Lot and lot Android ROMs for Samsung Galaxy S II based on latest firmware XXKH3 are coming out. Here is another one ~ Exynos Extreme ROM for Samsung Galaxy S2. Exynos Extreme v5 is based on Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread and using SpeedMod K1-T23 Kernel. It is deodexed and zipaligned. Added AOSP 3D Launcher, advanced Power Menu, accelerated browser hardware, overscroll glow… Unuseful Samsung apps are removed.

Install Exynos v3.5 Base System first. Let it boot into Android. Then install Exynos v5.
Installation guide ~ How to install firmware on Samsung Galaxy S2 with ClockworkMod Recovery?
Download Exynos v3.5 Base System CWM ROM here.
Download Exynos v5 CWM ROM here.