Do you know what is fair usage policy?

Do you know what fair usage policy is? Fair usage policy is a new term to me. So what is fair usage policy anyway? It is a term used by TM Net Streamyx. Hehe… When you see TM Net or Streamyx, you can know that it is not a good stuff already. Yup. It is not a good stuff indeed for a Streamyx user like me who like to use P2P software to download stuffs. When I signed up for Streamyx unlimited plan, I should get unlimited data transfer, right? NO! With fair usage policy, user who uses P2P will have less connection speed. And the transfer rate will be low too.

I am using Streamyx 512kbps package. It is still RM66 for so many years. Thanks to Malaysia government for letting TM monopoly the Malaysia Internet market. If you compare to our neighbor broadband provider, SingTel. Their 10Mbps Unlimited package is only S$ 58 (RM 140) compare to Streamyx 4.0Mbps with RM 268. And all Streamyx packages come along with fair usage policy. Did SingTel have this kind of policy?

Why am I talking all about this? I am thinking to upgrade my current Streamyx 512kbps package to higher speed. However, after looking at the fair usage policy. I kill the plan to upgrade. What is the point to have Streamyx 4.0Mbps while you can only use it as 512kbps or even lower speed?

Do you know any broadband provider in Malaysia that has no fair usage policy?


  1. heheheh…. dude, i have complain to them until i fed up of complaining… wakakakakak….

    Anyway, let’s give our lovely government a hug and thanks for getting us into this situation… :p

  2. hey !!

    long time i did not come to comment here..
    btw fair usage policy applied to all those networking things..

    it is to protect their business maa…monopoly is the big big thing in malaysia..

    *i’m working at the paycomm rite moving to telco business as paycomm recently bought time reach sdn bhd who control over 30k public phones nationwide..

  3. Guess we have to stick with the sucker till there is another reliable and cheap ISP. Maxis and Celcom have come out with wireless package which suck as well

  4. I’m back here for a while..

    Even Maxis Broadband also has fair usage policy.. i heard the way to bypass the fair usage policy is to set your port to 80 for bittorent programs.

  5. @boon kheng: Hmm… I think every telco in Malaysia has fair usage policy. 🙁

    By the way, I have no problem using XunLei with Streamyx for the moment. Guess XunLei is able to by pass the Streamyx fair usage policy.

  6. All imposed fair usage policy! I think it is good to take care of everyone right!

    By the way, if you read through the fine print, it apply to downloading activity like peer to peer sharing, and not to other usage model. So, it still fair…. Since P2P sharing is illegal (in other viewpoint).

    Singapore ISP might not impose fair usage policy, but they could sue you for illegal copyrighted material sharing violation……. LP PL… haha..

  7. yeah man… i live in malaysia and i always go back to my family’s home at singapore.. the speed there is awesome… streamyx is just another minister’s jokes….

  8. well…the FUP thing was regulated by SKMM(Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia)…this was told to me by one of Celcom’s customer service rep…he said “kalau nak marah…marah sama SKMM”.

  9. how can we say sharing copyrighted material is illegal? it doesnt involve any profit vice versa…what if that material are scarce and so hard to find? it doesnt do justice to others who are really looking for this “rare” materials…unless if you want to download Justin Bieber’s song (ha ha)…that can be considered as stealing…


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