Everyday is movie night! Said by my 5 years old. Yes, we watch TV series and movie every night at bedroom after I got myself a Cheerlux CL760 HD LCD Projector. And caused some delays on this review at well. Oh well, it is so entertaining. HD resolution is way better than my previous projector with WVGA (854 x 480). Crisper, clearer, brighter and most of all – bigger display size – up to 150″. Yes, just like watching movie at cinema but at your own comfort bed. Interested? Watch the video review then…
A great budget HD projector no doubt. Can be used standalone to play video, music, photo with USB flash drive. Or connect Android TV Box, PC, Laptop, smartphone and turn it into entertainment hub / game console with gamepad. For around $150, it is great bargain to own one. Sound great? Get your Cheerlux CL760 HD Projector at GearBest like I did.
I purchased the Cherlux CL760 and cannot get any files from a thumb drive to play — they all come up as “Unsupported File”. MP4, mpg, jpg — all of which the user manual says it supports. I will keep trying, but this is a huge problem.
Update – it may have been an issue with my thumb drive formatted in FAT instead of NTFS. I am checking now…
Still not getting the files to play… If anyone has ideas to fix this problem I would love to hear them.
Hmm… It’s not flash drive file format issue since CL760 can read your files. Maybe it’s your video files. Anyway, try to contact your seller for help see.