Using CyanogenMod7 build and running low internal storage space? S2E (simple2ext) is here to rescue you (I mean your phone internal storage). Basically, S2E is app2sd for CyanogenMod7. There are 4 parts that you can move to SD card ~ applications, private apps, Dalvik cache and download cache. Select anyone of them that you want to move to sd-ext partition at SD card. I tested it on TyphooN CyanogenMod 7 NAND Android RAM Zip ROM for HTC HD2. And turned out successfully.

Install S2E. Select what you want to move. Then reboot your phone. First time reboot loading is going to take sometimes as S2E needs to move your existing installed applications to SD card. After finished moving, you should get something like below on your SD card.

Download S2E (simple2ext) at Android Market here.
Another help.
I installed S2E. Checked all the 4 boxes and rebooted my phone. When i go to S2E, it has all4 boxes checked and the top 2 disabled. However, there is still only 160 MB free internal storage.
When i check the files on the root in Astro file manager, i see a sd-ext folder but could not see any contents inside. Are the above folders hidden?
Prior to installing S2E, I created a 4GB ext3 partition using ClockworkMod Recovery. Is the 4GB partitiion a problem?
Thanks in advance
Better check it with Linux Ubuntu. Astro File Manager does not show anything on my sd-ext folder too. And not sure about 4GB ext3 partition as I did not try it yet.
do you need ext2/3/4 for this?? does MDJ’s build work with this??
wait..never mind for the first part…lol
Hi Jayce,
can it works for JdMS ultimate zip rom?
I don’t think so. I use Darktremor Apps2SD on JDMS ~
This app is not compatable with my device (HTC HD2 running Stock HTC Desire HD Android 2.2.1) is there anyway it could be or are there alternatives?
You can try this
Or get an Android ROM with A2SD+ support built in.
thank you but im not really sure where to start, could you recomend a good A2SD+ supporting NAND runnning an HTC Sense Android version.
I don’t use HTC Sense build on HTC HD2. Try to search at this blog to find the best build that match your interest.