I love Co0kie’s Home Tab on my HTC HD2. And here come an add-on ~ Advanced Home Tab 2.0 for Co0kie’s Home Tab. The main feature is to show Outlook tasks on Manila home screen. It is very useful to check on the uncompleted tasks. I forget to bring up the to-do list sometimes. But with it, I don’t need worry about that anymore. Hehe… At the time of writing this, I realize that I forgot to send PhotoShop watermark to CW.

Advanced Home Tab 2.0 Features
- Manage your Outlook tasks on Manila home screen
o New Swipe-to-left / Swipe-to-right gesture to switch between appointments and tasks
o Scrollable task list (show nearly any number of task items)
o Due date is colored red when the task is overdue
o Complete your tasks using the checkboxes (with vibration feedback)
o Sort tasks by Status, Priority, Subject, Start Date or Due Date
o Filter completed tasks by age
o Automatic refresh on switch / on edit - Small flip clock
- Small weather animation
- More space for information due to new layout
- Co0kie’s call history fully supported (hidden, always, dynamic)
I missed the big clock and weather. Can’t wait for the next release of Advanced Home Tab which supports that. Oh well, I will sacrifice the big clock for the tasks for the moment. By the way, you need Co0kie’s Home Tab v1.6.1 and Co0kie’s Home Tab Editor v1.6.1 in order to use it.
Download Advanced Home Tab v2.0 here.