JKay Deluxe Theme is one of the must installed applications for Samsung Galaxy S II. It is a modification to enhance Samsung Galaxy S2 quick panel, lockscreen, power options dialog and bring other goodies too. Personally, I like its custom quick panel with 9 toggles (scrollable left and right). I use 3G data toggle usually and hate to enable / disable it with power menu. Besides, I also like the CRT TV off effect when lock phone. And more goodies like full charge notification on / off toggle, low battery notification on / off toggle, supports SIP and VOIP…

JKay Deluxe Theme supports odexed and deodexed ROM (stock firmware is odexed). And XXKH3, XXKG5, XXKG6, XWKF3, XXKI3 and XWKI4 firmwares are supported. In order to use JKay Deluxe Theme, you need to install the update zip with ClockworkMod Recovery and install JKay Deluxe Theme Settings apk later.
Download JKay Deluxe Theme here.
Jay, if i use the original firmware, can i just skip the clockwordmod and directly install it?
Nope, you need CWM to install it. Just install CF-Root, you will get CWM then.
will it remove my firware and is it just install like normal apk software?
It won’t remove your firmware. Use Odin to install. https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/08/08/how-to-install-clockworkmod-recovery-on-samsung-galaxy-s2-video/
Jayce. So basically i just need to use odin to install like normal?
Yes for CF-Root.
hi jayce~ what these odexed and deodexed things are all about? can you make it clear for me?
deodexed == easier to tweak, lighter on ram, heavier on space.
odexed == smaller on space, tougher on tweaking and ram usage.
Hi Jayce,
Where can I get the idiot guide? I’ve downloaded the 2 themes and the APK.
What shall I do next?
Install it with CWM.
is it “install APK”?. I done that but a message pop-up: Deluxe Theme not instslled”
You need to install the theme with CWM first. Then install the settings apk.
restart then press HOME+VOL UP+POWER then do as follow as the video right. i done that…
Which firmware are you using? And which Jkay Deluxe Theme version did you install? It won’t install their version do not match. Look carefully during CWM installation, see the messages.
I’m 2.3.5 – I9100XXKI3, and I follow the link(http://www.mediafire.com/?va9ivlxag1fln) and download the 2 zip files…
But I just found out that, from your video (http://youtu.be/MS5a3Xl8nMo), after restart, it will appear something like installation after the screen. But I don’t…
Where’s my problem….?
You should download either 1 zip from this folder http://www.mediafire.com/?va9ivlxag1fln#pij93sbwvz321,1
Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are saying install the theme using CWM, is it from the CWM app, then i proceed to install the SystemUI.apk?
I received message “Application not installed”
My firmware version is XWKF1, is it not listed in the supported firmware. How can I upgrade to other firmware version?
Hi, Jayce
What battery apps you use in samsung galaxy s 2 that shown the 90% battery as display in the picture above???
It is part of JKay Deluxe Theme.
How to install zip ZWM if i dont have SDcard?
Put in the internal /sdcard storage.
I’m running leomar75 2.7.1 rom. When I download 1 of the themes, ”JKay GreenGinger” after the installation my phone could not boot up and freezed at the galaxy sII with the yellow triangle icon with exclamation mark. So i restored to my previous backed up rom . My question is did I select the wrong theme that do no support this rom?? i chose the odexed version btw
You need deodexed version.
hey jayce. ive got xxk13 firmware downloaded, clockwork mod installed iveattempted the odexed and de odexed versions of the xxk13 jkay deluxe theme and tried putting them in the “card”folder and the “phone” memory folder. ive just started attempting random combinations of things because im all out of ideas on what im doing wrong. every time i try it it aborts installation in the clockwork mod
any ideas on whats going on?
For official XXKI3 firmware, you need XXKI3 JKay odexded. I usually put it at /sdcard root level just like the video.
Yep but when I put it in the sd card folder nothing shows up in the clockwork mod list
Hmm… Can you see other folders like Android, DCIM in CWM?
checkrom revohd v4.0 have this app preinstalled
Yeah and a whole list of other thingos. Is that normal or a bad thing?
Yes, this is normal. You should be able to see the JKay zip file after you select install zip from sdcard – choose zip from sdcard.
Yeah i do everything looks perfect as it does in the video until i actually try and install it where it just aborts and ive got no idea why. am i required to download and install anything appart fromcf root and clockwork mod prior to downloading and installing the theme?
What firmware version are you using? And which JKay version did you install?
It won’t install if both versions does not match.
By right, no. But no harm to make a CWM backup first.
it got stuck at samsung logo
Look like you installed the wrong one. Try another one. Is your firmware odexed or deodexed?
how can i find that ??
but i downloaded deoxed themes from the link you gave
I also have no idea. But most custom ROM is deodexed while stock firmware is odexed.
Try odexed this time then.
thanx for the help bro… il do that n rply back…thanx aton
and my USB JIG dsnt work after 2.3.4… is there any way to reset binary counter to 0 ?
You need to install old bootloader. You can get more info at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1075278
and the odexed is working fine
jayce, is this theme support s2 with G-version?
must the hp to be rooted only can install such apps?
You need CWM to install it.
I don’t think so.
CWM can be installed without rooting the hp?
Should be can but I don’t know how as I installed CF-Root kernel which has CWM and root access.
hello, its me again, thank you for your guide on installing the 2.3.7.
can i install this theme on this versionGWK74?
thank you
This is for Samsung firmware only.
may i install this theme or any one like this on i9100g
thank you
Sorry babakhad, no.