Clash of Clans’ loot suck! Yes, people are complaining about the shortage of gold, elixir and dark elixir nowadays including me. Supercell removed inactive bases once again. Therefore, there is less collector’s raid for us. And you need to raid hard for the storages. That requires expensive armies and spells. Oh well, what can we do? The easy way, stop playing Clash of Clans if the loot is too low for you. This solves everything, right? Not really. First of all, you need to be in the correct range to farm loot in Clash of Clans based on your town hall level. Higher trophy range has more dark elixir while lower has more gold and elixir.

Yes, by boosting the barrack with gems will help to bring more inactive bases with fully loaded gold and elixir collectors. Supercell needs to make money too since COC is a freemium game. Of course, you still need to click Next button for several times. But definitely better than no boosting at all. Just try it yourself to find out. Below are my raids during 2 hours boosting. By the way, I just boosted 1 barrack only.
So how is your loot lately?