate: 76.57
Min. Framerate: 42.26

Besides giving you number result, Far Cry 2 Benchmark Tool also output a nice graph like below.

Benchmark Graph

In short, Far Cry 2 Benchmark Tool is a great tool to help you on setting the correct 3D display setting of your 3D card. Try to get Average Framerate above 60 fps to achieve best games play. đŸ™‚