The legendary HTC HD2 just won’t die. Lot of developers are still supporting and developing ROM for HTC HD2. Here is the latest Windows Phone 7.5 Tango 8773 ROM for HTC HD2 from HD2O. It is a fully unlocked WP7 Tango 8773 ROM which has developer unlocked and keys to prevent relock. WP7 lovers, try WP7 Tango 8773 ROM on your HTC HD2 now.

As usual, I did not try this WP7 Tango 8773 ROM as well. Please visit XDA website for any question. And get more information there. HD2O WP7 Tango 8773 ROM installation is the same as previous WP7 ROM. You need to have SPL-2.08.HSPL, Radio 2.15 and DFT MAGLDR Bootloader v1.13. Just refer to my Windows Phone 7 7004 installation guide.
Installation guide – How to install Windows Phone 7 7004 on HTC HD2? (Video)
Download Windows Phone 7.5 Tango 8773 ROM for HTC HD2 here.
Is this one newer/better than the mango?
Newer than Mango.
It’s newer and its better with file explorer, youtube, & other stuff built in. It’s worth updating unless your phone is already registered and you can access the apps.
Stable, but no activation
i downloaded it,, its just like nokia dunia…but thing which is irritating is battery cosumption..
this platform eats battery just like anything…
jayce sir, can u plz tell me which is best android or windows in is bad for camera and gallery..but battery back up was good in android 4.0.3.. plz guide.
I prefer Android personally.
tonight i got back to ics android 4.0.3.. can i have ms office in it, please tell me where i can get free apps which can work on htc hd2.
please sort out camera matter and gallery matter asap..i love my htc hd2, and camera is must for me in phone.
No Microsoft Office on Android.
Hello Jaice
I have a problem with my hd2.
I downloaded the radio, hspl and magldr from the links that you posted in your wm7 stepz.
After doing Exactly what you said in the stepz . . .i did so.
wm7 worked for like 3 weekz . . .but den suddenly . . The touch pad wasnt functioning . . . It costed 100 dollarz 2 repair . . . Bt i thought it was my fault some how . . . . . .i jst got it bck from repairz. . . . Den i tried flashing wm7 rom again . . . .bt after geting instalz . . . D touch pad again stoped working . . .i immediately flashed a wm 6.5 rom on it and my fone started functioning . . . . . .yesterday, i downloaded wm7 tango by hd2o from xda forum . . . . .and i used the same radio, hspl and magldr of wm7 since you said so . . . .i flashed the rom . .bt once again the touch isnt responding . . .i flashed it with a wm 6.5 rom and it was working well . . .
Can you Please tel me the reason for this???
I realy want the wm7 tango rom on my htc hd2
Sorry Kriss, I have no idea on WP7 Tango issue since I did not try it. Can you consult others at XDA website? Thanks.
okay …. can u tell me why the touch pad doesnt work on my wm 7 rom also??
I have no idea. So far touch screen is working on all the WP7 ROM that I tested.
if you know the solution for this later on, please reply here
i know i am asking foe alot … but can u Please reply the steps for installing wm7 tango …….. ????
in alittle detail cause i am not getting it
Please refer to the installation in the article. Or check XDA website.
sory 4 d many mgses . . . . .

Bt . . . Cn i give my hd2 to d service centre and tel dem to update my fone to windows 7 tango or windows 7.5 mango??? . . .(since all my efforts of flashing these roms . . Were unsuccessful)
Wil d htc service centre do it?
If dey wil do it . . . .would it b costly?
I don’t think HTC will help to do so.
Jayce, I have a quick question for you. I already have ics on my hd2, so what I want to know if I want to install wm mango can I just root the rom file (wm mango) into my hd2 and flash the rom the same way you do for ics.
Just follow the installation guide will do. Skip those components that you already have.
this is very very very very nice !
Just needs activation and go go go with it
Forgive my ignorance.
When I download the Tango ROM, it comes as a .rar. If I unpack the .rar, there is a .zip plus other files, contents of .zip does not include any .cab files, so what to I put in WP7-Update-Cab-Sender directory / folder?
Hi Andrew, I am not so sure about that because I did not try it. Please consult others at XDA website. Thanks.
…sorry, should have said I used your excellent instructions to put Mango on some time ago, working fine.
I downloded the rom but i dont knw how to install pls instruct me jayce
Hi Khan, please refer to the installation guide in the article. Take your time to study it.
Hey hi jay,
i wana knw dat will dis installation lock my sd card ? I.e will it encrypt it?
Hi Sonu, I am not too sure as I did not try it. Please consult ROM chef at XDA website.
hi jayce, installed the Windows Phone 7 7004 on HTC HD2? watching your video, and was installed successfully. then after using it for 2 days, got sick and wanted to upgrade to the WP7 TANGO. did everything u mentioned here, following your “Windows Phone 7 7004 on HTC HD2? (Video)”.
After i run the DFT MAGLDR Bootloader v1.13 and when the fone boots up, doesnt give me an option to install the new wp7-tango-8773 & it boots WP7 7004 all over again. the fone keeps restarting. and i had to hold down VOL up and down to reset the fone to get back to the working WP7 7004.
PLEASE HELP. how do i install the TANGO?
Hi joey, power on your phone and don’t let go power button. DFT MAGLDR Bootloader will be loaded then.
oops replied as a new post. n00b mistake.. sry abt that.
another quick question. can i access windows market place with this version and install apps?? or do i have to do some sort of unlocking or activating wp7 tango to do????
Yes, just get activation code from Microsoft will do. But I did not try it personally.
ty for replying. Do u have any tutorial on how to do that? or just create a win LIVE id??
Sorry joey, no guide for that.
Good to read your post. Can you share with me how you do it? Thanks.
its the same like nokia lumia. except when u press the home button, it takes u to the call register page, when u press the call button it takes u to camera. and it eats up a lot of battery,
the main problem is the volume is too low, ppl on the other side cant hear what im saying nor can i hear clearly what they r saying.
Hi jayce.
ive downloaded the rom and had it installed, but when the phone boots up, it says that the memory card is not working. i had the wp7 7004 installed previously before i tried and installed this ROM. tried using another memory card from my other phone and im still getting the same message. just would like to ask some help. thansk a lot…
Hi Errol, did you put SD card in your phone during WP7 installation?
Yes. I got the SD card inside my phone when i was installing it. any suggestion on what i can do?. Thanks again
Hmm… WP7 should format SD card during installation then. Try factory reset it see.
i’m sorry jayce, but how do i reset it? cause on the phone the options that i’m getting are emergency call and turn off, and would that mean that i need to reinstall it again after resetting it? sorry about this, thanks again
Go to Settings – About. Reset your phone then.
hi jayce, i idid what you sugeest but it still the same. thinking about just restoring the stock ROM. will i be able to just install the stock ROM? cause i read that when you install the 7004 it will lock the SD card.
Yes, unlock your SD card first. Then install stock Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM.
runing it?? in GSM/EDGE network
please say me
Hi mahbub, I don’t get you. What is your issue?
i have a htc hd2. recently i unlocked gsm network in asia (bangladesh). can i install wm7 in this network? and how?
Yes, it should be. Please refer to the installation guide in the post. And more information at XDA website.
Heyya Boss..Asking..Is This windows 7 can also dual boot with any android?
No, it only support MAGLDR SD Android.
hey i just had android 4.0.3 then i want to wp7 7004 nd i just put 8773 tango everythings fine except for one issue that the volume is very low….speacially while on a call…the 7004 build volume is fine…any idea where i can get a tweak for this?
Sorry Meekhail, I have no idea. Please consult others at XDA website.
so there isn’t any chance for us because you won’t update hd2 page because it is not with you any more.
I am sick and tired of using WM6.5, a lot of newest apps not supported anymore but I love so much my HD2. I don’t want to let it go as my previous phone. I m also sick and tired of trying to install WP7 to my HD2, either I m dumb or not technical enough. Can you please share with me who can do this (upgrade to WP7 to my HD2) near Klang Valley? I don’t mind paying. Thanks.
I managed to install wp7.5 in my hd2. but it becomes no better than nokia 3100 old phone. can only call, sms, and can only view internet. cannot get market place, cannot view whats inside, cannot add apps…
The phone said I need to activate, but when I do that, it said we cannot actiate your phone. I would say it is very fine with wp7 platform. Just activation issue.
Then I reinstall wm6.5 back. unfortunately the RAM is so low because the magldr is there.
does anyone have a problem with login to windows live in HTCHD2 Tangorom ? because i do.
if anyone have solution to that
i can help you..just email me..sure i can help because i;m crazy in rom changer for my hd2
Dear Rashid, can you please email me at I cannot find your email. Thanks in advance.
just email to i can help you to get the activation code for your hd2
emailed already.
I too need the activation code for my HD2 or is it HD7 now ? Recently upgraded the ROM to 7.5 (OS 7.10.8779.8).
Really need the Marketplace activation code to download apps.
Thank you so much for your post. I got it 100% worked and without ANY issues, none at all, just the battery drawning, which is normal for a smartphone as strong as HD2 (it took 2 hours to drain from 60% to 0, with screen activated 100% of the time and surfing on the internet, marketplace, taking photos, LED operation, etc.)
For people who can’t get activation code, just start an on-line chat with Microsoft US support and explain that your “HD7” has been hard reseted and it asked for activation code. They’ll only ask for your cell number and give the code.
Thank you so much!
hi jayce, now there are many new news for our lovely hTc HD2!
such as sense 4 and new android 4.1 jelly bean ported on hd2!
heeeyyyy jayce don’t leave HD2 away !
how can i boost the sound? …. in-call volume …speaker?
can anyone help me with an activation code ? don’t have xbox live in romania
Hi Patrick, please call Microsoft to get it.
How do i increase the in call volume, its set to max (10) but is still too quiet?
I have Changed the reg key : HKCU/ControlPanel/Volume/MaxinCallUIVolume from 10 to 15, but It doesnt work…it just makes the increments smaller, but the max output is still the same. I went as high as 30 and its exactly the same. Can you help me please?
Sorry Costas, no idea on this too. Please consult ROM chef.
havin’ the same problem…back on mango for now…hope to a new improved tango version
dude is there a way to increase the volume. cause i call people i can barely hear what there saying plus am missing alot of call cause the volume so low ,man. please help dude
Sorry keno, no idea about this.
This is for Errol you should reinstall wp7 7004 ,then look for storage unlock on google and install it via cab installer, which u can also find on Google. when its installed use it to unlock ur memory card. Then install easeus partition manager on ur computer . take of ur phone put ur memory card into ur card reader. if u dont have one put into another phone connect it to ur pc, start Easeus Partition Manger ,reformat ur memory card. Then install reinstall Tango . P.S Try installing a wp 6.5 original firware (RUU LEO 1 5 TMOUS )first let it run ,restart ur phone install Magloader then tango… everthing should work fine..
hi jayce
which is the best Androi or windows for htc hd2
Get the latest build from XDA website.
Hi, Jayce… I also want to install WP7 Mango on my HTC HD2. I have downloaded all needed files but when i tried to press and hold down the volume down button and powered it on to start, it just opened normally, it didn’t load into “red, green, blue and white” screen bootloader. Is there any other way to start the installation? Your reply is highly appreciated.
No Marie, that’s the only way.
Hi Jayce, i install wp7 successfully, but my phone don’t charging, please help me
Hmm… Try to reboot see.
I want to update to WP7, does this update work,like can i be able to use the phone everyday, im posting from zambia, and there is no microsoft here, how else can i get the activation code/
No idea about daily usage because I don’t use WP7. Try to get it from other region of Microsoft.
i mean the same mod for hd2
What mod?
the one posted on this website for hd2
Err…I still don’t know which one.
Heyy i booted my htc hd2 to windows 7.5 using the rom you gave… i hv dis problen that my battery only charges upto 85%.. The chrge doesnt increase after that even if kept pulged for hours..
Please give me a solution for this..
Thank you
Sorry Anil, I have no idea on this issue. Please consult others at XDA website.
Hey..Thanks for the whole tutorial! installed perfectly but the video camera is really dim! any suggestion?
Hi Hamza, please consult ROM chef on video camera issue.
Sorry confusion was asking about the mango! and also the STK activation
Thanks again for providing the information. I have a problem now with the HTC HD2 WP7 constantly freezing, and restarting. Reformatted the SD card but to no avail. Any suggestions? Take care.
Try factory reset it see.
Now can’t power on, when going to power on its display still with showing `samsung gravity smart’
how i can properly use my phone please help me.
Hi Mahbub, what had you done until face this issue?
when i going to unlock and i done this unlock currectly done, then i face this issue.
Sorry Mahbub, I have no idea on unlock stuff.
i have htc hd2.
I tried android 4.0.4, windows 7 & windows 7.8 of Nokia Lumia. In all the platforms i have same problem my phone got hanged many times after keeping it switched off for half an hour it started normally.
Can you please suggest me a better rom of windows 8 and of android also
Hi VICKY, you can try this Android ROM. No idea about Windows ROM.
CWM recovery didn’t come and it’s hanged again and again
Can’t load CWM?
Yes CWM can’t load.
Install CWM again then.
same problem again random reboots and hang
Hmm… Try to reinstall MAGLDR. Then install CWM again.
Is it due to sd card or not?
I dont’ think so because CWM is installed on NAND memory.
Now what should i do?
i tried all the things but the problem remains same
Try to reinstall MAGLDR. Then install CWM again.
Now i installed winndows 7.8 and sometimes facing random reboots.
If i change the version of HSPL the it will work or not.
Current version of hspl is 2.08
What will work?
if i change the version of radio then this problem will occur or not.
Sometime my phone vibrate 7 times while startup
No idea, I did not use WP7 much. And I always use radio 2.15 on Android and WP7. Didn’t change to other radio version.
I am trying to install the rom you told me earlier but it got hanged and phone vibrates 7 times continuously at startup. Please help me i am in trouble with phone.
Hi VICKY, did you install the correct CWM layout size?
What is the size of CWM layout?
Please get it from XDA Forum.
When i install wp 7.8 random reboots were there
Sorry, no idea on WP7 random reboot issue. Please consult ROM chef.
i download the rom which is given on the top of this page & the reboot problem i am facing in android.
Could you please send me the link of the website beause i can’t find it.
The XDA link is the above link that I gave you.
hey i’m using htc hd2 for windows 6.5, i long press to power key but phone in not boot…..why…plz idea me
Hi niks, is your battery still okay?
hii jayce…my battory is ok…how to reason for booting..?
Sorry niks, I have no idea why it does not power on then.