ClockworkMod Recovery Mode (CWM) is the must have tool for me. I did not update CWM on my Samsung Galaxy S III for quite some time. Been using CWM CF v1.3 (based on CWM which comes along with CF-Root. Why bother to upgrade then? PhilZ Touch 3 ClockworkMod Recovery for Samsung Galaxy S3 is based on ClockworkMod And has lot of features like exFAT support on external SD card, backup / restore EFS, time stamped kernel backup & flash kernel, flash modem image, adb root in recovery, Open Recovery Script (ORS) support, Aroma File Manager support…

There are 2 ways to install PhilZ Touch 3 Clockworkmod Recovery for Samsung Galaxy S3 ~ via CWM and Odin. Please refer to How to install update zip with ClockworkMod Recovery on Samsung Galaxy S3? (Video) for CWM version. And How to root Samsung Galaxy S3 with CF-Root? (Video) for Odin version.
Download PhilZ Touch 3 ClockworkMod Recovery for Samsung Galaxy S3 v3.43
I9300XXELL5 latest firmware coming
Carrier Vodafone
Will this work on the E210S? I’ve seemed to not be able to find anything online (XDA, etc) or otherwise on how to install CWM Recovery after rooting. I did it a long time ago, decided to go to a stock rom and OTA’s for awhile… and now, cannot seem to find a recovery compatible with the E210S.
No idea, Samuel. This is for I9300. But you can try to ask the developer at XDA Forum see.
I can now confirm this works on the E210S through flashing by ODIN. I am very happy…