Did you buy Modern Combat 3 Fallen Nation by Gameloft for your Samsung Galaxy S II? No? Today is your lucky day because you can download Modern Combat 3 full version for free at Samsung Apps now. In short, Modern Combat 3 Fallen Nation is a first person shooter (FPS) game. You need to fight through a 13 mission campaigns from Los Angeles to Pakistan in solo mode. And you can enjoy multiplayer battles for up to 12 players in 6 exclusive maps too…

So what are you waiting for? Head to Samsung Apps and download Modern Combat 3 full version for free now. Note – Samsung Galaxy S2 only. Can’t wait for Samsung Galaxy S3 to come out. Must be powerful hardware with lot of goodies…
For some reason I can’t download? Says the Samsung App Store is “not available yet in your country”
Change to other country with Market Enabler.
I got market enabler as you suggested Jayce, but I was unable to download Modern Combat 3. Any advice? I chamged to an eligible vountry for Samsung apps, went into their website and still was not able to download. Gave me same message “not available in your Country”. I’m new to rooting, and your site provided good tips, so tjanks. Please advise!
Download it with Samsung Apps.
Hi, Jayce. I’m running Checkrom Revolution and the “Samsung Apps” app isn’t bundled. Do you know how to get it? What ROM are you currently on?
Get it from KitchenPro. CheckROM RevoHD v4.
I was actually on an older checkRom, that’s probably why I didn’t see it. I’ll install v4 and try it out. Thank you for your answer.
Also, after trying to remove some of the “Samsung Apps” from the old kitchenPro, I just found out that the “Force remove app” in Titanium backup can be VERY dangerous…almost bricked my phone ^^;.
hi jayce,
I have just installed samsung apps.
However, I can not find modern combat 3, where is it?
I only find: modern combat 2 black pegasus, hero of sparta, assasin creed, nova, spiderman, but there is no modern combat 3.
Hi alladin, change to other country with Market Enabler.
hi jayce,
thanks for the reply.
I finally find it, it is under games > gameloft.
MC3 seems to be full version,
however other games that I have also download (they also are labeled FREE):
hero of sparta
brothers in arms
are TRIAL version.
I have downloaded and installed it. When I launch the game, it required to download additional 700mb+ of data using wifi, and I did that, but after few tries, it keeps on stop download before it reaches 200mb, and I checked that the wifi network is working fine.
Do you have any ideas on this? Or any method to overcome it?
Thank You.
Try again later see. Maybe Gameloft server has issue during that time.
Is it the modern compet 3 is close to play? can’t play it even can find it at Samsung market. do u got any ideal why?
Promotion ended I think. I can’t find it now too.
Can u load the games over there? cause mine here after update then cannot open it any more .
I reinstalled the game. Facing force close looping issue when launch it. I think we need to make noise to Samsung about it…
is it full version or trail?
Ok. Thank u. downloading now
Jus downloaded 795mb
but is saying you dont have enough available space on your device memory card to instal the game . you need to delete 1439 mb from your applications (videos,images)
what to do…?
Sorry, no idea. Please consult Gameloft.
Hi RajRebel
I’m having the same problem although I have 2863 MB free on my internal and 13957 MB on the external
Have you resolved it yet? please contact me…. Anyone…!
NO. I have uninstalled . i didnt find any solution
My Samsung Galaxy S 2 Blinks often when it is locked.. Can u tel what might be the problem ?
Are you using custom ROM or apply custom patch?
I just bought 3 months back… dont know abt it. ROM or custom patch…
Hi Jayce,
I’ve downloaded Modern Combat 3 through Samsung Apps (while it was in the free promotional status), and I remember I’ve ran the game and it worked fine… But now it keeps telling me:
“Sorry! The application MC3 (process com.gameloft.android.GAND.GloftM3HP) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.”
I’ve already tried uninstalling and reinstalling, wiping all cache & data and downloading again (from the downloads list in Samsung Apps because it was already taken off the store)…
Do you have any idea how can I fix this?
Thanks in advance
No idea. I am facing the same issue here. We need to ask Samsung Support.
Too bad I never got to try it … I just have the game but it force closes and now I know why…
So does it only run when you are online?
And do you think that it’s just an error or is it the end of the free promotion?
No idea…
I got same problem here. Looping error in the firts game screen after GAMELOFT logo, the game don’t start. I’m a Motorola RAZR XT910 ICS 4.0.4 user.
i can not download the game cause when i sign in to my Samsung app with my Samsung s3 it tells me to change my country to ppc can some one tell me what to do plz
Hi antonio, please consult Samsung Support.