Download HTC HD2 Cookie Energy Windows Mobile 6.5.X custom ROM

Yeah… After using stock ROM for 8 months, I stated to use Windows Mobile 6.5.X custom ROM. Plan to use Android 2.2 Froyo on my HTC HD2. So flash HardSPL3 on HTC HD2. Then flash newer HTC HD2 Radio ROM with CustomRUU. No harm to try out custom Windows Mobile ROM since I have done every prerequisite. I look around lot of Windows Mobile 6.5.X custom ROM at xda-developers. And finally pick Cookie Energy ROM as my first Windows Mobile 6.5.X custom ROM to use.

Main screen

Cookie ‘Energy’ ROM Features

  • This is the best ROM version and the way Sense should have been designed by HTC
  • Offers the biggest customization ability out of all versions. You can add/remove bars or items, arranges items on the homescreen any way you like
  • Three built in lockscreens. “HD Mini” style, Manila style or Windows style
  • 3 pages of quicklinks with configurable amount of shortcuts displayed
  • 3 Homescreens to choose from, as seen in the above screenshots, all completely customizable !
Lock screen
Start screen
Action screen

Thanks to EnergyROM Chef, NRGZ28. He has done a great work on this ROM. I like it. Still spending time to explore the ROM. Lot of new stuffs added in compare to the stock ROM. By the way, be sure to backup your data first with PIM Backup v2.8 before flashing a new custom ROM. And follow the instructions carefully. πŸ˜‰

Download HTC HD2 Cookie Energy Windows Mobile 6.5.X custom ROM here.


  1. Hi Jayce,
    Can I know where did u get the kind of taskbar that u r having here with time showing beside the battery life? Can u give me the cab file?? Thanks!! πŸ™‚

  2. To many mirror link can be downloadable. im not sure which one should be download πŸ™ . Can kinda tell me which 1 is same as yours . Thank you

  3. hello, i flashed this rom to my hd2, now i want to format my SD card, but i can not find the option to do that in this rom the way i used to do it with the original shipped rom, i wish u can help me with that, thank you

  4. Hi Jayce,
    Knew that you are very expert on the HTC HD2, I recently got 1 HTC HD2 from US state, and currently I am back to Malaysia, do you know if can re install the ROM to get my phone able to read the chinese word?

  5. Hello jayce :),

    I got this custom rom on my phone currently and loving it πŸ™‚
    If i want to flash another custom rom then i will just simply download that and run customRUU in the folder? Tht will do it ryt?

  6. Hey bro,
    Can u tell me how to get the htc weather wallpaper on this ROM?
    This rom is great, I am sure the weather wallpaper will make it luk better but *sigh* cant find it! πŸ™


    Thankyz πŸ˜€

    • To enable weather animation ~ use Edit Quick Links – Insert new link – Select Toggle Switch – Pick Weather Toggle. You can on / off weather animation with it.

  7. Hey Jayce

    I Had installed Miri’s rom installed can Flash Cookie Energy rom also do I have to follow any procedure before doing this or I can flash directly using the CustomRUU tool…


  8. Hi Jayce
    Hi I have a problem. After I downloaded and ran the phone restarts it was all right but the next reboot The next day the phone froze at the beginning with a logo and he just does not continue. If you can advise me what I should do thx.this is my first phone with WM

  9. wat up jayce…if i flash energy on the hd2 then run my andriod would this prevent the robotic voicing during music playing (android mode)

  10. Does anyone know how to add a different program into the quick-links then the ones which are already there? I’d like to add a shortcut of my TomTom, but don’t find any way to do it.


  11. Hey

    I use this ROM but I have troubles getting Android to run. I formatted my card and when I start the boot loader for Android the white screen freezes with the led lit up.. Any suggestions? Im trying to run Mattc froyo 1.8 Android build

  12. Hi, Folks;

    It will be greatly appreciated, if some one help me find working 2-Way Call Recording apps for my HTC HD2. have ROM Ver. 2.13.531.1 (90963)WWE and OS ver. 5.2.21892 (21892.5.0.89).

    I have tried few apps ICR and Total Recall etc but doesn’t seem to work. I purchased this US ver set ONLY because I thought finding apps for Windows Mobile 6.5 would be easy. But am having real hard time.

  13. Hi Jayce
    Please assist me in flashing my HTC so that i can install custom ROMs. I have tried all available methods and guides but was not successful. My HTC has the following ROM:
    OS VErsion: 5.2.21913 (21913.5.0.94)
    Manila: 2.5.20181527.0
    ROM: 3.14.405.2 (04666) WWE

    When I try to flash it i receive below error:
    Critical Error
    Flow: 00000001
    Error Code: 00000002
    Description: USB connect failed

    My HSPL is: SPL-3.03.0000 XE


  14. Hi Jayce
    Please ignore my previous request as I have managed to update cooked ROM using SSPL method with guidance from XDA developers site.


  15. Hi jayce! I was about to install the energy rom but the file i was able to download was a .7z that correct? from what i read and saw from the videos at youtube, its supposed to be and .nbh file so it will work using the customruu..please enlighten me..thank you! πŸ™‚

  16. hi, i am use energy rom and flash Radio:
    install HardSPL3
    the phone runing window is work fine, but boot andriod 2.2 the camera is not 5.0 mxp look like 0.3 because quality is bad, also make phone call the sound come from speaker so fast
    please help

  17. Hi Jayce,

    1. Is it advisable to install custom winmo rom before installing android?
    2. when i use energy rom i can still use cookies home tab 2.0 right?
    3. Does installing new custom rom will delete all my installed apps even it was saved on SD card?

    Thank you so much! πŸ™‚

    • 1. Nope.
      2. Most Energy ROM comes along with CHT 2.0.
      3. No, data in SD card will stay there. But all the configuration and data in Windows Mobile will be gone.

  18. Hi Jayce,
    I need to keep wm 6.5 for QPPC (GPS), so I tried to download Energy Rom. Actually it is great. but I don’t know why it will freeze after couple days. I need to soft reset again and again. Any idea to fix it?

    • Hmm… No idea. It might be ROM bug itself. Or some applications that crash with ROM. Or other issues.
      You can try the stable version but it has lesser goodies.

  19. hey Jayce, Thanks alot for all the instructions. when I’m trying to flash HardSPL3 on my HD2 through the bootloader, it gives an error msg all the time (error code: 00000002, Description: USB Connect fail) though the phone is properly connected to my laptop, I’m not sure what is wrong, HELP Pleas.

    INFO: (ROM version 1.66.707.2, Radio version… Thanks

  20. hi jayce,
    i have installed energy rom and superam froyo on hd2, everything was great on android but when i switch to wondows everything was fine except mail for exchange does not work. and even succesfully setup the mail for exchange, error occured “error syncronizing….. any fix or better rom for energy rom?

  21. Jayce…..i have a huge problem and I’m afraid that i wasted my phone
    I have a HTC HD2 and the phone was restarting sometimes and i wanted to change to windows 7 but when i got to 5.USB FLASHER i pressed the call button (my phone is not T-Mobile) the phone asked me to plug in the USB…i plugged and the phone found the USB but the PC didn’t in the “DWI” file……what should i do? I can’t use my phone! I’m desperate! Please help me!

  22. Hi Jayce,
    my htc hd2 is running on android 2.2(installed it through MAGLDR 1.13) and i want to install wm 6.5 again so can u tel me where to download an official wm 6.5 rom for my leo htc hd2 and how to do it…?

  23. Hi Jayce !

    Always very interesting !

    I have an HD2 and have switched to a WM7 rom. It is quite impressive but I can not download apps despite carrying out the validation key procedure which has synced all my stuff to the phone.

    I am now thinking in terms of either going back to winmo 6.5 or trying an Android rom. I used to use the bluetooth file transfer facility and the wifi router on 6.5. Are these available on the Cookies rom?


  24. Dear Jayce:
    you are always been helpful to me. I have ROM version 3.14. and also have windows mobile central but when i try to flash Cokie Energy on my hd2 it says “The Update cannot get response from your PDA Phone. Please Check that your USB cradle/cable is connected properly between the PC and your PDA Phone. And also check your PDA Phone.

    If it is because of Rom vesion 3.14, please tell me how to downgrade it.



  25. Hy im from croatia the country next to italy,which cookie rom should i download i think my HD2 is Tmobile i dont know which one to download i have wp7 on hd2 and i want to remove it..

  26. So i can chose which one i want and just put on sd card like leoimg put hd2 in bootloader and just make update ,thank u u are very good man

    thanks for reply πŸ˜€

  27. then how to put custom rom i just want to move wp7 from my phone,please im desperate i will never put anithing to NAND on my phone πŸ™

  28. HI,

    One question. I install one of this Energy ROM but i have problems becasue HTC HD2 report low memory . And also i think is overheating problem. Do you have some solution?


  29. i jaycee i have a hd2 i wan win 6.5 and android can be switch on startup on my phone how to do it ?pls help me guide to do it tq πŸ™‚

  30. Hi Jayce Ooi ,

    Good job you are doing here. Please do keep it on.
    Please i need your help on the link to Download HTC HD2 Cookie Energy Windows Mobile 6.5.X custom ROM and how to install it on my HTC HD2 runing windows 7

    Thank you,




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