Yeah… The highest replies thread (2,084 replies as at writing this post) in xda-developers HD2 Themes and Apps sub-forum ~ “Co0kie’s Home Tab – Extended QuickLinks, Appointments and More” released another version to v1.6 now. And its editor ~ CHTEditor also updated to v1.6.

New features in Co0kie’s Home Tab v1.6
- 3×3 layout added and 5×5 repositioned slightly
- reworked animations with 4 levels and an animation toolkit
- dynamic notifications – autohide call history and quick links
- up to 5 appointments in extended view, 2 in main view
- enabled swiping between tabs from home
- option to set the number of quick link pages
- option to hide shortcut text and text background
- option to hide page indicator
- weather animation on/off switch
- localization support
- setting for date, clock and weather buttons
- option to set a custom operator name
Besides these wonderful new features, it also fixed some bugs. And plan to do manila lock screen, clocks – different sizes, shapes and colors in future as another round of enhancements. Can’t wait for that. I am using the latest Co0kie’s Home Tab v1.6 and CHTEditor v1.6 now. How about you?
Download Co0kie’s Home Tab v1.6 here and CHTEditor v1.6 here.
Wow. The HTC display screen looks cool and unique. No wonder Apple file a suit :p
i tried to install Co0kie’s Home Tab v1.6 and CHTEditor v1.6 but it show error with the mesage : there is version mismatch with Cookie’s Home Tab V. Check the CHTEditor thread on xda-developers for the appropriate version. Somebody can help me to solve this? Thanks in advance.
my prob fixed..yeah
How did you fix it? I have the same problem. thx
Both Co0kie’s Home Tab and the editor have been updated this weekend just gone, and you can now save layouts as profiles and swap them on-the-fly! OFF THE WALL!!!!
1 layout for work, 1 for home and 1 for the girlfriend
hey guys i need some help i download the file extract it and when i extract it gots no icon just like a page with windows logo on it and then drag and drop it in my phone eject it try to install it and then it opens opera and the screan just stays white? what m i doing WRONG im sorry im new at this
Thanks! Works great in my HTC HD2 Leo with WM 6.5.
I can’t get it to work period. Lame. “there is a version mismatch with co0kie’s home tab v. check the CHTEditor thread on xda-developers for the appropriate version” Tried all their fixes.. Not fixed.. lame lame lame.
Try version 1.8.5 ~
Hello !! is Co0kie’s Home Tab aplicableon HTC HD2 W6.5 dual sim made in china? Thanks
Sorry, no idea. Try yourself and see…