Download Soft Screen Tuner for Samsung Galaxy S2

Finally, a nice free Android application to tune Samsung Galaxy S II Super AMOLED Plus display’s sharpness, temperature and RGB values. And it supports Dynamic, Standard and Movie display modes. I use Chainfire3D Pro’s night mode to control display red, green and blue values. But you need to purchase Chainfire3D Pro to use night mode feature. But you get the same feature and extra ones with Soft Screen Tuner for Samsung Galaxy S2 now. Note – root access is required.

Soft Screen Tuner

Soft Screen Tuner is not service or background process. Basically, it just change display settings values. The changed values will stay on even you uninstall Soft Screen Tuner. Can I change the values back? No worry, you can always revert back to default settings.

Download Soft Screen Tuner for Samsung Galaxy S2 here.


  1. Omg this is so so so much better than nightmode, adjusted tint no longer appears in screen captures! and no more tint bug in some games like cut the rope!

    Only problem that needs to be fixed —> StandarT 😀

  2. Hi Jayce,
    I had installed Softscreen tuner. Its not working and issue force close. It says ” The application soft screen tuner (process ru.buzzzzer.sstuner) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again”. Please guide me.. if there is any installation procedure. Now my phone is installed with GB – XWKK2.

  3. Hi. I’m a Galaxy Note user.
    When I’m finding some app for calibrating Display color, I find Your SST and I think it is wonderful.
    but as my device is not S2, I wonder if it works on mine.
    So if you have a time to spare, I’m sorry to ask, Would you make a New SST for Galaxy note?


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