Long live HTC HD2. Yeah, the most development friendly smartphone on earth just won’t die. ROM chefs are still working hard to get the latest and greatest Android on HTC HD2. So you can enjoy Android 4.2 Jelly Bean CyanogenMod 10.1 ROM on HTC HD2. It is still in alpha stage (do expect bugs, not working features and slowness). But you can give it a try if you want…

As usual, I did not try this Android 4.2 Jelly Bean CyanogenMod 10.1 ROM for HTC HD2 myself. HTC HD2 is long gone from me. But it is working great on my brother-in-law’s hands. Not running Jelly Bean of course but the stable Ice Cream Sandwich.
Download Android 4.2 Jelly Bean CyanogenMod 10.1 ROM for HTC HD2 here.
hi jayce!
i’ve installed 4.1 cm10 on my htc hd2. everything appears to be perfect except one issue. my droidvpn isn’t working which was nicely working on previously installed ics. an error message appears which states that this handset is not rooted? do you have solution for this. would appreciate your help greatly.
Hi sayem, do you still have root access in the latest Android ROM?
hi jayce
how to increase rom memory
can i install android 4.1.1 on my htc hd2?
Hi kartavya,
you can try Link2SD.
hi Jayce!
I’ve solved the issue. initially the rom’s superuser didn’t give root access. later the shef has given updated superuser. its working now. thanks.
do it fastttt.tnxxxx.im waiting for 4.2 for HD2
Hi Jayce!
superuser is not working on HD2 i have installed NexusHD2-JellyBean-4.1.2-CM10 V1.3a [NativeSD] i really need it because i want to size up my internal memory
Hi Barzani, please consult ROM chef on this issue.
Hi Jayce!
First happy new year to you and thanks for your reply
Second i have re installed it using native SD way and every thing looks perfect
Can you tell me what the difference between NAND with DataOnEXT installation and NativeSD Installation and which one has fast performance
Happy new year, Barzani.
NAND with DataOnEXT is faster as system is stored at internal NAND memory.
Can please make a video about how to install NexusHD2-JellyBean-4.1.2-CM10 V1.3a using NAND with DataOnEXT i tried so many times but it’s not working i’ll be very thankful if you will do
Barzani, the installation process should be like this.
After i repartitions my SD I’ll choose this steps please check it and tell me if there is any wrong
1-Services>Boot sitting>AD SD Direction>EXT
2-AD SD Boot>install zip from SD card>Choose rom>i’ll choose NAND with DataOnEXT in the installation>after it’s finish i’ll reboot>hold shutdown >
3-Services>boot sitting>AD SD Direction>(should i choose this???)NATIVE SD >(Should i choose this???) Boot AD SD
Should be NAND.
in which section should be NAND here or here
3-Services>boot sitting>AD SD Direction>(should i choose this???)NATIVE SD >(Should i choose this???) Boot AD SD
I really appreciate your replay
That’s mean it should install it like Native SD however at the last step i’ll Choose Boot and NAND instead of Boot AD SD right??
No idea about Native SD.
in my phone MAGLDR when i go to option 8 recovery it say no but score ???? i saw in your video you have cwm how i can add cwm in option 8 recovery in MAGLDR
Install CWM just like the guide.
Please refer to the installation guide that I sent you.
How to install Radio on HTC HD2 i have installed NexusHD2-JellyBean-4.1.2-CM10 V1.3a but it’s coming without Radio
Hey can you tell me what is the most stable rom for htc hd 2 .and please mention a link to download the rom please .thanks a lot
Hi BOT, you can try this.
Thanks a lot !
hey,can you give me the link to download CWM V1.4 # ( because we need to use 165MB CWM partition layout size for V1.4 )
Hi BOT, please refer to CWM installation guide.
error ocurred during installation fom sdcard
installation aborted
plz help
Hi Inderjeet, are you using the correct CWM layout size? And is the Android ROM zip file okay?
hello there, i would like use android system on my new phone HTC HD2, can you help me please.. can you give me a recommend.. which one its better and stable. with no issues..thanks
Hi Arnold, you can try this.
I commented after my experience with this software… thanks jayce Ooi,
hi jayce i would to ask i already hav clock recovery 200 mb how do i change toSystem partition size 275?
and also clk how to use resize to 275 also?
Install new 275MB CWM layout size. No idea about CLK as I did not try it before.
misc ya 1M
recovery rrecov|ro|nospr filesize recovery-raw.img
boot yboot|ro 5M
system ya 250M
cache ya 5M
userdata ya|asize|hr allsize
3 values which are boot, system and cache
SO CAN I JUST RETYPING system ya 250M TO 275M?
Changed it then install.
ok thx u so much .. u hav teach me start from zero till know how to do it .tqtq so much~!!
Hi Jayce . I’m new with THC phones and HD2 also
i just wana now what is the perfect android for HD2(specialy look and battery life)
and if I can keep windows on My HTC
And who is better : installing Android on Phone mamory Or SD
Thanks so so so…………….Much
and sorry for those long questions ^^’
Hi DJ, you can try NexusHD2 Android.
I did not use HD2 for quite some time, not sure SD or NAND build is better now. Try it yourself to find out.
OK Thanks bro for your “speedy reply”
I will try this Thanks
But can you give me The link plz + the video
thank you
This one – https://www.jayceooi.com/2012/02/21/download-install-nexushd2-android-4-0-3-ics-cm9-rom-for-htc-hd2/
Hi Jayce
Can you tell what is the most stable jelly bean ROM for HTC HD2
Hi Barzani, I did not use HTC HD2 for long long time. Lot of new Android ROMs come out. Not sure which one is the best right now. But you can try this one.
I have the native SD 4.1 jelly everything work on hd2. But the WiFi seems having trouble connecting.
Hi walter, please consult ROM chef on this issue.
Where do I find ROM chef ?
Thank you
The place that you downloaded the ROM.
Hi Jayce,
do you have any idea to disable the navigation bar which locate at the bottom of the screen.
i tried the ICS 4.0.4, it having some issue with Papago M9 due to the resolution.
default is 480×800, but after the navigation bar then the resolution become 480×758.
pls advise, thanks in advance.
Hi Sim, you need to find a way to remove that soft buttons on that ROM. Else try other ROM.
Dude, i am a huge fan of yours. To be honest, you’ve made me alot of money in the past from all of your information and mods for the best phone in the world….the hd2.!!
I just wanted to share this piece of info with everyone. After i installed this mod, i was worried about 2 things ..the sd card if it was removed.., and if the program would stay if i switched the sd card for another. I tried it and it booted up without the orig i installed with , i even put a diffrent 16gb card to keep my music and pics.. it works great and actualy,,it runs faster without the orig in there.
please email me with the newist stuff for hd2. I try everyone of them and i actualy like this one. its almost a perfect match to my tmobile springboard.. laterz!!
Hi Jayce., I have an HTC HD2 phone running on cm10. My problem is the network(radio) is always grey instead of the blue. Pls help me to correct this problem. Thanks in advance.
Hi Daniel, I have no idea on this grey and blue. Can you explain what does they mean?
The network signal on my phone is grey instead of blue signal. Because of the grey signal background apps like messenger like facebook, whatsapp don’t work. Pls help.
Sorry Daniel, I still have no info. Do you mean that 3G data connection not working at all?
Talking about the 3G symbol and the four signal strength bars on the status bar at top, mine is always grey instead of blue. What can I do to change it to blue. Pls help.
Please consult CM10 developers in this case.
hello, Jayce… i appreciate your patience in helping others about installations, etc… can i just ask what is the most stable android version for htc hd2? and where can i download it… thanks in advance
Hi Marie, you can try this version.