SiyahKernel is well known during Samsung Galaxy S II era. And XDA Developer, gokhanmoral makes SiyahKernel available for Samsung Galaxy S III too. The best part of SiyahKernel for Samsung Galaxy S3 ~ it supports Samsung and CM9 / AOSP / AOKP with a single kernel image. Of course, SiyahKernel has lot of other goodies like CPU overclocking, undervolting, auto-root, automatic EFS Backup…

SiyahKernel Features
- Supports both Samsung and CM9/AOSP/AOKP with a single kernel image
- CPU over/underclock: 100-1800MHz 18-steps
- CPU underclock (600mV-1500mV). vdd_levels and UV_mV interfaces.
- Insecure adb even though we have
- optional smooth_scaling for those who wants to limit fast scaling of governors (such as ondemand)
- triangle-away app support
- added hotplug governor and modified it to support quad-core
- Auto-root. You can also remove root via ExTweaks app and install it without rebooting your phone again. Auto-root can be disabled as well.
- You can completely disable android logger using ExTweaks app
- Adjustable charging speeds for AC and USB
- Cpu governor optimizations
- governor-aware stand-hotplug for old conventional governors
- Available CPU Governors: Pegasusq (default), Hotplug
- CIFS as module
- Available I/O schedulers: CFQ(default), noop, Deadline, SIO, V(R)
- init.d support
- ARM topology support (SCHED_MC)
- default idle mode is IDLE+LPA (highly recommended). however you can change the default to AFTR+LPA using ExTweaks.
- Automatic EFS Backup
- Samsung proprietary ExFat modules are loaded
- Lots of I/O tweaks and file system optimizations via some parts of thunderbolt scripts.
- NTFS automounting for USB sticks. When you plug in an NTFS formatted USB flash it will be automatically mounted to /mnt/ntfs folder.
- Almost everything is configurable such as scheduler features, hotplug thresholds, GPU voltages, arm topology modes… and they are configurable via simple and free ExTweaks App from Google Play
- mDNIe negative effect toggle with home button (press it four times).
- sound boosting for great headphone experience (partial-port of wm8994 based implementation from project-voodoo since our wm1811 is mostly register compatible and almost the same)
Installation guide ~ How to install custom kernel on Samsung Galaxy S3?
Download SiyahKernel for Samsung Galaxy S3 here.