Got Xbox 360 at home? Use Microsoft official Xbox SmartGlass for Android to enhance your entertainment on Xbox 360 then. You can also connect with your Xbox friends, track and compare your achievements and change up your 3D avatar.

Xbox SmartGlass Features
- Navigate your Xbox 360 with swipe and tap
- Use your phone’s keyboard to type to your Xbox 360
- Browse the Internet on your Xbox 360 with full keyboard and zooming
- Play, pause, fast forward, rewind, and stop videos and music on your Xbox 360
- Search the full Xbox catalog of music, video, and games
- Enjoy rich, interactive experiences from select game and entertainment content creators
- Track and compare your achievements with your Xbox friends
- Change up your 3D avatar
- Message your Xbox friends
- Edit your Xbox profile
Download Xbox SmartGlass for Android at Google Play Store here.