Official HTC HD2 ROM Version 3.14 Upgrade has yet come to HTC SEA. But I don’t care much as I am using custom Windows Mobile ROM ~ Cookie Energy ROM nowadays. And playing with Android builds most of the time. However, some of you might want to check out the latest HTC HD2 ROM if you are one of them who did not flash hardSPL yet. There are several HTC HD2 3.14 builds like Norway: 3.14.409.2, Spain: 3.14.412.2, Portugal: 3.14.410.2, France: 3.14.406.2, Sweden: 3.14.413.2, English: 3.14.405.2, Hong Kong:3.14.831.3… Note – This update is not intended for use on T-Mobile(US) HTC HD2.
HTC HD2 ROM Version 3.14 Improved Functions:
- This upgrade for HTC HD2 includes all previously released updates.
- For the Contacts application allowing for faster searching and locating contacts.
- Enhanced handling for CPU processing that will quicken the background processes allowing for an overall improved experience.
Download official HTC HD2 ROM ROM Version 3.14 Upgrade at HTC Europe, Hong Kong and SEA.
More ROM can be found at xda-developers (direct download link, no serial number needed).
- World Wide English (WWE) 3.14.405.2
- Denmark: (DAN) 3.14.403.2
- Sweden: (SVE) 3.14.413.2
- Norway: (NOR) 3.14.409.2
- France: (FRA) 3.14.406.2
- Spain: (SPA) 3.14.412.2
- Italy: (ITA) 3.14.408.2
- Portugal: (PTG) 3.14.410.2
- Greek: (ELL) 3.14.482.2
- Germany: (GER) 3.14.407.2
- Netherlands: (NLD) 3.14.404.2
- Turkey: (TUR) 3.14.468.2
- East Europe: (WWE_EastEurope) 3.14.479.2
- Hong Kong: (HKSCL_WWE) 3.14.831.3
- Russian: (RUS) 3.14.411.2
- Chinese: (HKCSL_CHT) 3.14.832.3
Again ~ This update is not intended for use on T-Mobile(US) HTC HD2.
Hi Jayce,
wanna ask, if my HD2 already do hardSPL flash, mean i cannot using this offical ROM?
please advice….
Sorry, no idea. I am still waiting for SEA version. But no harm to give it a try if you want. Worst case, you need to re-install HardSPL (if official ROM overwrite it).
hi jayce, have you tried the 3.14 SEA ROM? it’s out already…
Nope… Downloaded but no time to try it yet.
I tried to upgreat my hd2 with the leatest rom version. It shoes the four colours csreen from last four hours and says
pb81100 hx-bc
SPL – 1.66.0000 xe
MicroP(LED) 0x05
MicroP(TOUCH) 0x50
and doesnt let any key work. I have pluigged it with the charger but it doesnt show the battry baar. so I dont now if the battry is charged . Please help me about this.
How did you update HTC HD2 ROM?
i have my htc hd2 windows 5.2 i want to install jelly bean on my device plz help me
Hi fraz, please refer to this guide.
Any news on Window 7 upgrade for HD2?
Windows Phone 7? China XDA developer got it running on HTC HD2 already. Waiting for it to be released.
I am running the same NRG rom as you and loving it. I need to access a WPA-Enterprise, TKIP & PEAP wireless network. Out of the box I had to change the registry setting below. It doesn’t seem to be available in the NRG rom. Am I missing something?
Figured it out. Add reg setting. then use WPA, TKIP and Peap. “WPA-enterprise” showed up as a setting when I was using the out-of-the-box ROM.
hi jayce
i am using miri rom and running android 2.2 froyo
is cookie energy rom is also compatible with this android?
i have red a thread before that it is a pre req to flash the rom before running android, and the suggested rom was miri.
Please enlighten me. thanks much!
HTC HD2 ROM Version 3.14 is Windows Mobile ROM. Not Android.
hi Jayce
when ever i try to download the upgrade the HTC HD2 ROM version 3.14 a message says (sorry, this software download is not suitable for your device). your advice plz
Visit your country HTC website to download it. Else install custom ROM.
Dear Jayce,
Need your opinion for upgrading my HD2 ROM.. direct download from are unable to indentify my serial number HT05RNW02432.
Browsing through xda-developer but still unable to find match for similiar serial number as mine.
Please help and your expertise in this matter much needed.
Why do you want to upgrade Windows Mobile ROM? To install Android?
os version 5.2.21869(21869.50.0.82)
manila version 1.0.19211620.0
rom version 1.72.831.1(82124) wwe
rom date 03/01/10
radio version
protocol version
hope the above information is useful
wanted to have the latest rom and i have space problem with my HD2, being promted device memory full.. have tried to install clean ram but not sucessfull, same goes with google maps.. most of the wm6.5 app are unable to install..
I see. You need to download it from HTC website based on the region that you bought your HD2.
Note – This update is not intended for use on T-Mobile(US) HTC HD2.??????
will i be able to use this rom?
Are you using T-Mobile(US) HTC HD2? If yes, then you cannot use it. Please download it from T-Mobile (US) website.
jayce,need ur help here…i just used WM6.5.3 & Android for a few weeks..but sumthin happen last nite..
my phone screen freeze,cant touch anythin(not work),only the button function..
do u hav any idea how to solve my prob?
i already tried Soft Reset,Hard Reset,Reinstalling WM 3.14 ROM,Downgrade to WM 1.66 ROM (using usb sync WINDOWs MOBILE DEVICE CENTRE) ,still da same.
realy worried now coz i hav no idea..=((..
pls help me jayce..thx alot
Suspect touchscreen hardware issue since you have same symptom even on Windows Mobile. Try to ask HTC Support see.
Hallo, when I Download official HTC HD2 v3.14 ROM, I obtain an RUU_LEO_…. .exe file, how can I transform this in ‘RUU_signed.nbh’ to put it on SD
Follow this guide –
do you need hspl or other custom ruu to run sd android nand android or if you have this update?
No for SD card Android. Yes, for NAND Android.
why is this for the t-mobile htc hd2?
not for the t-mobile htc hd2?*
What do you want to do with ROM v3.14?
I have recently bought a HTC HD2 T-Mobile UNLOCKED from the USA, I am in Argentina. I want to upgrade the ROM version because:
ROM version: 2.13.531.1
Manila version: 2.5.2012412.2
I want to upgrade it to 3.14.412.2 but the problem is that when I put my serial number in the official HTC website, it says Invalidad number…….
What should I do? PLEASE I NEED HELP! :S
Please download it at T-Mobile website. Not HTC.
Can i run android without upgrading the rom?
Which ROM are you using now?
Jayce…i follwed all the steps and managed to do it.Blutooth/Wifi/sounds/ all perfect!!
Took me a long times bcuz of some problems. Upgrading Rom only worked after several times..kept showing error240 error180 etc.. Instaling aMAGLDR also wasnt smooth.
Finally i could run NAND only after i unchecked ‘allow usb’ in activesync. i almost gave up.
Thank goodness i didnt… THANKS ALOT BUDDY..Appreciate your patience in answering all these questions..
Glad to know that.
is itpossible to install windows phone 7 rom on garmin asus m10
Sorry, no idea about that.
hi jayce.. i just wanna know if you have the new updates for the htc hd2 tmobile US.. coz i want to change my windows to android.. hope u can help me.. thank you so much
Try this –
thank you.. so this link would lead me to uprade my htc hd2 to 3.14?
jayce.. hi.. i opened the link you gave me but it only says that it only designed to update the software version from 2.10.531.1 to 2.13.531.1… and my phone is already 2.13.531.1.. can i change this to android now or do i have to update something? hope you can help me.. thanks
Hmm… I can see T-Mobile HD2 MR Software (Version 3.14.531.1) is there. If you still cannot find it, please contact T-Mobile Support.
thanks jayce.. got my phone to updated to 3.14.. now im gonna try to make it to android.. ^_^
thanks2x… ill try it..
plz can u send to me the file for upgrad the rom to 3.14 plzzzzz to my email
Please download at official HTC website at link above. Note – Install the wrong ROM will brick your HTC HD2.
i have Rom v3.14(WWE) but SPL is 2.08, can the 2.3 gingerbread work on my HTC HD2?
ROM v3.14 should have SPL-3.03.0000. Are you using SPL-2.08.HSPL? If yes, your phone should be able to run any Android ROM out there.
OS VERSION 5.2.29007
MANILA VER 2.5.2019
Sorry, I am not sure about unlock part as my phone is factory unlocked version. If the freezing is not caused by hardware, install latest Android ROM should solve it.
ok ! but i have an htc hd2 T-mobile will this work? how can i install android with T-mobile ?
This 3.14 ROM is not for T-Mobile HD2. You need to download yours from T-Mobile website.
hey jayce, pls i have a problem. my brother from Germany gave me a HTC HD2 phone, but my problem is that it is in German language and i cant understand anything in it. pls how an i change the language to English? i have tried to download a new version of ROM from htc official web site but when i enter my serial number, it wil bring out a download link of another German version. pls help me wht do i do to enjoy this phone. i need the English ROM badly. thanks.
Hmm… I almost forgot about Windows Mobile as I am using Android right now. You can try to change language in the settings (not sure got or not).
Else install HSPL. Then install custom ROM.
thanks for ur reply, i will try it to see if it works. i’ll be glad if it does work.
hi i need to last version hTC hd2
Hi. I got HTC HD2. Want to run android on it from SD, but read that it can’t be done on ROM-v.3.14. Is it possible to get around this? I also read somewhere that I need to run HSPL4 and install HSPL 2.08 when SPL is 3.03.0000?
Yes, SD card Android is working on 3.14 ROM.
Hey. I did as the link shows yesterday, and everything was smooth. Used win and android back and forth, no problems there.But today after installing some apps from android market, it couldn’t run clrcad or haret file like yesterday. The message I get when trying is: can’t open file clrcad/haret.It’s not signed with clairefied sertificat… What can I do to get android working again?
Try to enable ‘Allow install and run unsigned applications’ in BsB Tweak –
Hey,i am having problem in downloading HTC HD2 ROM ROM Version 3.14 Upgrade at HTC SEA,this ROM is not downloading completely, however my hd2 is showing UPGRADE ROM CODE ERROR PLEASE TRY AGAIN.

can anyone tells me what to do because my HD2 is become useless.
Sorry, I don’t get you. Do you mean that you have problem to download HTC HD2 ROM from HTC SEA website to your PC? And failed to update your phone with it?
yes i am having problem downloading this ROM on my PC,because the size of this ROM is 204 MB,& when i download this ROM it usually takes 4 to 5 mins & shows that the File is download,but when i open the download it gives error ;like RUU_Signed.nbh FILE IS BROKEN OR CORRUPTED.
Actually yesterday i had installed Windows Mobile 7 on my HTC HD2,but after using it for 15 mins i came to know that this is totally a bull’s shit.. now i am having problems in removing window mobile 7’s Rom from my htc hd2.
Try to download it again until it is okay with no issue. Else you can’t flash Windows Mobile with broken ROM.
i’ve done this for 1000 times…i cant understand what is the problem…..

Try to use other PC to download it.
Hey Jayce, My HTC HD2 is a not going past the “Stick Together” Screen, I am so frustrated.. Is it possible to remove the Windows Operating System completely??? I also want to install the most up to date Android Operating System on here… This phone has so much potential, I just want it to work! and T-mobile just wants send me another refurbished phone. PLEASE HELP!!!!
Yes, you can remove WinMo completely. Please refer to this link –
If I install WP7 rom on my T-Mobile US HD2 is it possible to install Official T-Mobile US rom again if something goes wrong? I have insurance on it and I like to be able to return to WM6.5 in case I have to use my insurance to replace it.
Is process same as other official roms or it is different for returning to WM6.5 ?
ello Jayce,
I can download offcial WM6.5 rom from T-Mobile website but if phone does have WP7 on it then what do I need to do to go back to WM6.5?
Plus any link to help with activating Live, XBOX and Marketplace on for WP7 on HD2 without chevron jailbreak?
And if not how and where to get the NODO version?
Any link to the best and latest WP7 that known working well and it is complete with instruction will be appriciated. Thanks!
I think so, based on Alan –
Process is the same.
No, you need to get activation code from Microsoft in order to use them.
please i want install andriod 2.2 froyo on htc hd2
please i need the setup show me how to dwonlaod the setup.
Download what setup?
update ROM failed
update terminate
can i know whats the prob here?
Are you using the correct WinMo ROM for your HD2?
Thanx u r doing a great job.please where or how can i install applications on my android?i use T-mobile do i go back to win6.5?thanx
Install apps from Android Market. Install back Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM to go back WinMo.
pls where can i get the rom since i use T-mobile.can u send me a link?
Try this see –
Hi there,
I read a lot of you articles, they are great, easy to read and understand.
however I have a problem here =l I downloaded the ROM but when I try to instal on my phone, I keep getting “ERROR [294] : INVALID VENDER ID” .. ?? =[
I wish I was smart enough to understand why I cant Instal the 3.14 ROM on my HTC HD2 T8585
You need to use the WinMo 3.14 ROM for your country. Download it from HTC website with your SN.
Thank you very much for your quick reply.
Yes I live in Australia but I just realized that I bought my phone from Malaysia.
Everything is ok now thank you =)
Hi Jayce, I’m running android 2.3.4 on my HD2. Problem is market keeps foreclosing
Please try other Android ROM.
when i try to install almost any software, theres always a problem, it says that there was an error i think i need to download the upgrade software program or something like that.. i did and the same window error appeared saying i need to check the usb cable, i did and its perfectly fine.. please help me!!
Any error message? This will help me to understand more.
I want to update my window7 on my htc hd2 but the S/N does not march with the software.Why?
I leave in Ghana I bought my phone in USA
Yours T-Mobile HD2? If so, download it from T-Mobile website.
When I enter the S/N it says the software does not march my device
Please consult T-Mobile Support then.
My rom version is
1.48 bow can I upgrade it
can u please send me the upgrade file please Thnx.
Sorry, I can’t help because mine is HTC HD2 from Malaysia (SEA). My ROM does not fit yours.
i live in uk and i have been looking over the htc website for my country update but it never came or may be i am not able to see it. this is some thing i found on xda developers and it says WWE, do you think i can updradge this one to my system.
Sorry, not sure. You can try it, it will fail if cannot install.
Hi when i copy the file on the sd card and try to boot up using the mthod specified. it asks for serial.
Please Help
Huh? What method?
I tried using the SD card it asks for serial.
When I do it using USB cable it says error 276
and now it is just a black white screen when I power it on
Are you using the correct region ROM for your phone?
I bought this phone from singapore. You suggest the ROM
Download from HTC SEA.
Hi Jayce
Downloaded from SEA and got the same errors 262 and 276
I have no further idea in this case. Please consult HTC Support. Sorry…
i tried updating my hd2 rom from 1.66 to 3.14 and when it starts updating download 1 % it stops and say invalid vendor id what does dat means
You are using the wrong region ROM for your HTC HD2.
ive got o.s ver. 5.2.21869(21869.5.0.82)manila ver.2.5.19211619.0 rom ver. 1.66.405.2 00(76641)wwe rom date 01/11/10 radio ver rom protocol ver ,i bought the phone on ebay its unlocked and i dont know da carrier
also i bought this phone in the uk
Consult HTC Support then in this case.
Dear Sir,
i purchase my htc hd 2 mobile from australia but now i am in india.
my rom version is 1.72.841.0(82124) WWE dated 2/23/10.
many times i try to upgrade the rom but i failed every time.
please tell me from where i can download the rom file (.exe).
please help
Thank you
@Chetan Patel
Here is where you can download all the official Roms
dear vikas
htc hd2 model is not available at your link.
is this possible to download from htc website.
please reply
Dear Chetan,
HTC HD2 is also known as LEO. Click on the link LEO and you will find all the ROMS there. I too have an HTC Leo.
Dear vikas
i am confused, there are too many links. which one is suitable for my htc hd2.
please keep in my mind that i purchased hd2 from australia and now i m in india.
please please
Is this possible to download from htc official website?
YOu have to download the ROM For Australia. The HTC Phones are country specific. I got this site from the service center. They were using it to download ROMS. I think Roms with the word “NLD” in them should work with your phone as the New-Zealand Roms are the same as Australian RoMS.
ok thanks i try your suggestions.
if we check the australian site it gives the option for rom download but problem is that my mobile rom vesion and rom’s version is same.
so download rom from is useless but version is same.
Dear vikas
i found one link which contain NLD word and rom version is higher than 1.72. is this link work ?
Link : HTC_HD2_RUU_Leo_S_HTC_NLD_3.14.404.2_Radio_15.42.50.11U_2.15.50.14_LEO_S_Ship.exe
i also check site but htc hd2 mobile is not launched in newzeland .
now what to do dear
Dear Chetan
This should work. Also try Jayce’s method of updating using SD card. That is better. Compy The NBH File onto the root directory of the SD card after renaming it as leoimg.nbh
Also make sure that the sd card it the one you were using in Your phone and has not been formatted on the computer
hello Jayce,
please can I use this ROM for my htc verizon phone. my phone is whitestoneW
I don’t think so, Benjamin. It is for HD2.
Dear sir
i download the rom form indian htc site but when i start updating it gives following error
when it starts updating download 1 % it stops and say invalid vendor id what does means
when i try to download from it says that your IMEI no is wrong
hey can somebody help me i m using htc hd2 in india i have upgraded my rom but i upgrade the wrong version now it is saying refiash the correct rom or get help from service centre is my phone is dead or it can be revert can u please help me
Install back the correct ROM for India.
hi.i need help i wreck htc hd 2. i erase windows and android .I don’t know how i can fix that….. plz help me.
What are you trying to do here?
Hey Jayce
I have htc hd2 trying to upgrade to 3.14 since the phone was brought from usa it is T-mobile and i have downloaded the ROM also . question is if i upgrade the rom is there any chance the phone will be locked and can’t be unlocked ….
just confusion to go to latest version
since i phone upgrade locked the phone
Sorry, I have no idea on the lock / unlock stuff as I don’t have T-Mobile HD2.
So basically i was downgrading windows7 to windows 6.5 using the rom … i downloaded the software of the htc hd2 and it was all gud until it reached 29% after that nothing happens….its stuck there…i cant even hard reset because i cant turn it off without taking out the battery….i tried the soft reset,the one where you hold vol up and press power, but nothing happen… is there anyway ican reset this to original rom … i dont mind if i lose the stuff…..
the screen i am stuck at has 4 colors(red,green,blue,and white in order lined up in horizontal lines and it has all the information on the screen and right at the end it says “upgrade rom code error” please try again…i have done the rom upgrade using the software many times and it still gets stuck at 29% …
Suspect that you are using the wrong region ROM for your phone. Try to use the correct ROM see.
Which Rom can be apropriate to hd2 Orange french?!!!! please help!!!
Please consult HTC Support if you are not sure.
hi jays i just want to ask i have an hd2 phone and im on android cm7 2.3.7 its running good but its on sd card only i still want to run it directly on the phone i try to upgrade the rom but not succesfull if i will use that cookie energy rom .. will it run android smooth .just give me a suggestion ,,, thnks
Hi rich, try this –
heyy jace i tried to install this ROM on my HTC hd2 telstra but no luck cant install it i hspled it then after the ROM got installed when i boot the device it says the os is not designed for this hardware please flash the current ROM code or contact the service center what can i do mate ? help me i want to install android on my hd2 help would be appreciatable:)
oops typo its not ‘current’ it will be ‘correct***”
Hi Hasib, you need the correct region ROM for your HD2.
Dear Madam,
I have HTC HD2 with andriod 2.3.7 version, i want to installed 4.0.1 on it. I request you to plesae know. it is possible ?
1. 4.0.1 is good as well as 2.3.7 ?
2. please sent link for download for 4.0.1 and all other supported files for download.
sir .. i have a problem in my htc hd2 t8585 .. i follow a tutorial how to make my htc to an android os .. but suddenly it frozen im stuck in white screen with green htc logo .. then i continue the procedure .. now when i open my htc im stuck in aMAGLDR and i cant press any botton so im stuck there.. all i can do is to go in the 4 colored screen.. and i try also to install android gingerbread but there is always an error it says
Error Description: USB init failed
Info: .\RSPL\RSPL.cpp (736)
Error Description: EnterBootloader missing
Info: .\RSPL\BootLoader.cpp (176)… can you help me??
or is there a way to uninstall all the rom that i installed?
Hi ray, please refer to these guides.
si jayce … thank you .. u save mi life
Hey plz help me i dnt know from what region my htc hd2 has been purchased and i m from india, kolkata.plz help me
Hi Ehtesham, please consult HTC Support then.
Hi I have T-Mobile HTC HD2, american and activated for using in Mexico day was traspasing a video and stock on pink screen “stick togheter”, it have SPL 2.10.0000, then a friend try to fix it but its worse because just show the “sofware update failed, plese try again” black screen, when i booted it shows HSPL 2.08, what can I do? (sorry for my english)
Hi zabx, what are you trying to do in the first place?
Hi, I want install again the SPL 2.10.0000 or a new one in there to use it like a new phone, I’m try an official T-Mobile ROM (3.14.531.1 I think) but it doesn’t work, try the HSPL4, but doesn’t work, try to charge it the Nandroid and I can’t, I don’t know what to do ’cause I believe I’ll follow the instructions carefully but nothing work, and I think if I send it to repair it will be expensive, thank you for the help and hope you can understanme well, later.
Hi zabx, you need to have the exact brand and region ROM for your HTC HD2. Are you using the correct one?
Dear Jayce,
I am using htc hd2 of Telstra(Outright purchase). which Rom version is 1.72.841.0. How can I update rom version to 3.14.xxxx or above & how to upgrade OS windows mobile 7 for hd2. Can I install World Wide English (WWE) 3.14.405.2 ROM for my Telstra hd2. Please advice.
Kind regards,
Monir Ahmed.
Sorry Monir, no idea about Telstra HD2. Please consult HTC Support.
Dear Jayce,
It’s O.K. about your reply for Telstra but can you help me how can I update the ROM for my htc & how can I install Android OS on SD card for dual boot.
As I said, I don’t have info on this Telstra model. Not sure it works the same as my HD2 or not…
Hi I have been given a HD2 from Germany and it is in German – can you help me in getting a ROM which I can install and change everything to english???
from a very frustrated english woman in Germany.x
Sorry Louise, you can’t install other region official ROM. But you can try to install English custom ROM.
I am having G-tide E9 dual sim android 2.3.5 phone, is it possible to upgrade android to a latest version? please help
Sorry Vinod, no idea on this model. Please consult G-tide Support.
hi Joyce
HTC HD2 T9193
Manila v2.5.20121431.1
OS v5.2.2.1859(21869,5082)
I was running android on the nand rom n it stack after i have run the MAGLDR v 1.1.1
just stack at HTC logo pls help me what can i do
Sorry fresh boyy, I don’t quite understand you. What had you installed so far?
hi jayce
I was trying to install android on my hd2 and it stack at htc logo
when i run the RUU exe in the MAGLDR v1.1.1 pls what can i do
moreover the phone is giving to me by a friend from australia
Hi fresh boyy, please refer to this guide.
Have a htc hd2, went through root process, magldr, radio, and my microsoft activesync stopped working on my pc, it let me start the windows 7 process but not finish and now i have deleted activesync and reinstalled and still the phone will not sync with activesync to finish the download. Any suggestions.
Sorry robert, what is your issue? Do you have issue with Windows Mobile ROM upgrade?
I have htc hd2 it has a logo of Tmobile and works on orange (Poland). I tried to update it to Android I uploaded a Magdlr 1.13v and my mobile start and vibrate 7 times and i cant see any menu from Magdlr.
If i am flashing it back I can only see white screen with htc logo and then it vibrate 7 time.
Can u please give a Rom for HTC HD2 Orange Poland. I tried many rom it stop at 8% or 9%.
I hope u can help me bro
Hi Rajv, please get it from Orange or HTC Support.
I wrote to HTC they told they cant help.
Sorry to hear that, Rajv. Don’t buy HTC phone next time. Try your luck at XDA Forum.
Quick question, but how did you get the link for the Gingerbread ROM?
Which Gingerbread ROM?
Any ROM i guess, my phone is a running on Windows 6.5 and its a huge pain, I cant download any apps with this phone and i want to Root my phone and make it use Android. But I have downloaded almost everything needed to start the process but I cant find the ROM file thats needed.
Hi Jane, you can try this ROM.
hi jayce , i have T mobile HTC HD2 bought on UK with and imei no 35412003431613101
i have os verison 5.2 , manila version 2.5.19 rom version 1.13.11..2 (70315) WWE
I tried to install android on it , went through various pages
i followed the above link to install ics on my phone, was able to update spl to 2.08 and further cant update my rom… Can you help me please.. and yes i also went through most of your pages reagarding updating rom in HTC hd2 cant resove the issue
will the phone brick if i used rom downlaoded from XDA developers ??
It was gifted me by my relative from UK !!
Hi sagar, please refer to this guide.
i tried restoring the stock rom but it said
upgrade rom code error please try again
PB81100 SS-BC
SPL-3.03.0000 XE
MicroP(LED) 0X05
MicroP(TOUCH) 0X50
Hi green, are you using the correct region ROM for your HTC HD2?
Hi Jayce,from lots of hours I’m trying to download official windows 6.5 but can’t getting correct link ,above link also not working.plz help
Hi razz, try to get it from HTC Support then.
i am using nexus hd2 jellybean but my mobile hanks after smtime so i want to install my factory windows so anybody can help me to download htc hd2original rom . thaNKS
Hi adhikari, can’t you find it at XDA Forum?
Hey there, i’m Chris. got an htc hd 2 windows mobile by orange France. so its having only french language. so i wanted to install android ginger bread. but the first step when i try to upgrade the rom with RUU_Leo_S_HTC_WWE_3.14.405.2_Radio_15.42.50.11U_2.15.50.14_LEO_S_Ship secon,when it reach the place where you see the progress on pc and on phone, i get and error message like this: The Rom Update Utility has encountered communication errors
during update process.The program will guide you step-by-step
to recover from the errors so you can continue with the update. and when i remove my battery and put it back, turn on the power, it starts normal. please i need to run android what should i do? help me please
best regards!
Hi Chris, you can try this.
Hi Jayce, thanks for the update! well, tried the nanandrod from the link you provided above, step by step, could not complete it. i started from the beginning by doing “How to Install HSPL4 on HTC HD2? (Video)” everything worked well, but when i reached “How to Install ClockworkMod Recovery v1.3 on HTC HD2, time to execute Daf.exe i get this error message. the first time i press its normal, when press next, i get this “Readme.txt for this release is missing” when i press next again, i got this”An error has occurred
Read below for more information
Error Description: Config load failed.
Info: .\RSPL\RSPL.cpp (725)
Error Description: CONFIG: can’t open config file
Info: .\RSPL\RSPL.cpp (304)
Readme.txt for this release is missing.” so what i did was i flashed it back with WWE LEO ROM now in English windows. but please i need to run Android help me out! God bless you.
best Regards
Did you see the Readme.txt file extract it?
please tell me where to get the read me file and how to extract it. is it copy and paste? please help me out thanks!
In How to Install ClockworkMod Recovery v1.3 on HTC HD2 guide.
hi Jayce
i want to hard reset my hd2 t8585 dual sim but if i try doing it by pressing volume up + volume down + power button it appears “ERROR COPYING FILE FROM SD CARD FAILED, SYSTEM WILL SHUT DOWN.
Sorry ansong, I have no idea on this model. Please consult HTC Support.
hey i have problem i whant to uninstall the NAND android but i dont know how to do it help please !!
Hi niki, please refer to this guide.
hi sir
pls provide me htc hd2 s/n :HT01JNW01859 CUSTOM ROM information link or any website..
htc care said me that it was released by virgin mobile uk
can you tell me which rom is suitalbe for it or i should try….
i have searched htc uk page supprt but rom is not avail there…
Hi SAPAN, you can get it from XDA Forum. Sorry, I have no idea which ROM suite you.