How to S-OFF HTC One (M8)?

Want to S-OFF HTC One (M8) and unlock its bootloader? Well, this is your lucky day. Your answer to question ~ How to S-OFF HTC One (M8)? has solution now. Firewater team managed to S-OFF the latest flapship from HTC. Malaysia does not even have the phone yet and it was S-OFF. Wow… This will make lot of HTC fans happy because they can enjoy root access, custom ROM and lot of unofficial modification without voiding warranty. Note – unlook HTC One (M8) bootloader will void warranty if done via official way through HTCDev. So far, AT&T and Sprint models are working fine with Firewater S-OFF method. Hopefully, international version and other variants will work too.

S-OFF HTC One (M8)

Install Android 4.4 KitKat on Samsung Galaxy S3 I9300

Samsung Galaxy S3 I9300 is not getting official Android 4.4 KitKat upgrade any time soon. Or maybe forever no as Samsung just cancelled its plan to do so. However, there is still hope to run KitKat on Galaxy S3 I9300. Yes, there is an unofficial Android 4.4.2 KitKat TouchWiz ROM for Galaxy S3. It is based on Galaxy Note 2 N7100. And still in Work-In-Progress status. So be sure to face lot of bugs flying around. Do try it only if you know what all is about…

Android 4.4.2 KitKat on Galaxy S3 I9300

How to disable Galaxy Note 3 camera shutter sound?

You can disable Samsung Galaxy Note 3 camera shutter sound by turn your phone into vibrate or silent mode. Yes, this method works again on Galaxy Note 3 Malaysia firmware unlike Galaxy Note 2 which requires root access method. However, it is not very user friendly to do so every time when you need to take photo. So Camera Mute application comes to rescue. Basically, it is a simple application to turn your phone into silent mode when stock camera is opened. And turn on sound back when stock camera is closed.

Camera Mute

How to root Android 4.3 on Nexus 4, 7 & 10?

Want to root the latest Android 4.3 Jelly Bean? Yes, I just rooted Google Nexus 7 using Chainfire SuperSU with CWM. It should work on Nexus 4 and 10 stock ROM since they are pretty much the same. Can it? Just try it to find out.

Root Android 4.3 with SuperSU

How to calibrate Galaxy S4 screen colour?

You can improve Samsung Galaxy S4 screen display colour with preset 5 screen modes – Adapt display, Dynamic, Standard, Professional photo and Movie. However, they may not suit you totally. Some colours might slightly go off a bit. No worry, there is a way to calibrate Galaxy S4 Super AMOLED screen. Control brightness, edge enhancement, chroma saturation and white colour balance. For example, if you feel that there is too much green colour, just reduce the green gain in STweaks application. Or increase red gain value to make red colour more. That’s it. You can have a perfect screen colour if you have calibrator to help you.



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